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Dr. Earth 3-3-3 liquid fertilizer??


New member
Dr. Earth 3-3-3 liquid fertilize. OMRI Listed

Has anyone used or have first hand info on this stuff. In non-cannabis organic forums Dr. earth gets praise, but what about cannabis?

“They are rich in primary nutrients, secondary nutrients, multi-minerals, humic acid and natural growth enhancers. Our liquids quickly correct any nutrient deficiencies, helping transplants and established plants to thrive. Easy to mix and apply, Dr. Earth liquids are formulated for use on all indoor and outdoor plants, both soil and foliar applications also hydroponics.”

What's the ingredients in the fert???? It would make a good "base" fert for vegg and flower provided you supplimented with N and P in the respective phase....LC


New member
Thanks LC, I’m not sure the ingredients. I saw on the local nursery shelf (half hour drive from here, I am very rural).
If I buy it I’ll post the info, if I used it I’ll fer sure will post results too.

Yeah I’m still looking for something to replace my PBsoil for mid/late flowering, I’m trying to not ever internet buy again for the hidden garden. I have an outdoor compost pile for my vegie garden supplemented with bone and kelp meal but I’m loath to bring it in my sterile indoor garden. I might just break down and start brewing teas with it.

I was using PBO for veg and it worked well with a light top dressing of blood meal, at about the fourth week. But now I’m pretty much out of my Pureblends.
I've never used their 3-3-3, but their 4-10-7 bud and bloom works great as a tea. I used it for early and mid flower last year, and got awesome budsets. I don't know about the 3-3-3, but the 4-10-7 also has micorhizzae (sp?) in it, which is cool.


New member
I bought some. It will be a few months before my indoor grow starts though. I gave some to my cherry peppers, growing in the same soil mix for cannabis, it didn’t kill ‘em, just to be sure :D
Texture is thick and light brown color. Very much like my EarthJuiceBloom and fish emulsion.
Application rates: are 4 tablespoons per gallon of water. Every 2-4 weeks.

I’ve been thinking I want a more even ratio to compliment my soil mix so it caught my eye. My gut feeling is this stuff, with MaxiCrop, will carry me though veg and 4-6 weeks of 12/12 nicely.

SpacemanSpliff, thanks. Isn’t the 4-10-7 a slow release fert? And you use it to make a tea. Interesting.