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Cabinet not done yet and 12/12 switch is coming!


First grow, three plants in soil. Kinda just experimenting and learning. Started under CFL's and am now vegging under a 250w MH. Current setup is pretty much hobbled together. Cab is not finished and the current location is not light-proof. That's fine under 24/7 light, obviously. But if my cab isn't finished by the time I need to go 12/12 what are my options?

Could I just build a cardboard box to cover them with while they sleep? I figure I'd put a pc fan in the top and rig some light-resistant vents so they get some air. I'd be a pain cause I'd have to be sure I was around to make each 12h switch.

How detrimental are very minor light leaks during the dark period? I could probably make the current location nearly light proof but ensuring absolutely 100% total darkness might be hard.

How critical is it to maintain a precise 12/12 schedule? If plants see 11/13, 12/12, 13/11, 12/12, 12/12, 11/13, etc, etc will they know the difference?

I've still got some time but I don't want them to get too big too soon (did I just say that? :nono: ). I need a backup plan if the cab isn't functional in time.



Thanks. Didn't think of that. Then again, I only have a general idea about what topping is all about. I'll search for more specific information but welcome any specific instructions or links if anyone has ones they like.


the Revenant
Hawk said:
Thanks. Didn't think of that. Then again, I only have a general idea about what topping is all about. I'll search for more specific information but welcome any specific instructions or links if anyone has ones they like.

No offense but you should have spent a few months reading this site before starting your grow. Its best to be prepared. Use the search function, it works wonders for beginners.


Shoulda, woulda, coulda....story of my life. :violin:

I appreciate your comment, Pirate. Although in my defense, I doubt reading about topping would have solved the challenges I've faced in completing my cab. FWIW, I've read/researched what I consider a substantial amount. But this old brain can only retain and organize so much information at a time. :wink:

If the plants are failures because I started before I was really ready, that's ok. I knew that was a possibility going in. I can't say I had some grand plan when I started. It's been more of a feel-my-way along as I go sort of thing and that suits me just fine.
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