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Air cooled temperature question


New member
Currently I'm running a tent with an air cooled 1000w in there and pulling air from inside the tent to cool it while separately running an exhaust fan for the tent . I was thinking, what if I pulled air from inside the tent to cool the light and expel it out, wouldn't that act as an exhaust as well?


New member
Correction ***Currently I'm running a tent with an air cooled 1000w in there and pulling air from OUTSIDE*** the tent - can't edit posts yet


Well-known member
You can have a fan take air from outside the tent, and blow it through the light. Then back out the tent again. This takes heat from the light out the tent without picking up any smell. Then you separate exhaust system for the tent is less concerned with heat, or more interested in keeping the RH and smell in-check.

Or yeah, just one exhaust fan pulling tent air through the light and out. With a carbon along the way I guess


New member
Thanks, not really concerned with smell, just thought I could get away with just the one intake fan or possibly using both? So basically I could vent the air out of the tent through the light as well as a separate exhaust from the tent. Would that be overkill?