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Biden Gives Full Pardon to 6 Today..

moose eater

Well-known member

Apologies if this is already posted some place else, or here under another thread I missed. I'm fairly high at the moment.
Please note several things; there appears to be no form of quid pro quo, as repayment of any favors, political or otherwise in this, though more research would be required to state that emphatically.

One of the 6 was marked for nearly 4-5 decades for renting a place for someone to grow cannabis, if I read that right.

Another was branded for an INCREDIBLE amount of time for selling moonshine, by all appearances.

One was sentenced as a 22 year old kid, for use of a telephone in a cocaine deal. (I guess carrier pigeons were out of the question, but they would likely have avoided that charge). He is nolonger as branded.

One was a woman who killed her allegedly abusive husband, who reportedly beat her both before and after/during her pregnancy, and the judge wouldn't permit a battered spouse defense in her trial. She's now 80 years old.

Anyone have any issues or thoughts about this?

All I got was angry all over again, knowing that there are still folks this age, paying consequences of what ever sort, for crimes committed as youngsters, that should have never been crimes to begin with.

Edit: Another recipient of the pardons is a since-decorated military individual, who had been popped for, in part, eating Ecstacy while in the military. Personally, if someone is going to be authorized to use deadly force, I would prefer they have at least some experience with E, or even be under the influence while on duty. I've found a lot more balanced, slow to react, (sometimes excessively) compassionate people who were using such drugs, and think the world might benefit from more of those persons, not fewer of them, if they're going to be armed with impressive small arms. Just sayin'....

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moose eater

Well-known member
yeah, i do. i fucking LOVED it all! the judge that would not let that woman use a battered woman defense should be horsewhipped, and rolled in rock salt. what a dickhead...plus, i'd like to know why it took so long for a POTUS to correct this bit of "justice"...:shucks:
When I did batterers' groups in MH, there was a local cop who I knew had some abusive behaviors in his own past/marriage. He was sometimes more hardcore and presumptuous in charging/arresting alleged perpetrators than many of his fellow officers (including some of those arrested, who were more marginal in their offenses), and I pondered more than once whether his vim and vigor wasn't a form of projection, allowing him to absolve himself of his own 'sins' by busting others, some of whom had committed lesser wrongs than he had.

I also knew another therapist, who, when traveling the SW States in a van years earlier, had been popped for an offense I won't name, and her informal 'get out of jail' (and out of this town) card depended on providing a blowjob for the judge.. during bench time.

Years ago in this Country, beating a wife was sometimes/often considered a 'private family matter'. With that as an underlying sentiment, imagine what they thought of a woman who defended herself with lethal force?

Just because they have a badge or a robe (or a MH license, for that matter) doesn't mean they have a decent heart, mind, or conscience. Or that they're not guilty of things that might cause some to cringe.

moose eater

Well-known member
what is a "therapist" ? is it a charlatan?
I'd have thought you'd know well what a charlatan is, after all of your subscribing to poorly founded conspiracy theories re. the vaccines and other popular bizarre conspiracy topics..

Do you own a dictionary?

Now be on your way; back to your alternative Alex Jones reality.
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