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Berry's Experiments...


Active member
FIRST!! Don't come in here and **** this thread up by breaching TOU... I had a good experiment going in another thread, and that's exactly what happened....

I first heard of there being a possible problem by Ms Stitchy in the chatroom, some days back...

When I first heard the problems could be a 'hydrohut' issue, my first thoughts were, absolute insanity...the tent is the prob...????

After a nice feeding and getting my ladies to jump a little, I thought 'no, I'm just underfeeding these girls....'

Well I was at one of my spots last night, the one that happens to house the hydrohut deluxe.

The one that also has side by side DWC/coco, and both are showing the same problems....

New growth is either full on bleached, yellow/white, or is in weird pattern splatches like I've never seen....

Old growth stays green, bleaches from the tips in, and crisps to a light brown/yellow and dies off....

My plants have been in the hut and have fought it off for some time...

I mean, this is a dynamic I didn't take into consideration, toxic hut?? Who would've known.....

well, I'll get more on here of what 'my' experience has been....

here's a few photos of older growth and what is happening to it on both sides DWC and CoCo....

a common denominator effecting both my setups in this one hut, and I can't seem to dial around it..... so.... the tent comes down today...

I will take it back to the hydro shop, and if they don't take it... I will leave it on their front door.....

I'll also get some pics of what things look like before and after I tear it down...

Thanks to Stitch for being on top of this, and all the rest of you for coming out with your problems, allowing others to relate....

Thanks Guys...

Older Growth slowly dying....

The ladies that I will take from a 'healthy' location, to put into my suspected hut...

I'm off to do the move shortly here..... this will tell me if the hut is to blame, by introducing only an environmental variance, as I will treat the healthy ladies the same as if they were still with me... same food, same water, same cfl 24/7 lighting, only difference, they will be in the hut....

I'll be back to update this shortly today....

I hope I don't come in here to a flame fest,.... this isn't about the company refunding, or what some executive might have said... frankly I don't give a shit...

I just want to know for myself, and others in the community... if these huts are harming my plants... once we draw any conclusion, do with it what you will... this is for some knowledge...



Bezz thats pretty whack that the tent of all things could be the cause of the problems, I guess time will tell, and if it is then nice catch by Stichy


Active member
Yes... JJScorpio

Gen Hydro 'hardwater' micro 6ml/gal bloom 9ml/gal ph'd to 5.9 for both dwc and coco....

These nutes in conjunction with 'soft water' (as I found a softner setup hiding behind the furnace) could be playing a number on the health of these plants... hardwater micro + soft water = can't be good....

Pheno... we'll know soon enough if the tent is 'one' of the dynamics playing its part in hurting my girls.....


Our testing showed that it was an impurity, type unknown, inside the poles. A single client has now disagreed and this has caused us to go right back to square one. Because of this, I can no longer say with confidence that this is a pole issue. The plastic, PU is inert. quoted from s0cK3y3 you should try to change out the poles and see if it helps. good luck berry


Dr. Doolittle
Dude, I must be high off my ass, I thought I posted on here;, oh wait I was posting and then stopped; god I hate multi tasking; I had this thread opened in another tab in my firefox.

Good, I am very glad you made a thread berry,because not anyone has made a thread about there huts after doing something like washing there poles or washing there huts with water and bleach....
I for one will be watching this and hope everything comes out ok.I knew when that president guy posted in that thread it was going to go to hell and back!


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Great, someone with the resources to run an experiment like this and provide a slightly more objective view than "my hut sucks, its making my plants die", I've been waiting for you to come along and do this BC. Good luck!


Active member
Hey Sammet... yea this is where I've been for the last couple months... dealing with problem after problem it seems, and well, I can't get anything dialed in this hut....

sos I figure try and do some sleuthing for the knowledge that we all can use....

I'll have an update and photos later today....

thanks for stoppin' by and good seein' ya....


Dr. Doolittle
haha, sammet always has something funny to say, :yes:

Ya berry, we do appreciate it; for all those owners who got huts, you are providing them at least some hope instead of making peeps throw there arms up into the air :)


going to be watching your thread closely also.i have a HH and been going thru hell for a long time trying to get anything to grow in it.hope we can all find some sort of solution to this ongoing problem.may be heading back to the smaller closet just to get some healthy plants again.

good luck


Active member
healthy plants were moved into the hut today....just waiting to see if any signs of problems show up... I'll grab some photos in the next day or so,....


