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GH Cheese Rubbermaid 132watt cfl assistance needed

Hey everyone, ive been lurking around on ICmag and found a lot of really good information so far. I have a basic rubbermaid setup with two 120mm fans for intake and exhaust. Running 132watts of daylight CFL for veg for 24 hours(planning on going for two weeks this way), and the seedlings are looking relatively healthy. Started 3 Cheese femenised seeds about 11 days ago, and they are all 10 days out of the ground. Used basic seed starter soil and only water and mist for humidity, spread evenly through the three plants. Only problem so far is that one of the babies is severely drooping, with only a few ounces of water per day each. Other than that i'm happy and confident that i will do well this time around. All help is appreciated...and hopefully i can contribute to seeing if these new cheese seeds are what they are really publicized to be.

Oh yeah, stats have been between 71-79*F and 35-60% humidity. Ph of the seed starter I believe was 6.5 when I tested it.

all three

1 (healthiest)

2 droop.

3 (decent)
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yeah i was thinking that also. i let it dry out for 24 hours and it still hasn't perked up...time will tell. thanks for the help


Listen my username is from 07 lol
ya with CFLs lumens are key not watts, how many lumens are your CFLs pushing? 6,000-8,000 lumens per sq ft for veg an 8,000-10,000+ lumens per sq ft for flower. And are you switching to 2700k warm white for flowering? Highly recomended! looks good so far, how far are the lights away from the plants? Their looking alittle streched.
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im running 4 20w and 2 26w, not exactly sure what the lumens add up too, but I have 4 30w 2700k and a 42w 2700k equalling 10700 lumens for flowering, may add another two 30w's also once the time comes. They may look stretched but they're relatively close, within a couple inches from the lights without anymore vertical growth. I can tell they're close enough because the perlite below them begins to turn orange, and the leaves don't burn so i assume its a perfect balance. thanks for your input..how much does the lumens per square feet effect seedlings/veg stage?


Listen my username is from 07 lol
it impacts big time with side braching an growth rate for veg an yeild/density an trich/potency for flower, an for seedling it keeps the short an compact with more internodes at the bottom when bigger.
Thats quite the interesting technique Segue, i may try it if things go sour...but i don't think its entirely necessary right now.they feel quite light once they dry out, but ive been treating them all the same so I'm beginning to think the droopster is just a mutation or something. The "seed starter" soil is a product sold at my local hardware store composed of very light, airy soil with a 40% perlite content....very nice for little babies. On their packaging they recommended covering the seedlings like you said in order to keep they moist for longer etc etc. but they also need some breathing room as my maid is stuffed in the very back of a closet, super stealth style. Thanks for the input :joint:
I use the same technique just as effectively, baggie over a solo cup with your wetted soil or soilless mix in there. Works great
would it increase the growth rate you think? if it does than i would try it one one or two of them, just to compare the results. I'm trying to create the perfect environment for these so i can get accurate results, this is one of the first grows of this variety so I really want to keep everything objective. Doing just one or two of them I think would be an awesome idea. Anyone think i need to put another fan in there to move the ladies around a bit more? My intake is gently moving them when closed, but maybe an additional 80mm mounted inside would help?
Update - It's been two full weeks of 24 hours, so I have switched to 18/6....after their first dark time roots are visible through drainage holes, and new leaf sets have matured. This is how they look right when the "sun" came up inside their home. They all have their first set of "internodes" but its basically just the first leaves growing off the main stem. I'm happy with the progress so far, but im getting anxious to see them get bigger


All together


#droop (looking better, i put a plastic bag over it to see what would happen, and it perked up a bit)

#2 Rather healthy, good example of first internodes

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Doctor H:

I have a few CHEESE going myself Blue Cheese actually. Cheese x Blueberry. You will find that you love this strain. It was a gift to me by a local pro and i just love it!

Your babies do not need as much water as you think, especially under lights that are not as hot as HID. Just keep them damp.
I may have missed it but are you using a nute yet? I always give my babies a 1/4 strength nute when i water after they pop. I use Tri-Flex 3 part mix and Liquid Karma. Liquid Karma alone will do them well. I dont give them any of my other supplements until they have a few sets of nodes going.

