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EJ vs. Metanaturals?


Active member
I have been using the Earth Juice line for many years now, and I am seriously considering switching to the metanatural line - simply for the convenience of a two part mix only, as compared to EJ's 5-6 part system. Anybody got any experiences they'd like to post with the metanaturals products? Should i just stick with the EJ? FYI-I grow a sea of green(more like a forest of green) under 1200w mixed HID, strains are SAGE and Sensi Star, I use 2 gal. grow bags, pro-mix w/added perlite(20%), and I am staying organic because I love the results. Smells and drainage are not an issue, so any info would be highly appreciated.
I haven't used Metanatural's full line, but their 16-0-0 works great! I have a friend that uses the 3-3-3 as well, and likes it. I'm trying out some Earthjuice this year (Microblast, Catalyst and Bloom) so we'll see how they compare. I'm also outdoors, if that makes a difference.


Active member
Well I guess that no one here uses metanaturals - so I'll ask this - what would be an alternative to the multi-part formula of EJ but still be organic?