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2024 in North Dakota


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello all,
I thought the States were deleted, had no idea they were moved. I might not find this again...lol

In case anyone stumbles across this forum, please say high! One of the most interesting cannabis projects taking place is happening in this fine State.

Ante'Deluvian; means (before the flood). This is an old term referring to the Biblical story of time before the great flood in the Bible.

My reference to this term is before the flood of poly hybrids crosses to poly hybrids and the same old same old being sold to the public like it's something special goes on and on. If you have an old school memory of some great smoke back in the day please share it here.
Peace farmerlion
I will try and share more information as this project unfolds.


Well-known member
Hello all,
I thought the States were deleted, had no idea they were moved. I might not find this again...lol

In case anyone stumbles across this forum, please say high! One of the most interesting cannabis projects taking place is happening in this fine State.

Ante'Deluvian; means (before the flood). This is an old term referring to the Biblical story of time before the great flood in the Bible.

My reference to this term is before the flood of poly hybrids crosses to poly hybrids and the same old same old being sold to the public like it's something special goes on and on. If you have an old school memory of some great smoke back in the day please share it here.
Peace farmerlion
I will try and share more information as this project unfolds.
Thanks, friend very interesting.