Active member
I heard back from hydrohut today

The email was very short and vague...

They told me their studies have shown the poles 'not to be a source of the problem'

Stating that it is the poly/plastic of the tent, that is gassing off....

you'll love this... they suggested me to either take the tent back to the store for credit, or to zip up the tent... get the lights on so it gets hot, and wipe her down with rubbing alcohol....

uhm...if the off-gas is killing mj... (which takes a beating before dying) why would they suggest for me to subject myself to the same off-gasses??? I wouldn't suggest anyone doing the 'clean with alcohol' doesn't sound like an fda approved 'rework' method...

they can clean their own damn tents, if they're gonna charge the prices they do...

they must be outta their damn tree over at hydrohut....

upon conclusion of my experiment my tent will go back, no matter what I find, just on principle in the context of them suggesting myself to put my health in jeopardy... frickin' idiots....


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I think it's safe to say their reputation is well and truly tarnished. Are you going to try a different type of tent? or build your own? maybe try a grow cab? They sound like a bunch of cowboys if you ask me.


Active member
I'll just build another cab... saw the HH and thought they were nice and clean lookin' and they are a snap putting up.. (once you go through it one time)

but nah, I've always just retro-built all my grows, so I'll continue to do so...


Thank you berry for bringing this to my attention, and for your experiments. I have had so many problems trying to get plants to grow in my hh, I hate to think that the tent itself could be an issue. I'll be watching fo sho. Thanks.


Uh...when I read that you use a water softener along with nutes meant for hard water it makes me think its a sodium toxicity issue. Try using tap water instead of that softened water with your nutes, or better yet get new normal nutes and go to a water store and buy RO water for like .20$ a gallon and test that out and see if the problem persists.

"The idea behind a water softener is simple. The calcium and magnesium ions in the water are replaced with sodium ions. Since sodium does not precipitate out in pipes or react badly with soap, both of the problems of hard water are eliminated."
- http://home.howstuffworks.com/question99.htm

I may just be a lurker but who knows. I could be right...
Year, thanks a lot for trying to figure what might be the cause of this. It is just a shame that the company is not interested providing the proper examination of their product. Especially since it seems, that it does something strange(toxic???) to plants, and maybe humans? who knows...

Have anybody had the same experiences with any of the other tent manufacturers?
I ask because I have a homebox myself. My plants haven't been the picture of health, though I see that more as my own fault, rather than the tents.


Well at the hydro-shop in town they have the HH setup with bell pepper plants in em, and they seem to grow fine and some nice peppers at that. Makes me think its a user error, no offense.

If all your variables are in line and squared away and your plants are still biting the big one then id say its the huts.

I've seen fine pot plants that are grown in tires and we all know how much toxic crap they leech into the soil.

just throwing my pennies around.

:edit: also notice the chlorosis from the margins inward and the green veins. tale tell sign of magnesium def. brought on by high lvls of sodium perhaps? perhaps...
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Active member
Zoolander----> I have not heard of anyone speaking of any other 'grow tent' having these issues...if I have it was a drive by statement, and I have seen no documentation stating so....??

HighonthePrize----> Stick around, we both might learn something :D

Capn----> Hello, I forgot the thread had been deleted and I had to start a new one, so sorry... :D I was thinking all the info was posted... stoner move...

yes, later I found out that the location of this hut, did have a central soft water tank/filter whatever you wanna call it..... since then, the filter has been bypassed off of the main, it is now on city water/gh hardwater micro....

Real simple, just watch the healthy girls.... if they thrive, then the tent isn't at fault is what conclusion I come to. The beef I have is a possibly toxic-semi-toxic tent, and it was actually recommended to get inside the thing and clean it??

For $500+ USD ya better come correct with a 'clean it' disclaimer next time...

I haven't seen any evidence of anyone having problems in other 'brands' of tents..... I should add I haven't done much searching on it...
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Oh yea i hear ya there berry. Guess thats the cost of "convenience" lolz. Hope everything works out with ya and your ladies.