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Bubba Kush CFL



I have some BK growing in DWC that isnt going well, so I'm gunna try to grow some in soil as well incase it doesnt work out. I'm going to document this grow very well, and will rely on this thread heavily for guidance as I am new. So please, if you are intrested subscribe to this thread and keep an eye on what I am doing, so I don't mess it up

Right now they are about 6" tall, in 6" diameter Terra cotta pots with a potting mix of peat, soil and compost.

I realize there are some problems with this, as terracotta absorbs water, I have no perlite in the soil, and peat is said to be very acidic, but so far they look healthy, and we can address these problems during repotting I hope.

Havn't really fed them yet, just water them like once a week.

I will be growing them under 4 23w CFL, in a box that I am still constructing. See the link for my build for more details on that.

Right now they are under some other kind of florescent lamp, the sunlamps that people buy to keep them from getting winter depression (not for suntanning)

I want to maximize my yeild on these, so I will try to build a scrog for it/em.

I started from seeds, so the sex of them (two) is still unknown. Got the beans from Dr. Greenthumb. They were expensive as hell so I dont want to mess this up. From now on i'm just gunna get my beans from GN SB.

I will post pictures in a few, once my camera/phone charges. I will be getting a real camera as soon as I can, to better help you help me.

Also, I wanted to really bush these babies out, but am not sure when i should start topping/fimming/trimming, so please advise me on that as well.

I hope some wise and experienced people stop in routinely in order to help me out. I'll be giving out rep for those who really help me (not excessive rep though ofcourse, but will give credit where credit is due) So please, subscribe and join the party, hope all goes well.

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YOu think it would be alright to Fim them now? or is it too soon or just not suggested from what i'm trying to do.

Also, I got some Bushmaster but don't know whether or not I should use it since I'm a beginner and seem to have bit of more than I can chew with my DWC grow.
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Okay, I fimmed em. How long does it usually take to see the two new growth tips?

Also, still waiting on opinions of whether or not I should try this Bushmaster.

How close to the CFL's can I let these plants get?

How Close to the CFL's should I put the screen? Or should I measure From the Top of the pots? I understand why people use screens, but don't get how. Do you just put the screen in there and let the plants grow around it? or do you have to put the different branches though the squares? Will I have to trim them a lot to get them to grow bushy enough to use a screen or will the screen in their way force them to grow bushy on their own? Also, how small should I make the squares in teh screen? Box dimensions about 2'Wx2.5'Hx1'D Can anyone speculate on the yeild? if I do lots of trimming? Other than Fimming the top growth.

What else can I do to increase yeild?
Should I Increase Lights? Can I trim Fan Leaves? Does That Work Just like Topping? What exactly do I do? Just cut branches off at the main stem? What else can I do to increase Yeild?

How long do you think I should veg for? I was thinking it would be most yeilding if I Veg for a long time and do lots of trimming, Or do you suggest I just go right into flower

Also, the cotyledens are turning yellow, does that mean I should start with quarter streangth veg nutes? Should I add 1/4 strength floralicious plus also? How often should I feed them? Every other watering? which would be once every one or two weeks? It says 1-2 Teaspoons per gallon, So start with 1/2 teaspoon?

Right now I have 4 23w, do you think I should try to double it? How many of those CFL's can an outlet handle?

Ordered a REAL Camera, should be here in a few days, Will post lots of Pics when It gets here

Also, you think if i covered the inside of the box with aluminum tape it would drasticaly affect the yeild? or will flat white do just as well?

Let me know people? share the knowledge.
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Also, i was thinking of changing my cab that currently has DWC in it to Perpetual soil this next go round. I would make this small CFL box my veg chamber, and the cab my flowering. But one thing i was wondering is how big of a pot does a 2.5ft plant need? I wanted to get 8 plants in a 18x36" floor plan?


New Pics with the new camera.

Not so sure about the idea of making my DWC cab into a flower box because i'm just not sure it will be big enough to be worth it. Wanted to flower out some big plants. Looks like i'll just have to figure out this DWC.

Still hoping someone can answer the questions I asked above



I can't answer all your ? but i'll do some.
Illadelph said:
Also, still waiting on opinions of whether or not I should try this Bushmaster.
U don't have to use the bushmaster as it stops or slows vertical growth and u don't need it
How close to the CFL's can I let these plants get?If your box is nice and cool u can get them within 1 inch of the bulbs.

