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CG Start-up


Here's my deal... recently moved to CO under a deal with one of the many dispensary owners. Things a go-go.

HB1284 hits & things are now, well, we all know how they are... a certain degree of desperation in the air... lol

My logic was always that I could/would rely on a simple CG model, on my own, to make a comfortable living... pay the bills, have no boss, keep up on credit (uhum, maybe rebuild ;-)), keep the pets happy... nothing lavish, just simple & safe & legal.

Right now, everyone is panicking and insisting that this model is for not, which doesn't seem correct at all...?

Figured I would share the process as I work through HB1284 with the expressed goal to stay 100% safe & legal by CO law... provide better-than-dispensary meds... and manage to pay the bills, while not lying, poisoning, nor cheating others. Seems like a nice little dream to pursue... and one that appears very reasonable even with the recent changes.

So, you'll get my grow, but what I hope to achieve is revealing the actual process as it works itself out... legal meetings, contracts, popo, permits, auditors/inspectors, etc, etc, etc.

I feel like moving to CO is coming out of the green closet... a major relief from the stresses of daily/hourly paranoia. I'm trying to do this "correctly" and legally the whole way... sticking to State rule book. Still feel this will work out... ;-)

Enjoy the ride & any contributions to the Bail & Legal Relief Fund is much appreciated!!! ;-)


First the basics on the build...

Got a single bdrm loft-style place to work with. A basic before pic of the main bdrm to be used...

I've already got the basics in place & am working through the finishing touches... including a super-postponed repot...

Will get more pics up as the room develops... tonight is a busy one, so... ;-)


Are you planning to seek an HB1284 optional cultivation license for a residence? Or just going to caregive for 5 or less patients, directly, disposing of the excess?

Your options under 1284 are limited, unfortunately.

Looking forward to the thread!


No on the Optional... didn't even think that was an option at a local residence... would need to be commercial/industrial/ag, or so I thought...? Anyhow, didn't need/want this particular project coupled with any particular dispensary... already have that gig.

This was just meant as a low-key, at home, straight up 5+myself CG... not even pushing the plant counts... will have 20 pots in flower vs the basic 18... and I only have 3 mums I'm keeping at the moment- nothing else in veg.

I'm shopping around for an attny that I mesh well with, but recall one of the first meetings that Corry spoke at after HB1284... it seemed that a lot of the new Bill is entirely up to interpretation & legal argumentation. We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.

Here's my logic though...

1. HB1284 primarily covers Licensees, aka, dispensaries & how they must operate... buy/sell/grow.

2. What the Bill says for CG's & Patients is that there is now a 5 patient max per CG, but that's basically it... defers back to s14/a18 of the Constitution.

3. That deferral is literally "medical use"... or "the acquisition, possession, production, use, or transportation of marijuana...." In other words, a CG/patient can assist in the "medical use" of mmj with any other diagnosed person... any other patient, not just the 5 assigned.

4. The 5 patient max is ONLY related to a CG's plant counts & reserve inventories... not to restrict me to only assisting those 5 people with "medical use" of mmj, which is what the Constitution states... any patient/CG can assist any other diagnosed person.

5. Round it all back to "acquisition, possession, etc."... a CG can sell to any other patient & a patient can buy from any other registered patient/CG.

Don't think 1284 has changed any of this... only that the dispensaries absolutely cannot buy from me, a CG/patient... doesn't even say that I can't sell to them, just that they can not buy it from me nor sell it if they actually had. It restricts the Dispensaries, not necessarily the CG/patient relationship as it has always existed.

Just my take... need to bounce this off an attny...?


No on the Optional... didn't even think that was an option at a local residence... would need to be commercial/industrial/ag, or so I thought...?

You are correct! They are kinda working us growers too, because there are definitely licenses you need to get, but also need additional ones some people don't know about to be legal.

You sound like you've done your homework.
Actually as a registered cg with the state they will be sending us cards that say we are cg's. There is no licensing at any level for cg's only growers that grow for a "Center". Also you are no longer allowed to charge for meds. You can only "charge for your services" and "the cost to cultivate" so that will be a fun one to incorporate. No having help either, we have to do everything from seed to smoke ourselves. Also no selling to centers and cities can ban centers as they are looking to vote on that here in Loveland in Nov. Then if they are banned then we cg's can have a max of 16 patients.


You are correct! They are kinda working us growers too, because there are definitely licenses you need to get, but also need additional ones some people don't know about to be legal.

