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Hemp Oil reports



Have you tried the hemp oil that Rick Simpson shows in his video "Run From the Cure?"

What results have you had?

Good or none. Please post and keep us updated.

I've heard of one person in Michigan attempting to use it for brain cancer. She had been told that they would never be able to use her left arm or leg again. Last report she was able to stand on her own. This was after only a couple of days of using the oil.


That is a link to some before and after videos and pictures of people who used to have cancer. At least two had been terminal and are now cancer free.

Please try to limit posts to reports.


da nut


I have referred non cannabis consuming people that have viewed Run From The Cure film to cannabis compassion organizations across Canada. These same cannabis compassion organizations are now working with these previously non cannabis consuming people.

This is not a overnight cure of course so time will tell.

One of this people pictured below.

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Thank you very very much. If it's possible, please post an updated picture later.

If this is working, it would be awesome to have before and after pics.

People need to see that it's not just Rick Simpsons friends.

I'm trying to talk police departments into donating their pot scheduled for destruction to hospitals.


da nut


Bump, says only takes 4 days on small parts of skin cancer, we need to try and conferm this, anyone make any yet!!! I can see a long time for large spots or chemo spills
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No it doesn't say "it only takes four days." Rick had a couple of small spots. Not like the case pictured above. I can see it taking a long time to heal that large hole.


wow Kanman, looks like you have outer layer skin problems. putting denatured alcohol on it might help but alcohol will dry the skin. srry, i`m not sure how to help that so dont take my advice. there is people here on the message boards who might have seen something like that before. i guess i would suggest a skin disinfectant and/or a tropical steroid. it looks like you might have taken a tropical steroid in the past, maybe betamethasone. a skin steroid or a type of metrogel or anti-fungal might help. u`ll need to do a skin biopsy to know for sure. i know they cost a lot of money.

look up metrogel if needed. you can prob get metrogel on the internet cheaply.


Active member
I just watched the Seth group video. It was interesting seeing how the brain tumor and normal cells develop after exposure to THC. But considering lung cancer, what would be the best option: vapourizing or ingesting the oil?


ingesting. Watch the Rick Simpson video.

Featured is Jim LaBlanc. Jim was a terminal lung cancer patient with an estimated life of only two months. He is now cancer free.
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Rubbing my glands together
Wondering if oil extracted using butane will work in place of the method used in the video(sp).


Probably. But just keep in mind, the further you get from what is working, the more chance there is of missing something important.


Active member
Interesting question, does different extraction techniques produce different results? I have no experience in this what so ever, so Im hardly the one to answer the question.

Regarding lung cancer, I did watch the videos. The reason I asked was that the video shows the oil being applied externally on skin cancer with good results. Therefore I ask, how does this relate to lung cancer and vapourization?

Definatelly agree with you though Peanut - vapourization is a long way from ingesting, which apparently worked for Jim LaBlanc. But from what is presented in the film, I still feel the question is valid.


So KanMan, how's the patient whose picture you posted? Have you/he already applied the oil to the carcinome(i'm assuming it's skin cancer), if yes, with what results?


Hazelnuts said:
So KanMan, how's the patient whose picture you posted? Have you/he already applied the oil to the carcinome(i'm assuming it's skin cancer), if yes, with what results?

KanMan said:
I have referred non cannabis consuming people that have viewed Run From The Cure film to cannabis compassion organizations across Canada. These same cannabis compassion organizations are now working with these previously non cannabis consuming people.

This is not a overnight cure of course so time will tell.

One of this people pictured below.


I am going by what the person that send this image and asked for help to get access to hemp/cannabis oil told me. The picture is of a elderly woman (his mother) with incurable skin cancer.
They were exposed to the Rick Simpson Run From the Cure film. They have never been exposed to cannabis in either of their lives.

I received this about two weeks ago and have yet to hear back from this person. I do know they tried to visit a west coast compassion club and were told the club does not distribute cannabis/hemp oil. I referred them to a cannabis compassion club in Ontario that I understand does distribute cannabis/hemp oil.

If/when I can confirm they are trying this method and are willing to share the results I will post them here.

As you might know cannabis (oil in this case) is 100% illegal even if a person had a Health Canada exemption which this person does not have anyway.

This brings the basic human instinct of fear in place. Most cannabis consumers are to afraid to speak up openly let alone getting people that have never been exposed to the cannabis culture.

I have emailed the man and asked if he will update me. If I do not hear back from him I have to understand why he and his mother would not like to take public they are doing something that could get them prosecuted in Canada.



I think Rick makes it clear he is not saying smoking cannabis will help in anyway at all. Ingesting and external applications only is his point of view.

He does state in the film something to he affect you can smoke all you want and it will not be of any help.

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entropical said:
Interesting question, does different extraction techniques produce different results? I have no experience in this what so ever, so Im hardly the one to answer the question.

Regarding lung cancer, I did watch the videos. The reason I asked was that the video shows the oil being applied externally on skin cancer with good results. Therefore I ask, how does this relate to lung cancer and vapourization?

Definatelly agree with you though Peanut - vapourization is a long way from ingesting, which apparently worked for Jim LaBlanc. But from what is presented in the film, I still feel the question is valid.


Jim Lablanc was EATING the oil!!

Most of the others were also. The exception was when it was being used for something external. In which case it was applied kinda like a lotion to the skin.
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KanMan said:
I am going by what the person that send this image and asked for help to get access to hemp/cannabis oil told me. The picture is of a elderly woman (his mother) with incurable skin cancer.
They were exposed to the Rick Simpson Run From the Cure film. They have never been exposed to cannabis in either of their lives.

As you might know cannabis (oil in this case) is 100% illegal even if a person had a Health Canada exemption which this person does not have anyway.

This brings the basic human instinct of fear in place. Most cannabis consumers are to afraid to speak up openly let alone getting people that have never been exposed to the cannabis culture.


I thought it was cancer. I understand very much about the fear.

Thank you and them for their courage.


that person could have advanced HIV. it is common for people with advanced HIV to have skin reactions like that. i guess the body cant fight off simple fungal infections like that one. metrogel will still prob help, i know they sell it over the counter in many places around the world.