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Cannabis Use NOT linked to Increased Suicide Risk!


Active member
An exhaustive study of Swedish soldiers by the department of psychological medicine at Cardiff University School of Medicine in the UK, has discovered NO CORRELATION between marijuana use, depression and suicide risk!!!

This long-term study looked at a group of 50,087 men who were drafted into the Swedish military in 1969-1970. Of those, 600 men committed suicide during the next 33 years (that's more than 1%).

The men who admitted to using cannabis were 62 percent more likely to have committed suicide during the follow-up period than the men who had never used the drug.

This of course implies that marijuana use could be the cause of their suicides. But...

Once researchers adjusted for factors that could influence both pot use and suicide risk, such as behavior problems in childhood, psychological adjustment, psychiatric diagnoses, drinking, smoking, and parental drug use, the increased risk of suicide associated with marijuana disappeared.

Yes folks, that sounds right! So people who are already PRONE to suicidal tendencies SMOKE POT, no doubt to help alleviate those tendencies and any associated depression.

This finding should come up more and more if they did their research correctly and account for other contributing factors to people's mental disorders.

Cannabis is the MEDICINE of CHOICE for people with many psychological disorders. When will they figure this out?



wow it took that long for a study to show what we have been saying forever?


These statistics look good... i try to tell people like we all have... if people are lazy, they are going to be lazy. if people are violent, they are going to be violent. if people are sad, mad, suicidal or not... they are going to be like that...

Cannabis once again prooves to be a plant that god has given use to help aide during bad times, and during times of pain!

Thanks for this news and thank you to the people involves with the research!

Totah Sam

My nephew was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. His psychologist recommended MM for his symptoms. Before he started using MM he couldn't function. Now he has a steady job, got married and has a little boy to boot. He is very glad his psychologist gave him the suggestion. I don't think the current mental health professionals really paid attention to that study. :p

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