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Bayer takes over Monsanto


TC Nursery est 2020
Interesting that Bayer pays 66 Billions while Monsanto just got 15 Billion in sales and 2 Billions in Profit. All over that with a break up fee from 2 billions


Well-known member
^^Well that’s not how it works so to speak. They also now own all of their proprietary assets, ie patents, technology, etc. Then are the synergies of the 2 companies combined. Some are saying Monsanto could have held out for more, that the deal is undervalued…ha. But because of the merger of China National and Syngenta they probably felt they had to do the deal. And with regulators approving the China National/Syngenta merger they probably feel the chances of their deal being approved are higher, although the markets aren’t reflecting that (yet).

I haven’t seen much from what the farmers are saying about it but I have seen some stuff from the head honchos of both companies saying what benefits there will be for the farmers…ha again.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
if honeybees die out, so will a huge % of the humans on earth. there is nothing in the way of seeds sold that will replace bees pollinating food crops. yes, certain plants self pollinate, a few get by with wind drift of pollen, but nowhere near enough to feed the folks alive today.

yes.... and that's exactly how those sick idiots who operate like Monsanto want things. Population control at it's finest, the world in chaos and them lining their pockets. Control the food, water and medicine..... well, you control the world now don't you?


I heard that years ago too.

A lot of them have been brainwashed into thinking the world needs gmos to feed people which is complete bullshit. Like they're saving the world...the total opposite of what they're doing

Have we ??? The world has lost a third of its arable land due to erosion or pollution in the last 40 years.
When we get into farm land well its kinda hard for city dwellers to realize they get up , drive to safeway what a convenience there is your food.

We lose nearly 40 acres of farmland every hour – and once farms are bulldozed and ... For many farmers, rising real estate values can lead to a tax burden too high to be supported by agricultural production.

Soon as People here Monsanto??? Your right about brainwashed Monsanto is the evil , Are they really ???

You here they sue farmers , they make terminator seeds , there killing the bee's
For about the bunch of bad, you think they did they have done a bunch of good
Lets look at world events floods droughts , heat waves snow fall in places never before.
Monsanto did this also right ??? No there engineering strains of vegetables that can grow in these areas, be pest resistant
There Genius,
With a 1 - 2 punch Round up and seeds its that simple the once Chemical monsanto is long gone ,, but the fact remains yes like any company they get contracts in there case like Dow Chemical they got the contract to make Agent orange not there patient ..
But your Government recipe

and Monsanto is poisoning us lol Might as well say well our drinking waters have chemicals in them dumped by water works Floride ?? Chlorine ,, Acids

Again who has been brain washed You have

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