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DEA: Kratom Schedule I


Professor Organic Psychology
Today is the day that the DEA has planned to temporarily put Kratom, the natural herbal remedy, on the Schedule I list of drugs that show no sign of medical value with a high potential for abuse. I don't know what is meant by Temporary, but I think this agency has too much power to regulate health and morality to a so called free nation.

This is similar to the midnight backroom antics that lead to our beloved cannabis plant being banned. With racial and social economic implications, cannabis has been banned for less than 100 years in the history of mankind for no real good reason.

There are countless medical uses for Kratom that span from a very effective pain killer, to an anti depressant to an aid in dealing with actual Opioid Addiction. Many a person could treat themselves and cut the high price of medicine out of the hands of the wealthy. Pay of die they say.

I find it interesting that the DEA is so concerned with natural herbal remedies.

1.) The Government demands their share in anything of any pleasurable value that grows from the ground.
2.) The Government does not want anyone to medically treat themselves in the ways that they feel fit. It is up to doctors and the regulations that governments place on doctors to blindly treat a populace in the practice of medicine. Focusing on a treatment plan can take months or longer if relying on modern medicine to find the correct solution. Many people give up waiting for a doctor to come up with a solution for most problems that a patient may have.
3.) Any drug that grows from the ground naturally is always suspected in being a number one problem.

The Governments have always felt an entitlement to skim moneys spent on medicine,vice, pleasure, gambling, liquor and drugs. It's funny, that is how the mafia has always felt as well. The governments always want to be in complete control of how the people chose to deal with their problems.

Anyone that doesn't know about Kratom you should do a little research. Like cannabis, there have been no deaths directly related to anyone using Kratom. In fact most would get sick and expel while Trying to take too much. Nobody would be robbing or prostituting to get more of it. In fact, if not regulated, Kratom can be imported from producing countries for less than $100 USD per kilo, with dosing as low as a couple of grams. Nobody gets into fights or other acts of violence from the use of Kratom, much like cannabis.

So the million dollar question is, why does the US Government (and all of their puppets nations) want to place a ban on Kratom? Just one good reason is all I need.


Professor Organic Psychology
I am glad the ban on Kratom is being held up. I wanted to get a kilo before it was too late.