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Can you have too much ca


Well-known member
Yeah I remember when we first got gps. It was around 2014, and going through the square footage and acres in comparison to what we had on paper was crazy interesting. I was mixing teas and chems for what we had on paper but things change over time, it really helped fine tune application rates and resolve some issues. I’m not much of a tech guy but it really made my job easier. That and wireless connectivity through our Rainbird server. I lived about a block from the course and I’d often wake up in the middle of the night to rain or intense wind storms and could sit back in bed and control the irrigation system. Was mind blowing at the time lol. @Rico Swazi


Well-known member
I was gonna take a guess at turf/course , or large farming op. Either way, by the sound of it, a fascinating and rewarding job improving the soil through science. Some of the OSU students would leave the core in a sterilized tube to take back to the lab for microbial testing. No GPS back then, wrote the particulars on the tube with a grease pencil. They were very strict with protocol and methodology which is why I jump in these threads asking how the tests were done. You said it best, "imperative to have a solid game plan and understanding" no matter size and scope of the endeavor. Fun discourse brother! .. gobeavs !!!

If you are confident in your sampling, then rock on my friend. I personally think you are chasing numbers that are inaccurate from the start. Remember that base cation paper I posted earlier ? The jury is still out on saturation levels. My suggestion for you is work on biological diversity for nutrient cycling. Without biology, plants suffer no matter the nutrient content, Onions and garlic are good companion plants to grow indoors along with your herb. It surprises people how little amendment I add to see the results I do.
Learning the lesson "less is more" comes with a little effort and patience but well worth it IMO
Well said @Rico Swazi
Less is more! We’ll help ya keep tabs easier as well.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, nice discussion 🤓🤓
Rico, l see that one finger Vulcan Salute a lot…..when I’m driving. No idea we had so many Treckies here😄
I haven’t had my soil tested because I can’t afford to draw any attention to myself. I must admit I am curious though and have recently been giving it a lot of thought. We only have one facility here and from what l can gather it’s a generic, beige type test for farmers and viteculturlists to get base line numbers.
So to answer your question it’s been through observation and experience that l amend the soils with one hand upwardly outstretched to draw in cosmic energy and the other points straight down, in an attempt to gather all the blessings from Mother Earth whilst l madly and energetically till the soil, in frenzy, with my feet as one will observe Michael Flattley demonstrate in “River Dance”.
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