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Obama Now for Decriminalization


Active member
Fuck Osama, Obama, or whatever his name is.

Most politicians are full of shit and Obama is not any different.

"I think we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws," Mr. Obama told an audience during a debate at Northwestern University in 2004. "But I'm not somebody who believes in legalization of marijuana."

"Senator Obama does not believe in legalization of marijuana, but agrees with President Bush that long minimum sentences for first-time drug users may not be the best way to occupy jail space or heal people from their disease," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

Smoking pot is a disease ?

Like I said, fuck Obama.

:joint: :wave:
not that obama is my favorite canditate by any means, but to see someone who actually has a chance of winning say something like this is great news. the first step to legalization is something like this, and i think its possible that he may actually support full legalization but is afraid to say it because it could ruin his chances.


you know what i just thought of (im really fuckin high right now) that has nothing to do with this thread? imagine what saddam hussein was thinking when he heard that clinton got impeached for getting a blowjob? lol he's probably gettin bjs all day long by whichever fine arab babe he deems lucky enough to suck the kings cock, and us stupid americans actually impeach our president just for gettin head lol. he's supposed to be the "leader of the free world" and we wont even let him get a lil head


i will put my support behind anyone who will decriminalize (sp) and make legal this spirtual healing herb. I have also supported clinton bc of the economy up until now but if obama will publicly say he will legalize it i would change my vote.

ps the link didnt even work for me so i would still vote first for ron paul than hillary clinton.


ron paul is the sanest person ive seen on the campaign trail. man you give mccain a lead and he acts like a asshole picking on the mormon. you cant trust someone who is a poor winner. ron paul is the man all 86 pounds of him.


Canna Coco grower
McNuts WAS a prick to Romney... AND OVER STUPID SHIT..

Obama is a man of convience... BUT I"LL TAKE HIM OVER ANY OTHER IDIOT...


America does not need a president who looks tough or acts tough...



D Rock

Bergerbuddy Rep added.

I believe him about as far as I can throw him. Ron Paul is the TRUTH.
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here's a better link--the washington post--republican

Let's be honest. Ron Paul would be better--but doesn't have a chance in hell. Obama actually has a chance at winning and would be really good for the community. He's been forced to acknowledge the position--so there's no going back on it now. Could he change the law--probably not--especially as the first black president--but he can have a great impact on how the law is enforced without much interference from the legislature. He would nominate the drug czar--set enforcement objectives--we would have a voice now--were both sides would be forced to debate the issue. Donkey boner!

Totah Sam

a little too convenient

a little too convenient

I think Obama is trawling for the Medical and Recreational Marijuana vote. There are a lot of us out there. I doubt very seriously that he does anything to decriminalize marijuana. I see him putting together a committee to look into it and that'll be the end of it. :p

But, I think this is a situation of choose your poison or who's the better liar. In this case I'm going to vote for Obama because I like his platform. I just hope if he makes it into the White House that he doesn't pull a Bush and a** F*ck those that voted him into office.
Totah Sam said:
pull a Bush and a** F*ck those that voted him into office.


I totally agree with you that he is trying to snap up the marijuana vote for super Tuesday. I think the most important thing is he pretty much painted himself into a corner on marijuana. The republicans are going to rip him for it and he'll have to defend his position. The whole benefit being their talking about it--and we're right--eventually politicians will have to take notice. There's been tons of progress and an Obama win could be the next real step--he's the only viable candidate we have.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Are any of you old enough to remember Jimmy Carter, who actually made it into the White House (which Ron Paul won't, and Obama probably won't) with a decriminalization program?
And that in a time when both the political and cultural landscape was much more favorable to decriminalization than today (remember, eleven states decriminalized Cannabis in the 1970's, mainstream US was favorable to decriminalization, and in October 1977, the Senate Judiciary Committee actually voted to decriminalize).

Remember also what happened? It failed because Carter didn't have enough support in Washington to do what he intended (wanted) to do. He couldn't rock the political establishment that blocked his moves.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't believe for a sec that Ron Paul could pull off even a fraction of the things he say he will if he ever got his ass into the oval office chair, and Barak Obama wouldn't even last a 1000 days in office before some 'lone assassin' tags him.

It's one thing getting there, and another thing doing it.

Besides, seems like even Bush and his neo-con cronies have realized it's 'bad for the economy' to throw half the country in jail. So what is Obama saying that is even slightly original?


