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Bog's Lsd Smokey Report.



Hello ICMagers, Today I would like to bring you my smoke report on Bog's Lsd. First I'd like to inform you that I grew version #2 which is a Lifesaver sativa phenotype crossed with male pollen from Soma's NYC Diesel. This version is not for sale it was just an experiment by Bog as he searched for the right version to release. The Lifesaver sativa Phenotype is not the largest yielder but grows round hard nugs that tastes like grape jelly. So this version of lifesaver is crossed with the very sativa Diesel you would think would make a very interesting cross. Well let’s see....

The Appearance, Lsd has the most tricome covered buds I've encounted. They are light green in color with a nice hue of tan. The tan color also covering the leaves. I couldn't really give these buds a proper trim job because they were so sticky I kept on a lot of the bud leaves during cure. Taking them off was destroying the buds.

The Smell, My plants have none of that sweet berry smell known to Lifesaver. This has more of a dour sour smell and a lot like diesel fuel, copied directly from the father. But one thing to be said is that the Indica phenol that smelled like a dead rat, has cured smooth with hardly a hint of its former smell.

The Taste, The taste is so associated with the smell I should have made one paragraph. Diesel all the way. The smoke leaves an aftertaste like sour apple gumballs, or even sour gummy bears. It carries a long lasting taste that you need mints or drink to combat.

The High, Ah the most important fact. Quite simply in the top two most potent sativa high I've grown to date. And it ranks as high as any I've smoked in Amsterdam. O.k. When I say sativa high you don't get any of the body blows that come from lifesaver. The high is all in the head and it’s a very destructive one. It has the ability to alter mind, time, and space. I'm forgetful, air headedness, and pretty much don't give a damm and you do all this on a higher plain than any indica could take you. It is psychoactive in the mind and for me it really takes weed near the realm of actual tabs, from back in the day. No I don’t see colors or things move stuff like that but my mind is always moving always tripping on things, wondering on the littlest things. I was just mentioning the other day how hard it is to produce a high flying sativa indoors well this is it. I would think that the lifesaver gave it the power to go to higher heights in sativa land. (Does anybody understand that?)

In conclusion, I'd recommend this strain to anyone. Indica lovers don't be shy. The high is so strong in what it does it can't help be appreciated. This is a fast flowering 50-54 days for mine. Very healthy and easy to grow sativa that has a very manageable height. I know for sure that this strain will be loved here as there is no escaping its potency. Thanks to all of you who have followed my thread linked below. And to all of you for taking the time to stop by and read my report. Smokey


Great work ..these are much better reports than the ...other place.../

Keep up the standard / I hope to do you proud with a few more of mine /

I have 3 LSD & 3 BMR's poped & in 2nd week of veg & yesterday they got their first fed of 'Mother Earth S.Tea Grow' & put in my new room & under my new 430 SonAgro HPS

BOG's soil mix with; Espoma; blood & bone meal / I am using "Soil perfector" to give the roots room to breeth

6 Lifesavers are also in week 3.5 of veg & also got a first feed / all but one is doing fine..it looks a bit burnt or under watered..it's perking up now though

:eek: When they say pH down...they mean DOWN...no instructions on the bottol..:biglaugh: mixing my nuets & adjusting my pH to 6 (i had it to a pH of 2..oops) ..took me 3 gals to get right...I got enough veg. nuets mixed to last the rest of this grow :biglaugh:(


New member
great report mate, thanks, just wat i wanted to see.
I have some of the LSD albeit the one SD is selling but im sure i will find some fine specimens in my bunch.



As they say over here..."complimentoni"! :yes: excellent report and fabulous pics, I have some LSD beans given to me by a friend (got some buds a while back too :wink:) and this is a nice strain for sure.

Gorgeous buds, interesting read, what more could I ask? ....psssssss pass the joint..... :joint:


Nice Report Smokey... and the LSD don't look bad either :wink:
really does look like some top notch buddage.... yuMMy! :D


Fred I'm gonna post up a Lifesaver smoke report before yours is done. And I'm glad I could tell you what to expect from the Lsd.

Rebus, Yes I did have different parents than yours. There will be pheno's in yours that will be like these. Plus the more indica pheno yeilds well.

Blue, Thanks,(blushing) I also am glad the report is revelant to you as you have some of these beans. I think your gonna have a lot of fun with SD 2.5, and Lsd. My two most potent sativa dom grows.

Thanks Ms.Grat3ful, Bog did create a super cross here. The pictures were easy just look at the gentics. I'm so glad you enjoyed, as I still get a little 'nervous in the service' when I post these reports.

Thanks my man Minister, I hope all is well with you! I'm always glad to have you stop by. Take care!!

Hansel, Your welcome and thanks to you! I apreciate your comments on the photos. I also can't wait to see some of your reports here, best of luck with your crops.


I hate strains like this.


"..but you can't get it from anywhere"

Too bad BOG, but i think you made a mistake on this one.

Great report, Smokey - don't take it like i would be dissing you; just pissed off 'cause this is just a teaser strain :/


Great report Smokey...ya done BOG proud! LSD was my first choice of the BOG strains, but I couldn't afford it. Got some Bogglegum seeds on SB for a good price though, and if they are half as chrystaline as your LSD....I will be thrilled! :canabis: Really nice photos! MG


Bubblegum Specialist
Yes, I may have missed the boat on the #2 but rest assurred that I have been working on the LSD. The second batch is due for release anytime now. There has been some variation in the #1 but some have found similar pheno's to this one and I would say Smokey has rated this pretty high. One of your top 2 sativas?

Gee whiz man I am gonna blush... :D Thanks. BOG

I wish I could tell you where you will be seeing a pic of my LSD soon along with a write up...
hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.......couldn't give a proper trim due to the buds being oh so sticky!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is WOW! :jawdrop: Great report, great grow, luv how you stitch those photos together................major drool and motivation to grow that one.



BOG's LSD at Seeds Direct... not sure IF it's 1 or 3... was awesome for me. Out of 5 beans... I ended up with 2 very sativish phenos... both are terrific... smell... bag appeal... and stone. Good Stuff... will be in my garden a long time.

Super Bowl Sunday... I had a few friends over... had lil trays of bud out... Skush... Great White Shark... Rescue Me... LSD... guess what was smoked the most? Guess which one EVERYONE raved over... uh huh...


Does anyone know what the hell V1RU5 is talking about? He/she sounds like a ...... fill in the blank.


yah.... I think he means... he's disappointed that this EXACT strain is not available and that BOG should have released this one (mistake that it wasn't released)

at least... that is what I got out of it