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  • As of today ICMag has his own Discord server. In this Discord server you can chat, talk with eachother, listen to music, share stories and pictures...and much more. Join now and let's grow together! Join ICMag Discord here! More details in this thread here: here.

Hi Everybody!


New member
Hey Folks,
I've been growing for a while now. I've experimented with a wide variety of styles and methods. I can't say I have a favorite, I have favorite right nows. lol Constantly learning, adapting and evolving in the industry, as it grows so do I. I left the Rec market in Califoria in 2019 and moved directly into the Oregon Rec market, I've been with the same team ever since. I'm the Cure Manage at our indoor facility.

Oh, and does anyone know how to add a profile picture? hahaha


Well-known member
Hello and welcome, friend. I love Oregon weed and the people who grow it. Were you in the area during the earthquake today?