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i have made a mix, with 50/50 canna coco and organic garden compost and have also added perlite to the mix?

What food?
What long justed water?
Will the compost breack down with the coco, to let the roots feed?
Puttin them in veag for a week, then into buddin

organic compost has in it a blend of composted bark and farmyard manure

Will this be o.k?

Thanks peeps


Hmm havent seen the mix of garden compost and Coco yet. Sounds like it would work though. I dont think the coco will break down at all. Its pretty much nothing. No nutrients, neutral Ph... It has a little bit of benificial bacteria in it I believe though. You might want to add some perlite or something to the mix to make sure its really well aerated. I heard that helps a lot with coco.

For nutes I would get some good organic complete nutrient like PureBlend, or fox farms, or something along those lines. Im experimenting with purblend soil... in soil though. Works well so far though I have heard people complain about the pH buffers in it.


yeah i would still add some perlite just to make sure the medium drains nice n good :joint:


cut the coco/compost mix 50/50 with perlite, and,

Make sure the stuff you bought (bagged compost) has a high N-P-K ratio, you want balanced, like 5-5-5 or 10-10-10 (same shit)

and let it sit a few weeks for best results, tilling and turning the mix every few days or whenever possible. Keep it watered/dryed out/watered/dryedout/water/dry etc etc etc, the ferts only activate and break down in the presence of water so if it just sits there dry it's useless.

if it's a good all around garden compost complete with all the primary and secondary elements pre-programmed in, then root-level or foliar feed just liquid karma or kelp (pH adjusted) and no additional fertilizers until the plants start asking for nitrogen or the onset of flower arrives (whichever comes first)
a tip for soil growing--- fertilize FIRST, then water in, but don't OVERwater.. in other words, break your feedings down into 2 parts, two sessions per feeding.. it takes some getting used to, and not possible in large commercial applications i'd imagine, but for the personal homegrower who loves his or her babies like children, it's great.

you may need calmag supplememnts depending on your water and mix
i will be trying gypsum and crushed oyster shell lime next time i do full-on soil indo.

you may foliar feed for best results as a buildup of nutrients in the soil is best avoided when possible, LQ can't hurt tho it actually makes for a nicer compost, faster. Improves soil "tilth"

good luck on everything and add mycorhizzae if you can. LOOK FOR FOX FARM DRY FERTILIZERS!!!!! THEY CONTAIN BENEFICIAL MICRO-ORGANISMS (Mycorhizzae) and all the back-up nutes you need for a successful grow beginning to end. If not, look for another mycorhizzae supplemnet such as advanced nutrients pirannha

hope this helps,

PS_ coco coir is a spagnum peat moss alternative, it's fine to use just remember it absorbs water rather than repelling it like peat, otherwise the propwerties are quite silmiliar as far as we're concerned. I like peat better :rasta:



Thanks for your help,i usually grow hydro but everythings in pots now.As their all at different stages i cant use a res,I definitly spend more time with them,seems like theres always something to do ph nutes etc.


Ill ask again, ive been feeding from the start organic nutes will hydro nutes do them any harm.......?


I think a most nutes are universal, can use em in either hydro, soil or any mix and I don't think using them on your plants that have been on organics would harm at all. Pure Blend Pro is a good example.

What nutes you want to use on them?
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contrary to popular belief there are "organic" hydro nutes out there such as fox farms, B.C. grow, Age Old, Bcuzz ( which are additives not primary nutes) and many others. I believe canna is also.

to answer ur question U should always try to stick with the same nutes. sometimes u have to take what u can get (like friends extras) the cheapest stuff etc. If u find urslf in ths situation remember less is more use half the recomended dosage.rinse with water with a Ph of 5.7-6.3 (varies with strain) feed once with nute solution, and then feed a few times with ph water. I would recomend feeding nute solution every three to four days in a fast draining medium such as coco fiber.

the closer you get to the consistancy of real soil the less u want to water. when plants reach their last few weeks they may require heavier watering (due to their thirst) the dampness of the soil will tell u when to water.

And yes u can use hydro nutes in soil just remember less is more.
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