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checking out denver


So, I have been considering moving to the denver area..

I will be in town sometime next week and would love anyone's input as to which dispensaries and shops to check out? Who has the best bud and edibles and what to try out or avoid. Who had the best quality and prices etc that sorta thing.. feel free to pm me

Does anyone know of anyplace that had good tincture. I have been looking into self medicating with tinctures and it seems that most off the shelf tincture is junk.


Natalie J. Puffington
Most of the tinctures you’ll find in dispensaries, IS junk, unfortunately.
It is a fun experience though, just to go in and see how things work. I still find myself feeling wide-eyed when I go in a dispensary, 6.5 years later. Instagram is a pretty good way to see the quality of the meds before shopping. Maybe check out weedmaps.com and leafly.com too.

Enjoy the Denver!!
(And do try to go up to the mountains, even if it’s just for an afternoon drive, you’ll love it.)


Well-known member
Denver is weed friendly, but you can't just spark up any old place or LEO will get annoyed. Some hotels advertise as "weed friendly" so try to stay those places. As natty said above Denver is outdoorsy with hiking and biking in the summer and skiing and boarding in the winter. Housing is too high and the cost of living is about the same and good jobs are harder to get than you think. I grow so I don't go to REC because of the tax and I do go to a MMJ dispensary for a new taste occasionally. If you have the bucks take one of those weed limousines that stop at a number of dispensaries and edible making factories. I never imagined I would see that happening. Otherwise Denver is fun and for me it is such a change to walk around with weed and not have to look over my shoulder for trouble.
If you wanna try a chocolate bar - i recommend the "the mile high bar"
I tried a few - lots of them are kinda meh but the mile high bar has more kick to it.
The mile high bar cost a bit more and had a lower advertised thc content than the other bars but was better by far - kinda strange.
...and as far as moving to colorado - my 2 cents.

I wouldnt move there just for the weed - unless it really really matters that much.
I've lived in colorado twice for a few years and moved away twice.
I'm a real outdoorsy kinda guy - hiking, little bit of skiing, more rockclimbing.
Yes, colorado has it for those activities - its hard to beat.
But I also got bored with colorado and found the grasslands boring and the ubiquitous pine forests monotonous - thats all there is there. And the lack of real water bothered me after a couple years - its a desert without the exotic cactus. I yearned to go back east where there are lush diverse woodlands and water everywhere - bugs and all.
And denver is basically one giant mess of sprawl and strip malls - a cowtown basically. Very little of the character that can be found east of the missipppi or the westcoast. Yeah denver is better than it was 20 years ago - larimer sqaure is quaint and the capital hill district has some of that urbaneness but besides that denver makes my eyes hurt. Boulder is nice too but its smaller and removed from reality in so many ways.

Colorado is a great place to visit but I dont want to live there - I do sometimes still wonder why but I just dont.

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