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Best way to storage seeds



I'm a home grower and a home breeder from Argentina. I always kept my seeds in my refrigerator, where all my food is, not the cleanest way, although they're kept in a hermetic glass and a black plastic so there's no light. Now I have the oportunity to buy a new regrigerator or something else just for keeping de seeds. But the question is, what is better for that use?

Should I buy a refrigerator or something like a dig wine? What's the best temperature? The ones with moist control are more expensive but affortable, that's a possibillity, although not totally -i think- if they're gonna be in glass jars with sillica gel.

What do you think?


Imo store them in the fridge is best. When the seeds are dry and kept dry everything is fine. Freezer should give them a longer shelf life theoretical but they get brittel when frozen and are sensitive to agitation.


White Window




ICMag Donor
Definitely the Fridge , like said Freezer is good for long storage also but refrigerator is excellent for 10 even 20 years no problem.
Any problems with freezer and everything defrosts which is not good at all and a shock to the seed to defrost and to freeze again especially repeatedly Is not good at all


Active member

Some might not like taking them out of breeder packs but a like to make sure they are sealed and no moisture is getting to them.

These vials then go into a large amber Mason jar and then into the fridge.


pure dynamite
7C should be best temp from what I read over the years, but fridge is close enaugh to that. Make sure it's deep and doesn't get too much variation when u open fridge door. Adding additional layers help, like a jar or even an insulated six pack holder bag.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
A mini fridge for your seed storage is best. For those of us that have a large seed library pick the size that best suits your needs.. I use a 3 CUFT with a small area that freezes. It will hold many thousands of seeds. I use the freezer area for concentrates.


Well-known member
I do something similar...vials full...into masons with desiccant and in the fridge.
Just popped some from 12 years in storage...yeah baby.
The ones on the left are the 12 year old...on the right Ocean Grown Dough G bought 2 years ago. Stored same.
seeds popped1 dough g - Copy.jpg
Peace, negative.

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