Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia
I know your all eager to meet AI, but...what is AI?
Has not Google been using AI to serve web results for years?
Could AI ever be better than a human ?
AI, whats the worst that could happen?
currently AI is certain forms of neural nets, a fairly old paradigm that has recently taken a large step forward
but there are many other paradigms, they're out of the lime light at the moment
but count on the current 'hot' one not being the last word - maybe
The worst is probably when an AI shoots a rocket to the sky but the engine fails and the thing falls on one of your plants.AI, whats the worst that could happen?
Im a bit of a trekkie, if you watched you know these topics have been explored in entire episodes.
Thought I read a computer had demonstrated consciousness ? What does that mean ?
Computer data transmission networks currently do resemble neural networks ?
Artificial Intelligence - Suppose we need to define thingsfirst question - I believe computers are passing the Turing test, i. e. a computer can fool a human that it's talking to another human
that does not necessarily mean computers are conscious
that is the current expert view for what it's worth
We discuss Artificial Intelligence ... See alsothis is where we tread on the discipline 'philosophy of mind', another large topic unto itself
quantum computer crazy looking device
View attachment 19136638
google's willow quantumn chip they say it will transform medicine, energy and technology. View attachment 19136649
the cryptologists haven't been idle, a number of 'quantum proof' schemes are active
lattice encryption is one of the leaders
Lattice-based cryptography - Wikipedia