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Colorado dispensary owners-ready to turn in your paperwork now? (better read this!)


I saw this on another forum. Pretty scary shit.


The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has flouted Mendocino County, California’s newly enacted medical marijuana ordinance by raiding the first collective that had applied to the sheriff’s cultivation permit program.
A multi-agency federal task force descended on the property of Joy Greenfield, 689, the first Mendo patient to pay the $1,050 application fee under the ordinance, which allows collectives to grow up to 99 plants provided they comply with certain regulations.
Greenfield had applied in the name of her collective, “Light The Way,” which opened in San Diego earlier this year. Her property had passed a preliminary inspection by the Mendo sheriff’s deputies shortly before the raid, and she had bought the sheriff’s “zip-ties” intended to designate her cannabis plants as legal.
In the days before the raid, Greenfield had seen a helicopter hovering over her property; she inquired with the sheriff, who told her the copter belonged to the DEA and wasn’t under his control.
The agents invaded her property with guns drawn, tore out the collective’s 99 plants and took Greenfield’s computer and cash.
Joy was not at home during the raid, but spoke on the phone to the DEA agent in charge. When she told he she was a legal grower under the sheriff’s program, the agent replied, “I don’t care what the sheriff says.”
When she returned to her house she found it in disarray with soda cans strewn on the floor. “It was just a mess,” she said. “No one should be able to tear your house apart like that.”
Greenfield called the raid a “slap in the face of Mendocino’s government.”
The DEA has been tight-lipped about the raid, but claims it was part of a larger investigation involving other suspects.
“Here Mendo is trying to step out in front by passing this ordinance, and what do the Feds do but raid the first applicant,” said Greenfield’s attorney, Bob Boyd of Ukiah.
“The DEA is stepping all over local authorities trying to tax and regulate,” Boyd said.
Neither Boyd nor other locals believe that the sheriff tipped off the DEA or gave them any information about permit applicants.
Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman confirmed Friday that the property owner had the proper paperwork and the marijuana was legal in the eyes of the county.
“This was a federal operation and had nothing to do with local law enforcement,” Allman said. “The federal government made a decision to go ahead and eradicate it.”

Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman has been supportive of medical marijuana cultivators who go by the rules.
Sheriff Allman has been highly supportive of efforts to bring local growers into the permit program. Nonetheless, observers fear the raid will have a chilling effect on medical cultivators, possibly causing supply problems for local patients.
“This raid is clear evidence that the DEA is out of control,” said California NORML director Dale Gieringer. “A change in federal law is long overdue.”
“In the meantime, the DEA needs a new director who will enforce Attorney General Holder’s pledge not to interfere in state medical marijuana laws,” Gierigner said.
The DEA is currently directed by Michele Leonhart, a Bush Administration holdover who has presided over numerous medical marijuana raids, and has obstructed research efforts to develop marijuana for medicine.
President Obama has renominated Leonhart to head the agency — a move strongly opposed by drug reformers, who are calling on the administration to honor its pledge of change.


Active member
I tried to post this in the news the day after it was in the news. I have been shouting at the top of my lungs for the last couple of weeks that I just want my county to pass a similar ordinance whereby I feel safe and secure growing for my collective in the full light of day. Now this. Extremely disconcerting.

The most important question I have is whether she was targeted for signing up with the Sheriff or if it is just a coincidence that she was the first to sign up for the program and was under investigation for other things. If its the former, we should all be scared of an "out-of-control" DEA looking to score wins that strike fear into the hearts of legitimate medical growers. If its the latter, its still bullshit, but should not arouse the same kind of fear amongst the legit.

Regardless, the effect is the same... sucks for legit growers who want to solidify their legitimacy. I am waiting for the Mendo Sheriff to make a statement as to how this bodes for their ziptie/registration program, the first of its kind in the world.


What does this have to do with Colorado?
It's about Cali, maybe something to consider, yet Co is not Ca.
imo this should have been posted in the Cali section.


oh my.

1st - there are no coincidences.

yes, this is CO, but.. it's the DEA. Remember Full Spectrum Labs filling out the DEA paperwork, then getting raided AS THEY WERE ON THE STAND for the HB1284 hearings? They like making their point very timely.

The more people that fill out the application and turn them in, the better. I'd suggest NOT taking the news interview and suggest turning in the app in the last few days.

Do you REALLY think the DEA is done with MMJ in Colorado?


Active member
The DEA has jurisdiction in both states, is run by the same director and plays by the same rulebook.

The original poster seems to have posted it here because Coloradans are faced with the decision of whether or not to register their grows.

I'd be more worried about the implications in all med states rather than whether or not the article was posted in the appropriate section.
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you are correct. I saw the article posted elsewhere by a Colorado dispensary owner.

It's timely as paperwork is coming due in CO to be compliant under 1284.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
The sheriff is horribly mistaken, the dea is under his control, as long as they are in his jurisdiction.

The sheriff is the top dog in each county, they can successfully arrest federal agents.

He should be ashamed of himself for saying he has no control over what they do. The people should demand his immediate resignation and he should be held personally liable for all damages resulting from his negligance.

This is shameful.
Several things wrong with this. She lives in Mendo and got Mendo certification but her grow is in San Diego which is at the opposite end of the state and the Mendo sheriff has no jurisdiction. Something does not add up.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Whats happening is the DEA is seeing this shit spiraling out of control for them... You guys need to keep this up fuck them bastards... Go bust a meth lab you fucking pussies. You ever here of Heroin or fucking Crack? peices of shit....

Dont get scared guys they are trying to bully you they cant bust everyone and the STATES need to STICK UP FOR THERE FUCKING Citizens... Get some fucking balls. i commend everyone on the front lines... this shit is sick....


The DEA has jurisdiction in both states, is run by the same director and plays by the same rulebook.

The original poster seems to have posted it here because Coloradans are faced with the decision of whether or not to register their grows.

I'd be more worried about the implications in all med states rather than whether or not the article was posted in the appropriate section.

Spot on Nomaad.

It's been posted elsewhere but the application on file reads like a pre-booking, plus you essentially sign over 5th Amendment rights as they are allowed to investigate everything you submit... and you are required to submit everything & anything.

It's a very tough spot for anyone attempting to move forward... scary.

From my life's perspective, I don't see why the Fed wouldn't/couldn't just come in and round up a thousand or more people...? Is the CO legislature & police going to stand-up for the citizenry & protect us?!? Really??? Think they will help, imho...


I sure don't mind not having a stake in a dispensary or large grow at this time. I would like to participate someday, but it really is just too sketch right now. A year is nothing, and there will be lots that goes down in that year. There will also be some obvious places to fit in by then, and lessons learned without taking risks.

Our legislature really fucked the early players. Colorado was positioned to lead the world in a up and coming industry, and they just plain old fucked it up.


Active member
The sheriff is horribly mistaken, the dea is under his control, as long as they are in his jurisdiction.

In a perfect world that operated even somewhat "by the book" that might be the case, but when federal drug war funding is what keeps the Mendo Sheriff's department running the scenario plays out a bit differently in the real world.

Again, there has been no comment from the Sheriff as to the implications of this bust on their program... its obviously their job to reassure the citizens that their program is still the way to go. It will be very interesting to see if there is such a statement made and what it sounds like.

Several things wrong with this. She lives in Mendo and got Mendo certification but her grow is in San Diego which is at the opposite end of the state and the Mendo sheriff has no jurisdiction. Something does not add up.

Collective in SD, grow in Mendo. Read more carefully.