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Altitude-Azimuth Website for planning Grows

St. Phatty

Active member

September 11 2018
time 16:50 angle in sky 28.2 248.0

November 1 2018
14:40 28.2 208.5

re angle in sky, that's the angle from the ground. high noon = 90 degrees.

east from north, a way of representing direction with a number.
180 = south, 225 = SouthWest, 270 = West

I find it's really handy.

I get the sun at about 9:30, so I could use the look up table to figure out what exact Angle in the sky that was.

Any azimuth number bigger than that means, I got sun - even if I'm looking at Nov. 1, Dec. 1, Jan 1 etc.

So by going outside at 4:50 today, I can see where the sun will be (angle in the sky) on November 1 at 2:50. (On Nov. 1 there is no sun at 4:50 for us.)

Degrees from North (azimuth) doesn't change as much as Altitude with the seasons.

I moved a few bags of dirt. I had them in places that looked good when I was working this morning.

But when I went back and looked at where the sun would be on Nov. 1, it was like, "Oh SH.t this spot will be shady most of the day in November.)

The plants are more mature on Nov. 1, No Sun = No Vigorous Growth.

It's a good tool for sailors and navigators, probably help some outdoor growers.

One obvious note, security concern: it's a US gov website.

It would be great to find a non US gov website with the same calculator.

Hope it helps someone !!

To show what the calculator spits out I pasted more of the "print-out".
On that day, the sun comes above the horizon about 7:49, 18 degrees South of East.

Altitude Azimuth
(E of N)

h m o o

06:50 -11.0 99.7
07:00 -9.2 101.3
07:10 -7.4 103.0
07:20 -5.6 104.6
07:30 -3.8 106.3
07:40 -2.0 107.9
07:50 0.2 109.6
08:00 1.8 111.3
08:10 3.4 113.0
08:20 5.0 114.7
08:30 6.6 116.5
08:40 8.2 118.3
08:50 9.8 120.1
09:00 11.4 122.0
09:10 12.9 123.9
09:20 14.4 125.9
09:30 15.9 127.8
09:40 17.3 129.9
09:50 18.7 132.0
10:00 20.1 134.1
10:10 21.4 136.3
10:20 22.6 138.5
10:30 23.8 140.8
10:40 24.9 143.1
10:50 26.0 145.5
11:00 27.0 148.0
11:10 27.9 150.5
11:20 28.8 153.1
11:30 29.6 155.7
11:40 30.3 158.4
11:50 31.0 161.1
12:00 31.5 163.8