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CA MMJ patients litter all over L.A. Why ?


For those of you who are fortunate enough to live in a state as free and beautiful as Cali. Why do so many MMJ patients throw their empty meds container on the ground throughout the city ?In MacAurther Park and in Griffith Park I saw hundreds of empty containers, especially in the areas where children play ! You guys are giving MMj a bad rep ! :moon:


Active member
Because humans are thoughtless disgusting spoiled fucking monsters who care about nothing but themselves. Do you think These fucking monsters think twice before spewing their garbage all over your park? We are a disease that's about to get cured


Because humans are thoughtless disgusting spoiled fucking monsters who care about nothing but themselves. Do you think These fucking monsters think twice before spewing their garbage all over your park? We are a disease that's about to get cured

I agree with you bro!


Green is Gold
How are we "about to get cured"? You guys planning on some end of the world type event happening soon?


Its something i have thought about ever since I got my rec 3 years ago. Its creating garbage and its one more thing for the media to point out about us. A lot of dispensaries were doing trade programs or reuse your containers programs. I still see em everywhere in the gutters around my city and its pisses me off...


Well-known member
People are assholes. I find empty beer bottles and Big Gulp cups in my front yard all the time. Why? People are assholes with nothing on their minds but themselves.

When I owned a truck, people used it for a trash can. I'd find empty beer cans and Big Gulp cups in the bed all the time. Even walked out of work one day to find someone had actually but a bag of garbage in the bed. People are assholes.


Active member
there's trash everywhere, not just the med containers, granted i see those quite often too, i also see empty cheetos bags and beer cans and plastic straws and all sorts of other crap

where i come from, you get educated very early on that all that trash ends up in the gutters then right out to the beach, in a small beach town this sunk in real quick, i rarely saw litter all over the place there, a big city like los angeles is completely different, people just don't give a fuck and are just plain ignorant on this sort of thing by and large, it pisses me off too


Active member
How are we "about to get cured"? You guys planning on some end of the world type event happening soon?

It's a long story but it boils down to this " any organism in nature if given the right conditions will bloom/expand. Humans were given petro chemicals and the industrial revolution which facilitated the exponential population growth we now have. Once the favorable conditions are are removed the population will begin a rapid decline. Just like any other creature in nature. If you followy the current growth rate you will find that by 2050 this place won't look the same as it does today.


it's the dispensary fault. I'm not sure why they even still dispense medication in the stupid containers. those containers are not biodegradable. At my dispensary, we used clear small plastic biodegradable ziplock bags


I've never heard of or seen this until now. I live 45 minutes outside of LA proper though so. . . What a shame. I like those little bottles and keep every one I get lol. Next time I'm in the area I'll have to find some to pick up; it'll be a win/win.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Charge them $20 for each container. People will start to bring their own.


CA MMJ patients litter all over L.A. Why?
The truth is most people are 'recreational' users. Some good points in this thread about people being tards and dispensaries should create a more environmentally friendly program. Jeez when I go into the grocery store they charge for bags now and makes you think twice.


Active member
Charge them $20 for each container. People will start to bring their own.

i fear that would just result in folks going to the shop across/down the street that does not charge $20 for the container =(

maybe if there was an incentive of some kind to bring your own container?

i dunno', but seeing these things amongst all the other crap really bums me out........i have seen biodegradable medicine bottles, but they are more of an ibuprofen bottle type of shape, it'd be a bitch to get nugs out of there

i'm not seeing a whole lot out there as far as biodegradable packaging for this type of application, if it does exist already i wonder how much more it costs as opposed to traditional plastic packaging like what we have been seeing? maybe if it was a type of paper or compressed paper it wouldn't be that expensive, not as durable though but still better than a plastic zip lock or something along those lines


I have thousands of brand new ones that I refuse to trash as they are not recycleable. I will horde them forever. I refuse to let them into the environment. The ziplocks we got said they degrade in 18 months. They were similar to doggie poop baggies that degrade in 12 months.