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Does a country with no extradition really exist ?


Hello and first sorry for the bad english, im not sure my grammar is ok :biggrin:

My question is pretty simple as i read some countries have extradition treaty together and some have not but when a country like USA or UK or France or Germany want someone i feel they always find a solution and put pressure one way or another on this country to have their citizen back and judge him.

So does a country who don't submit to these "major powers" really exist ?

Green Squall

Well-known member
I don't know what country your from, but I think it's safe to say the answer is yes.

For example the US lacks extradition treaties from a surprising number of countries.


However, depending on what you've done, escaping to a non extradition country doesn't mean your home free. If they really want you, they will get you. If your only running from something minor like a drug charge, I think you would be fine. They probably won't waste resources on a small fry. If you've committed some heinous act that has made national news, they will find a way to get you.

Edit- This is all just opinion of course. I am not an expert.


Well-known member
North Korea. i'm pretty sure being in prison with a psychotic murderer for a cell-mate would be preferable though...:tiphat: you could always pass the time telling him your newest ideas for him "getting back at the bastards that railroaded him into jail..." :biggrin:


Well-known member
LOL unless your outside of the UN or the Geneva Convention or whatever its called,Squall nailed it.if they want you,they will get you.small time grower do not count usually.


Well-known member
That would depend on a couple of variables said the attorney as he smiled.