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Yellow spots, dead leafs

Jack Dalton

New member
How long has this problem been going on? 10-12 DAYS
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) SEED
What is the age of your plants? 23 DAYS
How Tall are the plants? 20-25 CM / 8"-10"
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? VEGETATIVE
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 1 LITRE
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) 70%SOIL 20%PERLITE 10%VERMICULITE
What Nutrient's are you using?How much of each with how much water? How Often? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* BIOBIZZ BIOGROW 1-2ML PR LITRE
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? npk 8-2-6
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? STRIPS
How often are you watering? EVERY 24 HRS.
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? EVERY DAY, 1-2ML BIGROW PR LITRE
What size bulb are you using? PHILLIPS SON T GREEN POWER 600W
What is the distance to the canopy? 75CM
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) 35-55%
What is the canopy temperature? 23-27C / 73-80F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? YES
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? WATER WHEN SOIL IS ALLMOST DRY
Is your water HARD or SOFT? PH AROUND 6-7
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? TAP WATER
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? NO
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? NO
Are plant's infected with pest's? HOPE NOT :redface:

High folks!

First of all, thank you guys so much for spending some of your time to help me out. Thank you very very much! I will start this by showing you some pictures. This is my first crop ever, so if you see something that looks wrong, dont be afraid to type it down :)

Some of my plants have yellow/brown leafs that worries me some. I dont know if I feed them to much or too little, if I give them too much/not enough water and so on. The yellow spots startet about 10 days ago on the larger fan leaves, and moved slowly upwards the plant. I were only feeding the plants 1ml root juice pr. litre until the yellow spots came. Then I began feeding with 1-2 ml Biobizz Biogrow pr. litre(NPK 8-2-6).

I hope theese pictures can help you guys finding out whats wrong with my crop :rasta:

This one is a typical example of my problem:


Close-up pics of the bad leafs:



I do also see some yellow tips on the tops of some plants...:p What is this?


I dont like the leaf-color on this plant:


Whats up with this one? Why do scars like this appear?


I hope someone out there can tell me what to do. I dont know if I should give them less or more nutrients at his point, so I will wait and give the same as now untill you guys tell me what to do.

And again, thank you so much :jump:

Jack D.
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Active member
Hey, going by the size of pot to size of plant, it looks like an upcan is needed. They look like 4-5" square pots. Mine had yellowing on bottom leaves like that when they wanted an upcan.

The 1st one looks like a touch of mag def, classic yellowing between the veins. But I'm willing to bet a dollar to a donut the roots are cramped & they are screaming for a transplant.

I'd upcan to 1 gal or so, and see how they react before trying more ferts...

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I would also say they need wider pots.
Also try to water them each 2 or 3 days, they look a bit overwatered.

Good luck with your grow.


I've had those yellow tips, they go away and go green after a short while. I wouldn't stress it.

Jack Dalton

New member
MoeBudz^420 said:
Hey, going by the size of pot to size of plant, it looks like an upcan is needed. They look like 4-5" square pots. Mine had yellowing on bottom leaves like that when they wanted an upcan.

The 1st one looks like a touch of mag def, classic yellowing between the veins. But I'm willing to bet a dollar to a donut the roots are cramped & they are screaming for a transplant.

I'd upcan to 1 gal or so, and see how they react before trying more ferts...


Larger cans to my plants is now fixed... Take a look at this!!!:



:spank: :bashhead: :cuss:

I did also put too much leca in the bottom of the first cans! My poor plants had way to little to grow roots in, and stupid me did never check the root-growth :(

My new cans got too large draining-holes, so I had to mix the leca 50/50 with soil to make sure evereything stayed inside the can:



Jack Dalton

New member
How long do I have too root my plants before I can put them into flowering? I am starting to see some preflowers on the sixth node on many of them now, but I guess they need more roots before they flower(?)..


Dr. Doolittle
You can flower them at any time, but I find to if you wait until they show alternating nodes you get a much better yield and smoke ime, at least with the strains I have worked with.

DO you know what alternating nodes look like?

Since they were rootbound, I would wait at least another week for them to get settled in and then flower them, if they are showing preflowers they most likely have alternating nodes.

The sooner the better you flower them, cause they will grow roots like mad when they get changed over and for the first 2 weeks of flowering there root growth explodes and slows down for the rest of flowering..... you want to ensure you have enough root space for flowering, so since oyu just transplanted and it sounds like to me they are ready for flowering, but wait a week and give them some nitrogen ferts to ensure they have enough, when you do start flowering, wait one week before switching over to bloom ferts.
PLants don't flower right away, takes a bit for them to kick over.

Jack Dalton

New member
MynameStitch said:
You can flower them at any time, but I find to if you wait until they show alternating nodes you get a much better yield and smoke ime, at least with the strains I have worked with.

DO you know what alternating nodes look like?

Since they were rootbound, I would wait at least another week for them to get settled in and then flower them, if they are showing preflowers they most likely have alternating nodes.

The sooner the better you flower them, cause they will grow roots like mad when they get changed over and for the first 2 weeks of flowering there root growth explodes and slows down for the rest of flowering..... you want to ensure you have enough root space for flowering, so since oyu just transplanted and it sounds like to me they are ready for flowering, but wait a week and give them some nitrogen ferts to ensure they have enough, when you do start flowering, wait one week before switching over to bloom ferts.
PLants don't flower right away, takes a bit for them to kick over.

Thanks for some great tips!

The yellow tips I got on the young leafs seems to become a little bit worse, but things happends slowly in soil, so I guess I have to wait a couple of days before I will concider this a problem. The stems seems to have a strange colour, but im not sure if this is normal or not since its my first grow ever:



Anyone who can see anything wrong here?

P.S: MyNameStitch: I dont know how an alternating node looks like :( In fact I had never seen a cannabis-plant in real life before I made some my self :rasta: If someone could link/post a picture of alternating nodes in this thread I would be gratefull.
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I have a few leaves with the scarring that you have. I am not sure what it is. I also have the same issues you have as far as coloring etc. go. I think my pH is a bit on the low side, causing mild Mg and Ca lockout. What is the pH of your runoff?


Active member
if ur talking bout a little trouble,after transplant give it a week or so,ifu start to have mo problems,check the pot size ur using,wat im geting at is the amont of water,ur using wen transplant,much easier mabe for u to use a pot size,next size up,until u know how to handle the watering.keep track of th amontof watering,that way u cn make adjustment to cut by,1/4,or 1/2 of water u use,if needed.i use vitiman b1,wen i first transplant,though its not organic,works well.most people over water there transplant,not all.if watering till it comes out bottom,not makin plant grow,u need to cut back on the watering.vit.b1 does not will not help,it u keep overwatering,usally this iswere alot of new gowers have most problems.write down wat u do,so u dont make same mistake twice,easier to get help,and so u can make adjustments,learn the principles,then ur to deal with diff. soils u willuse in future.thats my 2 cents..peace moon dust/


Jack Dalton said:
P.S: MyNameStitch: I dont know how an alternating node looks like :( In fact I had never seen a cannabis-plant in real life before I made some my self :rasta: If someone could link/post a picture of alternating nodes in this thread I would be gratefull.

This what alternative nodes look like :

It is a sign that the plant has reach its sexual maturity and is ready to flower.


Active member
Then I began feeding with 1-2 ml Biobizz Biogrow pr. litre(NPK 8-2-6).

Pst.. More nutes..

1-2 ml per liter isn't much when you're using BioBizz. You should be at 2-5 ml per liter.

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