You sound like you've done your homework.

Hi Chem&M~ would you be able to elaborate on the licenses that are required just for the CG/patients??? got a feeling that I'm missing an item on my list...? thanks for the help! ;-)


Actually as a registered cg with the state they will be sending us cards that say we are cg's. There is no licensing at any level for cg's only growers that grow for a "Center". Also you are no longer allowed to charge for meds. You can only "charge for your services" and "the cost to cultivate" so that will be a fun one to incorporate. No having help either, we have to do everything from seed to smoke ourselves. Also no selling to centers and cities can ban centers as they are looking to vote on that here in Loveland in Nov. Then if they are banned then we cg's can have a max of 16 patients.
There is nothing about giving caregivers cards in the new HB1284.
If there is please show us which section. I've read this thing inside out upside down and backwards sideways, every which way you can studys this bill. I never read anything about caregiver cards.
The MMR quit giving out cards a few years ago.


Hi Chem&M~ would you be able to elaborate on the licenses that are required just for the CG/patients??? got a feeling that I'm missing an item on my list...? thanks for the help! ;-)

I'm sorry. I was speaking about the licensing that HB1284 is imposing on anyone going over the five limit. I was just making a comment, not pointing it at you, as it does not apply to your situation.

I assumed you were going to try to push for over 5 and a commercial space. My bad buddy.

Welcome aboard!:tiphat:
There is nothing about giving caregivers cards in the new HB1284.
If there is please show us which section. I've read this thing inside out upside down and backwards sideways, every which way you can studys this bill. I never read anything about caregiver cards.
The MMR quit giving out cards a few years ago.

Most apologies if I made anyone believe that this was in the bill. This is something that was discussed on the senate floor numerous times. From what I understand once the apps are sifted through, cards will be administered. You can also register with the health dpt. to take on patients that do not want a disp or have a cg. They will notify you and the patient of the match. Somewhat like a free cannamed. I believe you can also request certain types of patients to the health dept. Also keep in mind we are reg'd are by the health dept. and dispen's are reg'd by the D.O.R. The millions sitting in the Med Marijuana Fund is what will fund new employees and a better identification system. Now also keep in mind this is what we are led to believe, whether this actually happens is another story. There are also at least 6 law suits ready and waiting, as soon as the gov signs or as soon as it goes into effect which will prolong a bunch of stuff for a while.


HB1284 mentions primary caregiver cards in relation to the state constitution AD14, and when AD14 is read, it plainly states NO PRIMARY CARDS will be administered as of AUG2009.

This bill is so screwed up and twisted. When you read the bill it talks about those so called cards for the PC, and when it states the app procedure it reverts to the AD14 which as said before "No PC cards"

In order to get these so called patients who don't want to grow, you will have to put your name, address, and where you grow on a open list that the LEO and Feds have access to, kinda supicious to me.
This is a trap for the Feds setup by Romer in this bill so they can walk in and bust every single grower, and anyone who can't see this for what it is, well they are blind.
MMJ and the free ride in CO is over July 1 2011 unless the Gov veto's the bill, and he won't sign it or veto the abomination. He is going to let it roll over and become law.
385 days left.
HB1284 mentions primary caregiver cards in relation to the state constitution AD14, and when AD14 is read, it plainly states NO PRIMARY CARDS will be administered as of AUG2009.

This bill is so screwed up and twisted. When you read the bill it talks about those so called cards for the PC, and when it states the app procedure it reverts to the AD14 which as said before "No PC cards"

In order to get these so called patients who don't want to grow, you will have to put your name, address, and where you grow on a open list that the LEO and Feds have access to, kinda supicious to me.
This is a trap for the Feds setup by Romer in this bill so they can walk in and bust every single grower, and anyone who can't see this for what it is, well they are blind.
MMJ and the free ride in CO is over July 1 2011 unless the Gov veto's the bill, and he won't sign it or veto the abomination. He is going to let it roll over and become law.
385 days left.

thats why I am not growing were I live. I use my home address for patients. Let them come.


This is a trap for the Feds setup by Romer in this bill so they can walk in and bust every single grower, and anyone who can't see this for what it is, well they are blind.

I would like to say, I hope that your wrong. But part of me thinks that you could be right. If you take into acount the comment that that one DEA made after they busted that one guy that let the news crew film his grow. Then that could be the smoking gun for your comment.

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