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Fingerprints In Pics


Well-known member
Technology and santa's workshop never had much in common.
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Most Loved
For all of you who called BS on this or say it "doesn't matter" - check this out..


Better safe than sorry, boys..

i said it doesn't matter to you, me and 99.999999% of people on these forums. maybe to a gypsy who runs a whole site dedicated to conspiracy to manufacture scheduled substances wont want pics of his fingerprints if no one knew who he really was, but you can post a picture of your whole face and i bet dollars to donuts no one will be coming for you. it's 2016 most people aren't caring about weed anymore. it's legal for old people and hippies to smoke up freely in several states. i heard they were smoking up at the DNC even... i would still be more worried about my next door neighbors if i were you.
i said it doesn't matter to you, me and 99.999999% of people on these forums. maybe to a gypsy who runs a whole site dedicated to conspiracy to manufacture scheduled substances wont want pics of his fingerprints if no one knew who he really was, but you can post a picture of your whole face and i bet dollars to donuts no one will be coming for you. it's 2016 most people aren't caring about weed anymore. it's legal for old people and hippies to smoke up freely in several states. i heard they were smoking up at the DNC even... i would still be more worried about my next door neighbors if i were you.

Probably true, but the point remains that they can do it. A lot of (yes, unlikely) scenarios could lead to local law enforcement getting their hands on images. If you're skating on thin ice from a 300 plant bust and trying to win on a technicality in the courtroom, that fingerprint isn't going to be in your favor. Yes it's practically impossible but... Many states still hold heavy & harsh penalties.. Latex gloves are a lot cheaper than 10 years in prison.


Most Loved
what you don't seem to be factoring in is that something like this...using a picture to recover a fingerprint...is EXPENSIVE...they have to pay someone a lot of money for that. they aren't gonna waste those types of resources on a guy growing a dozen plants in his closet. i ASSURE YOU.

they can also fly a drone over your house with technology that will see through the walls. LITERALLY. they aren't gonna waste money sending that shit to your house either.


Active member
Is it just me or are people really that comfortable posting pics of themselves holding buds with their fingerprints?

I constantly see people blotting out their faces and wearing masks yet I can visibly see their fingerprints in the same series of pictures. Is it something they don't think is a breach of security or just don't give a shit? Maybe they don't even notice they are doing it?

Sometimes I notice them on dusty containers too.

I have seen it and later found out the same grower was busted shortly after posting pics of their decent sized grow, then close ups of them holding frosty colas. Couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with them going to jail?

Millions of people can easily fit my description but only I have my fingerprints.

Something to consider that has been bothering me for quite some time.

:thank you:

scroll down three or four threads in this security and legal section and read what I posted.


ICMag Donor
Depends if the media and those we voted for are having a slow week of news bytes and need sensationalism to make headlines on fingerprints or face shots on certain web sites, capturing a big haul, etc. Best not to show either....but do it if you think there's no consequence.

Seen enough helicopters, patrol cars are LEO's pulling plants over the years....I'll stay incognito even though in a legal state. Don't need the advertisement of what we do.


A man willing to trade security for liberty deserves neither.

Absolute nonsense

A man willing to allow his life to be ruled by fear and unreasonable paranoia has exactly the master he deserves.
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Active member
in my area, the only grows they bust are when the grower gets in a drunken fight with his old lady n the cops get called.. Or some such nonsense where cops end up randomly at the door.
Investigation is a lost art around here (thankfully).
Plus the cops r mostly tasked with busting crack, Heroin, meth conspiracies... Which take place thru snitches doing recorded buys.

I'm not saying it's impossible for a bust to happen by cops taking fingerprints from a photo on an online forum.. I'm just saying around my way that's not how they roll.
And I'm not just talking smack, I read about every drug case that goes thru the local and federal courthouse and I have for 10 years... I'm a court news junkie

Police work in drug cases goes like this 99% of the time.
Cop pulls over vehicle for minor traffic infraction. Cops finds probable cause to search, cop finds drugs , cop tells arrestee that they can "work" their charge off aka snitch.
Arrestee calls whoever they can purchase drugs from and they set up a controlled buy. Wash, rinse , repeat.
They don't need to do other types of investigation because they can fill the Jails easy enough this way, and people (including cops) are creatures of habit .

So I guess all I'm saying is I don't worry about it too much, if the cops want u in jail bad enough, they'll just show up at ur door, claim they smell weed (and heard a toilet flush)... And bamn down goes ur door In a perfectly court admissable way..

Now, all of this is very locale dependent, some places r worse.. Some places better, but where I'm at fingerprints off a bud shot on ic aren't gonna get u popped (probably).
I do think it's a good idea to where a glove or take other precautions, depending on ur local vibe.
It's so strange when I go visit my buddy in Santa Cruz n he has 150lbs growing in his backyard in a neighborhood within sight of 4-5 other houses..
It's a different world for sure


Active member
If "they" really wanted to find us, it wouldn't take much more than a few clicks on the computer and all of us would be captives, let's hope they just leave us alone.

paper thorn

Active member
here's the thing. Cops are dicks.

I am in a med state, but the cops still bust people.

At least one sheriff has a 'former' colo. disp. owner on staff as their mmj bust specialist.

The cops here would bust a closet grow and talk about the sophisticated massive grow and how they made 100,000s of $$.

They throw you in jail with big smiles and saying how they are keeping drugs off the street.

Yeah, they would spend 100,000 dollars to bust a closet grow. THey hate us like you may not understand.

Now, i know there are a lot of cops who don't give a shit, but they will bust whoever the man above them, who does give a fuck, tells them to.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Now they have smartphones that use fingerprint as password. NSA and CIA are blowing loads over that one. People giving them their fingerprints. They can track you by your cellphone.
not to burst your bubbles but this is just on tv:

in reality all prints taken look like the hand on the right, and thats still one damn good print!

you dont catch people with prints.

Red Fang

Active member
oh great! :D
Why when someone sent a rep message did it say N/A under the name when this is still a functional thread?

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