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  1. grod31

    Share your 24' summer photos

  2. grod31

    Topsy Turvey

  3. grod31

    Topsy Turvey

  4. grod31

    Topsy Turvey

    tuff crowd.
  5. grod31

    Topsy Turvey

    100+ day old re vegged clone. Should be some good fun did a quick google search but didnt find much in terms of anything impressive. 7 gallon pot Iro Cindy Hybrid
  6. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    who is in a hurry ? i am trying to extend my veg
  7. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    i am in ny at 40.6576° N. and i have found i need to do the same thing for best results
  8. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    that was just a shot at the end of long day of moving shit around. The light is better situated now and the clones and shit are in other tents
  9. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    What part will hermie them the fact thatits 20 mins? would 45 mins do it? an hour? For years I have run my lights from 4 am to 12 at night. I am trying to avoid the lights on when people are going to bed. This year I am running my light from 6-8:30 than an hour 3-4 AM. plants went out last...
  10. grod31

    "fast flowering strains"

    sorry to go ovr this again but whats up with these "fast flower strains like this Photo x auto Do they stabilize it back to photo? If so how many generations do we think? If you cross a Fast flower with a regular photo will you get...
  11. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    thank you mr Chat GPT as i said i have done this before. nd was looking for a shortcut. Apparently the shortcut i thought i could use will just cause herms or atleast unwanted stress.
  12. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    wtf are you talking about im lost what were you wrong and or kinda of right about ? should i give them .5- 1 hour at night or not? only 1/3 is an old mother the other two are just large plants with excessive veg time. (there is a difference with metabolism i dont really wanna get into atm)
  13. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    hhhm so im getting mixed answers here . Half you yes the other other half say it can cause it to hermie. Strong genes no autoflower. This is what i normaly do. I was trying to avoid it. but i guess i can just do that to ease my mind. When i put the lights on early all the birds in the...
  14. grod31

    2024 chucks

    this 4 year old pollen made some seeds i dont know if they are viable. I guess the breeder for it isnt around anymore? It was totally someone here that gave it to me.
  15. grod31

    Minimum amount of light to keep mother plant in veg until its naturally time to flower.

    I want to put mother plants outside in a greenhouse that stays above 50. Whats the minimum I can run the lights to keep them from flowering? Is one hour in the middle of the night good enough? 20 mins? i would prefer to not run an 18+ hour light cycle while they are outside.
  16. grod31

    Announcement Introducing Veteran members

    persistance ;0)
  17. grod31

    cloning autoflowers with the express interest in seeding them

    im gonna read that whole thread later but if you went through al that and still ht viable seeds i think a good old fashion male / female pollination should be no problem. I gotta do a bunch of the following: Pollen days prior to cuttings pollen at the time of cutting? pollen at pre formed root...