Also, the cotyledens are turning yellow, does that mean I should start with quarter streangth veg nutes? Should I add 1/4 strength floralicious plus also? How often should I feed them? Every other watering? which would be once every one or two weeks? It says 1-2 Teaspoons per gallon, So start with 1/2 teaspoon?You could start feeding now but start small

Right now I have 4 23w, do you think I should try to double it?Only if your box is cool and can take another 1or2 bulbs How many of those CFL's can an outlet handle?I can tell u that i ran 6 bulbs on the same outlet with my fans no problem

Ordered a REAL Camera, should be here in a few days, Will post lots of Pics when It gets here

Also, you think if i covered the inside of the box with aluminum tape it would drasticaly affect the yeild? or will flat white do just as well?Flat white is just fine as the aluminum tape will raise the temps
A small note Illadelph don't worry about yeild so much as quality all ways out way quantity wat you want to be focusing on is gettin experience cause with hard work comes reward.Just saw your last pics...U can top them and clone them wile the seed plants veg and as soon the clones root put them in flowering so u can know sex right away.


Got some drooping plant syndrome. Dunno if this is because I watered them last night, or because they are closer to their light source. Looking for answers.

Also, can someone explain if I should trim side branches to bush em out. And how exactly I go about doing that? just cut off the branches at the stem? how many? which ones?



Still Drooping. More and more. Could they be root bound already. The roots are starting to poke out the holes in the bottom of the pots. Someone please let me know. I dont want to have to sit back and watch them die because nobody would answer my pleas for help. Other possibilities I think could be because I moved them under stronger lights (heat not an issue), watered them, and fimmed them. Help me out


Okay, just repotted them into some bigger pots, Don't know how much bigger of a pot i can fit in my box, hope these will do from here on out. Don't really know if they were rootbound or not. See pics below and you let me know if that was the problem. They are only under 4 23w cfls, so i dont think it is too much light. Havn't fed them yet, thinking about feeding them 1/4 streanght floranova veg tonight, but looking for some guidance from you all. Please anyone, let me know what is going on with these. Added perlite to soil also.



cool, thanks for the advice, any idea about the droopage? How should I train? bending the whole plant over?

I'll start training them once they regain some vitality.

I'll add another 4 23 watts. is anyone familliar with the home depot brand CFL's. Soft white, bright white, cool white, daylight or some shit. they come in green blue and red packaging. Don't have the Kelven anyware on them. Which ones should i use. out of those options, dont tell me warm white or some shit that i didn't mention, because those are the ones they use at home depot and i won't know what you mean if you say something else.


thanks, that helps a lot. I'll look for bulbs at target next time instead of HD. Glad to see people are finally stopping in. When should it recover from the overwatering do you think? how many days?

How big a pot do you think i'll need for a space 15 deep x 23 wide x 30 high?
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them pots in the last pic should last awhile. i like to put river rock 3inches deep in the pots. roots go crazy when they hit them. also helps drainage. shouldn't take long for them to perk back up.peace


You should only be watering when your soil is dry.

Root bound is a state of mind.
People have grown plants in shot glasses before.
As long as your plants aren't yellowing and look happy, don't worry about it.

You should raise the plants closer to the bulbs, not lower the bulbs to the plants.
They should be almost touching.

Keep on Growin' and Good Luck with the Droop.

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also, see my pics of my ailing DWC grow, 1 month into flower, also bubba k.
Having a hard time getting a focused close up shot. Brand new camera, any tips? My current problem with my DWC is that when i weeded out the males, I had to cut their roots off because they were tangled in the female's roots, so the males roots are just floating in the reservoir, maybe rotting. I dont know if this is giong to cause problems with the roots of the plants that are still alive, but so far it hasnt'. Any insight or tips on this would be great

The other problem at hand is that following the grow instructions that came with the cab (which i have since stopped following because they suck) I added bushmaster to the reservoir when switching to 12/12, and don't care enough anymroe to change out the water, so the plants aren't getting only taller, which will affect the yeild big time
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Illadelph, I am worried about the red stems in the pics posted. It could be a cal/mg deficiency as I was seeing similar symptoms on my plants. what medium is the plant in and what is it getting nutrient wise?

everything else is looking great :wave:


and it is hard to tell from the pictures but it is imperative that you keep the plants within 3 inches of the CFL's. and that the plants get proper air circulation (intake/exhaust). plants will droop from that as well.



its peat/compost/soil with perlite. I just gave it its first feeding, they were overwatered and thats why they aren't looking too good. Maybe there is another problem too. I have them close to the light, they are tied down. I have plenty of circulation, or what should be atleast. a 4.5inch muffin fan that i think is 115 cfm on the top left of the back wall, and a 3" passive intake on the bottom right of the back wall. Let me know if you see any other problems, thats why i started this thread, so thanks for participaing.

Have you heard bad things about bushmaster? What exactly? I think after messing up with it in my DWC this time around I now understand how to use it affectively for my next DWC. I think the trick is to put it in the last week of veg, then change the water for flowering and not use it again. This time around i put it in when i switched to flowering and never changed the water out, so the plants stopped getting taller. But if you say not to use it, than I won't

I think I might have burned the soil ones, or have some sort of defficintcy or something, Check back tomorrow night for pics
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