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hash presses

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Theres a few...One is called the Piece maker and it cost....
But you can check ebay also for a clay press....They come with different disc and only cost $20.00 or $30.00 bucks..It's a tube like the Piecemaker but is not built as heavy-duty and is made for clay actually...You can put a dime in the bottom and press trichs just fine...I think it's called a clay extruder or something like that.................................CC
hell yeah ilife, where'd you get that 50????

i know a guy who does machining, he did a rack for my motorcycle. i'm talkiing to him about this. that's awesome thanks for sharing ilife. it's free flowing information like this that inspires and keeps my wheels spinning.

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