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Collection Spores for Syringes


cant stop wont stop
Anyway gotta quick question. I got some Amazing Booms tha other day and would really like to have some more..

I know alotta people collect new spores from their harvest and im almost they're dried as well..

but in my case these caps have most likely been used and abused while being transported..
will there even be spores left, will they be usable, how about sterile conditions considering theyve been bagged up for god knows how long..


You can try to clone it.... But the spores may be hard to recover.. I wouldn't reccomend trying to get spores from it.. Instead I would try taking a piece of the gills under the cap and putting it on agar and try to get some mycelium growing that way.. Once the mycelium starts growing then you can use it to make your stock better... You can try and take tissue from the middle of the stem and grow it out on agar as well. Make sure to wipe down the stem 1st with alchol and then rip the mushroom.. Don't sllice into the middle because you may push contams into it. Rip it and take some tissue from the middle of the stem and grow it out on agar... Goodluck!


Sry forgot something.. When spores are used for making spore syringes they are not dried 1st.. It's very hard to get spores to germinate from dryed mushrooms. You are better off using some of the gills on agar to grow out mycelium.. It wouldn't be practical to try and make a spore sryinge with a dried out batch of mushrooms... Even then it's hard to get a dryed mushroom to produce viable mycelium.. You are better off buying a spore print online or a spore syringe online and starting your cultures that way.. Hope I haven't discouraged you..


cant stop wont stop
Nah not at all man, appreciate the info. its really just somehting im lloooking into. not sure how far im gonna take it. anyways what exactly is agar??


Agar is a media that is typically used in peatree dishes to grow molds, bacterica anything biological really.. There are many different kinds but they all do the same thing.. Usually they come powdered, it is then mixed with water and sterylized and when it cools it has a geletin consistancy.. The process is much like making Jello.. If you ever seen on tv people testing how much germs are on public surfaces, they usually use agar inside peatree dishes.. Agar is used to isolate rhyzomorphic (strandy) types of mycelium..

When a person grows mushrooms from a spore syringe or a spore print the end results will vary very very much.. So to combat this they 1st grow the mycelium (which is kind of like the roots for mushrooms) on agar and isolate strandy mycelium which has better fruiting potential then cottony mycelium... Once they have good mycelium to work with the begin the painstaking process of fruiting literally hundreds of different isolates looking for the best growing qualities... It is similar to how people take clones from marijuana because they want the exact characteristics of the mother plant. Same happens with mushroom growing.. Growers look for specific growing traits and further isolate them on agar in order to have a more uniform grow.. Doing this ensures what your end results will be.. The grower can isolate fast growing mycelium, big fruits, high potency, resistance to contaminations and all sorts of other things... It sounds complicated but it really isn't.. Once you get familiar with the process it's really easy.. It's also very fun..

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