Active member
Electile Dysfunction??

Electile Dysfunction??

There are many of us who are plagued by this new term,"Electile Dysfunction". meaning the inability of any current presidential candidate to arouse in me a desire to vote for them. Ron Paul, yea, I would vote for him, but it ain't gonna happen, unfortunatly... I detest Politicians.. I trust no one who can only attack past or present administrations...... in doing this a politician tells me he has no plan of his own only that he or she will do better than Bush, Carter, clinton ( no capital letter for him, no respect) Regan.

What would convince you to vote for any current candidate, Experience? Personality? Truthfulness?

What have each and everyone of the current candidates done to deserve our vote? Do you vote for them because they tell you what they will do when elected? Depending on what demographic group your in each of them will tell you what you want to hear and then go on to the next group and tell them what they want even if that group wants exactly opposite of what you were told.

Is there an American Statesman out there? One who will do whats very best for our great country. I could vote for any man or woman that could lead our country, by solving the problems we have that are most threatening to America. All I ask from any candidate is to tell me what you will do about those problems. I don't care what anyother candidate says about you, just simply tell me what you will do about our borders, that is threats of terrorism or illeagles, stealing their way into our country, fuel, education, just tell me a problem and what you will try and do.....period...JUST DON'T LIE TO ME. We the voters are not as dumb as POLITICIANS think we are.. Don't think we will follow you because your on TV more often than anyone else... Be very careful of who you believe, don't sell your vote to the highest bidder.

Enough of this, smoke a joint with me, vote your convictions, and tell most of the candidates to kiss ya ass......


Nevermind, Barack Obama Wants to Arrest Marijuana Users After All....

Nevermind, Barack Obama Wants to Arrest Marijuana Users After All....

..."If you're convicted of a crime, you should be punished, but that we are sending far too many first-time, non-violent drug users to prison for very long periods of time, and that we should rethink those laws," (Obama spokesman Tommy) Vietor said......

(So, it's okay to brag about getting away with the "crime" years later? Would Obama, Clinton, or Bush be forgiven for youthful muggings, rapes, or murders they'd gotten away with?)

.....everything we know about the major candidates' drug policy positions has emerged as a result of someone explicitly asking them. The tortured evolution of Obama's views on marijuana occurred only because this information was demanded of him. First, Bill Maher forced Chris Dodd to discuss the issue, resulting in Dodd's endorsement of marijuana decrim. Then, Tim Russert asked other democratic contenders whether they disagreed with Dodd. The front-runners sheepishly raised their hands in opposition to even mild marijuana reform. Finally, when the Washington Times forced Obama to clarify his conflicting positions, Obama's campaign briefly endorsed reform before finally concluding that they opposed decrim even though they're still not sure what it is.

The conventional wisdom among my colleagues seems to be that Obama "gets" the drug war issue. Everything he says and does can be attributed to his presidential aspirations, I'm told, and we should be grateful that he at least flirts with criminal justice reform. That's fine as far as it goes, but I continue to question the fundamental political wisdom of refusing to talk about marijuana. It's an issue people care about. It's an issue that gets headlines. And it's an issue that's been handled about as poorly as one could possibly imagine for a long long time.


(Edited with my parenthetic comment added.)


Personally..I'm against legalization... Knowing its illegal is half the high .....
beyond that this is the last crime I got ..
I'm good at it..
n I'm too old to learn another one....

Theres a long list of MORE urgent issues.... facing our country.Weather a candidate is For or Against legalization of MJ..is WAY WAY down the list of reasons to vote for or against em...

The idea that a registered voter would decide to vote for or against a candidate based solely on their position on MJ is spooky to me.....


Active member
so assuming Obama will be the next president....
.....will they have to rename the White House to "The Black house"? :D

lmao......! "Super Tuesday".......


reread what mr. sinsimellia posted right above which is exactly the point i tried to make in last week's obama thread in this very forum. as long as the powers that be are able to cite mj as an illegal drug, it's only one more tiny step to say mj=crime. and this is the core of the problem.

any politician in today's national arena who speaks the least bit favorable towards mj is considered soft on the drug issue and thus soft on crime. it is political suicide to speak in favor of change though we all agree that is probably the wisest course of action. but first, this plant needs to be separated from those substances that wreak havoc in our cities.


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