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How would MMJ work for Me?


I haven't seen a lot of discussion on how the medical marijuana laws work for the average person.. I've seen discussion about how it works for caregivers and dispensaries, but not how it would work for me personally.

What I'm wondering about, first off - is, once you get the card, what are you allowed to do? Can I grow, or do I have to get a caregiver? If I can grow, how many plants am I allowed? If I can't grow, what are my options?

Also, how hard is it to get the card? I know a ton of you are still waiting on your card, but is that because of high volume, or because they aren't approving applications? Anyone know?

Btw, I'm really sorry if this has already been covered - I looked but couldn't find it.. But of course, if you know where I can find it, it'd be awesome if you could redirect me!

:thank you:

P.S. Yep, I'm from TX. Might be in CO soon, though! :D


It doesn't! haha.

My husband and I want to move to Denver (he's Wreak) but we want to know a bit more about how it'll work for us before we decide for sure... :)


well hello there little bunny blaze how are you!

if you are moving to co i think i maybe able to help you! there are a bunch of freindly people here, and im sure more will chime in to help and correct me if i got any thing wrong! :)

basically go find a frendly doctorb (the b is for bargain!) he/she will recomend you a plant count the standerd is 6 plants for your self or your care giver can grow 6 plants.

the doctorbs are now also starting to recomend more plant counts for edible percriptions this is beneficial if you have lung problems, or dont like to smoke. i have seen up to 24 count

you can designate a dispensary or anyone as a caregiver, and expect to pay what it costs to grow plus there time and effort and the risk they are putting thems selfs in for you. the cost will come out to roughly the typical price or a little less than you pay now.

you can shop at or with any care giver or dispensary you would like to, with out changing caregivers. u can change your care giver at any time as long as you notify them and the state in writing. so allowing someone to grow for you, expect to recive some dicounted meds or some monthly freebies, as well as great service!

latley with the new bill i think you may need to find a primary care doc, that will write you a Rx. but im sure there are a few freindly phd's in the area that will help

expect to pay 150-200 for your fees to get liscenced.

for more info check out the hb1284 bill thread in this forum

and i"ll just go ahead and pre welcome you to colorado! its a great state to live in! i just got back from myhome state in NY on vacation, and i had such a big smile on my face comming back here.


Paint got most of it.
The 'card' takes time to get. I'm still waiting from last year.
Once you complete the paperwork though, that is official as far as dispensaries are concerned. I seem to remember reading that if you are not turned down in 30 days, you are 100% legal w/ paperwork. ( won't happen ATM, they can't open envelopes that fast. )
The black and white standard is 6 plants, 3 in flower, 2oz consumable/patient. Anything else is affirmative defense. (Good luck if a pissed off LEO happens to cross your path)
Caregivers can't 'co-op'. Whatever that means... If a married couple should both choose the caregiver profession.

Do yourself a favor, and at least read the bill. Get a lawyer if your doing anything not expressly written in the law. If you have children, see this: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=179784
Good luck!


If your not a caregiver and simply growing for yourself, 6 plants, you will be perfectly fine here in CO.

Im PM you a few Dr.'s to check out as soon as you get to 50 posts:D


Thank you guys so much! Colorado sounds great, and I can't wait to join you all there!

Cannagirl, that's awesome, I would really appreciate that! :tiphat:


Thanks HokuLoa! I had seen their website, but it was a TON to read! lol

Of course there are other reasons for moving, but mmj is definitely a big motivator!! :)