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Hello from an organic soil user


Active member
Hello alll. I am a soil user and strict on organics. I have recently spoke with a friend who has jsut recently used DWC. She is in LOVE with it, great results, huge yield, and incredible ease of use. I was wondering if anyone would like to help me out and tell me what would be best for my grow. I have a 600w HPS and 2 75 watt Fluoros, The space is 4 feet wide 2 deep and about 8 high. So far im basically just using it for blooming and havent been able to decide if i want to have vegging in there as well, (trying to keep electricity usage down). So tell me, me what would be the best setup for DWC in my garden. Thanks. =-)

Peace, Love, and Jello

P.S. Im most likely going to block it off so the center of my grow room is all thats going to be used and most likely have storage on each side. So the room is more like 3 wide and 2 deep. forgot to say that =P... thanks again, much love


Cannabis Helper
I am willing to go out on a limb here...

I know for a fact that you can get better and more smoke then your friend with the DWC, with your system you have now...

I also grow similar to your method... i have a 12/12 room (12/12 all year) and a vegg space 22/2...here is a taste

this space is not tall at all 105cm at maximum, actual space between lights and soil is 2 feet... all orgainc 100% only from me...

If i have got your attention then please send me a PM...



Welcome to IC - may your grows & life be blessed

:listen2:For a small space & big grow = Doc has it going on - check him out
3x2 is pretty small for a 600.. but if it doesnt get crazy hot, do as you will... but seems like a waste to me...

If you are worried about elec stay with dirt.. DWC is only gonna have you plug more stuff in... nothing with major watts, but if it is a concern......

IMO you gotta have a separate veg are to increase harvest per year, but most importantly so you dont have to start from seed everytime..


Active member
I just got my seeds in today courtesy of SB (seedbay), i am going to do a spin-off of growdocs style, whic is so lovely<3 much love to him . . . using a large rubbermaid brand tub, about 3 feet long, around 2 feet wid and about 18-24 inches dhigh (2 feet give or take) . . ill post mix of soil and such later and i am looking to get some good guano but its not always common in my area . . . as for my beans i am going to be doing aroun 3-4 Very Berry Surprise Courtesy of Gypsy Nirvana, and also 1-2 of Jamaican Blue Mountain, Malaca Thai Pura, Nigeria/Manali x Afghanistan, Brasil/Colombia x India Norte, Northern Lights x Colombia/Manali , from wat i understand (although CBG hasnt contacted me yet) Jamaican Blue mountain is Jamaican X Blueberry, and the Manali X Columbian is called Capricho, supposed to be rather good genetics and their Thai X blueberry was supposed to be bang on . . . soo ill keep everyone updated =).. much love to you all and especially to growdoc, much respect to you brother. . .
Peace and Love
ras UnIka