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Anyone ever been cought with the whizzinator?

I know there was a NFL player that got cought with it at the airport but has anyone actually been cought using it in the act? if so what happend? what would happen if ur cought using it on felony probation? its so tempting.

twisted treez

to answer your question , probation violation ,it would be a failed test , and back to court , but that was before a whizinator, with one of those , i dont know how you could get cought with it and for lesbians it can double as a strap on, JK


i been caught with it before yo,at probation.
2 violations 1 for usin a device to minipulate a u.a and another for a dirty urine(they stil made me drop.) not worth it yo.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
I don't know how they test you but I was doing some weekends in Mimico a nice little cottage type facility by the lake & you had to piss on a stick for them & hand it to a nurse. They were testing for booze. So I had the sober guy in front of me piss in the corner & I dipped the stick into that. The nurse didn't like it all dripping wet as I passed it to her. LoL I used to keep the valium in my boot heels, occasionally they let me wear them. Wake me up for jug up. zzzzzzzzzz


Keep the tube next to your johnson.

Pull out your willy, and make sure the guy isnt looking at you.

If he is, just say : Hey dude why dont you take a picture.

When he looks away, pull out the tube and grip it between your fingers and the bottom of your johnson. make sure the tube is pointed down, or out a longer distance than your johnson.

Excrete the fluids, but dont piss lol.

No way you can get caught, unless you have a majorly gay piss tester. rofl.

BTW i wouldent use the fake dick that comes with the wizzinator, that is retarded.

Just a bag with plastic/rubber tubing with clean or synthetic urine is sufficent.

Rather than buying the wizzinator, i would just find a friend or relative who dosent do any illegal substances, and hasent drank alcohol for at least 24 hrs... ask them to take a big piss in a water bottle for me, and then use the bag/tube method.

save your 40 bucks. but make sure the piss is clean and less than 3-4 days old.
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If you're like me (a skinny little white guy) and you pulled out a black penis for a drugs test they might have a feeling somethings up. I'd only use the Whizzinator for a job application or something where the consequences for "cheating" are (I assume) far less than trying to get through a test ordered by the courts.


Thats why you pull out you own, and then slip the tube out under it.

Its not like they stare at your dick while you take a piss.


cant stop wont stop
its never failed me.. and if ya look at all those expensive "detoxify" or "pee clean" and the endless list of drinks that are out on the market today, you will notice after the long list of pointless vitamins "other ingredients - fruit pectin"


Off topic but...Ive heard of people using fruit pectin with good results, never needed to use it myself. I noticed 500mg Creatine as the main ingredient on the pack of 'XXtra Clean" a friend of mine was using, which was successful.

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