One more thing.... Try gettting some small rockwool cubes, soaking them in a light nute solution and planting your seeds next time. Once they sprout water and care for them normally until the roots come through the bottom of cube, then transplant to soil, coco etc. Ed Rosenthals marijuana grow guide states to lower the water ph for germination to 5.5 - 6. I just use 10 ml citric acid per gallon.

As you see in my picture, i use cfl to start seed. I put them in the little trays you get with chinese food and use the lid as a humidity dome by adding a few small holes!
Good luck hope it helps! Peace!

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looking good mate!! im using a small processor fan inside my box, 40mm i think? it seems to move plenty of air inside. just a idea mate
thanks for the input everyone, check out the bigger of the two from yesterday

I am thinking about using a little bit of nutrients on them soon, and maybe transplanting in another week or so...also the 42 watt idea is good, but the total watts for them would be 168, and 10800 lumens. The lights I am planning to use are 4 30w 2700k, and then one 42w CFL mounted in the middle between the two plants in order to help growth on the sides/under the main buds. So if you add up the lumens with my setup, it ends up being 8 less watts, and 100 extra lumens at 10900. Basically its like using all 42's with just less watt and more lumen :joint: Otherwise everything is going great and Im grateful for everyones input so far...i'll update again in another week, but ill be checking often to answer q's.

navigator: i'm already going to be starting a veg/clone area for the trainwrecks and maybe another cheese in a week or so...already had my eye on rooting cubes...at the store the other day, comes with a tray and cover...so i can take cuts from these before flower, and start some trainwreck.....should be a nice show eventually :lurk:

edit: when are they going to start going UP? :bashhead:
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They look much better! Your lighting is perfect too! Good Job!
I notice that mine really start growing "up" when I start feeding them light pH corrected FERTS. I have 4 4week Blueberry Seedlings I just gave their first feeding too and they seem to be getting taller daily! Keep up the good work!
There are very few garden supply stores around here, and much fewer that may actually carry ferts that we are familiar with here on IC mag. There is always the option of ordering them, but I have nutrients in my next phase of soil for my transplant (espoma plant tone) I just added 1/4 strength into the soil so it isnt too hot, and ive adjusted the PH with aluminum sulfate, so its around 6.5 again (went up due to bonemeal/nutrients added in) The soil mixture has been "cooking" in the basement as i add things to it. I wish i could get some good liquid ferts somewhere around massachusetts where i live.


Active member
:wave: I finally decided to germinate that feminized cheese seed you gave me along with some hashberry, white widow and nl x g13/w. I'm gunna veg them until they show sex and scrog any females with the cheese under the 250w in hydro. I'm probably getting canna pk 13/14 for a boost and gh ripen for the last 10 days before chop to see what my 250 is capable of. I'm making one of these rubbermaids for a micro sog or scrog from clones once I have everything I need. I like the idea of having 2 grows about a month apart.
DrHerb, they don't have a "Wal-Mark" near you? Try Schultz 8-14-9 liquid plant food, or any schultz liquid. I've used that before finding the hydro store were I live with "EXCELLENT" results! If I was'nt using GH BioBizz Ferts, I would go back to the schultz. Even DrBudGreengenes uses Schultz! Give it a try if you can find it,Wal-mark is were I got mine from. They also sell "powdered" plant food too, just mix like liquid.

ALSO, when I did'nt have a pH meter, or pH up or down for that matter, I would add 4 or 5 drops of "white distilled vinegar" to my GALLON of water with Schultz and that was like "MAGIC" to my plants! I already knew that my water had a high pH 8-9ish and vinegar lowers it! ONLY add vinegar if you know your pH is high. It's cheap pH down! I still use it today! Works great.
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I guess I havent looked deep enough into the mark, but i guess the one nearest to me isn't that stocked. I could go to one farther away and hopefully I have better results. Sup 250, maybe i can use some of that liquid P/k also? prob just a few drops or something later on...we can talk later....im glad you started germing, and i am also excited to see the g13, what seed co. did you get it from? see you soon.

ps - if i were to get the shultz when should i administer? could i give them a tiny dose of espoma plant tone on top of the soil for now? thanks

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