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Caligreen goes perpetual



That's right, after my first and most recent grow I have just completed I have decided to start doing things perpetually instead of all at once.

My last grow I had 6 strains, I had mistakes which I will list here and reference back to time to time instead of going back to my old thread. I yielded almost an ounce per plant, which was my goal. Two out of 6 were my favorite smokes making my unhappy because it should have been 6 out of 6. I smoked my bud all to myself and friends of course!!! The thing is I just smoke too much too fast so I am almost out already haha that's why the perpetual grow has got me thinking.

Problems with last box:

-No night time ventilation. Knew this would be a problem and it was, had to cut grow a week or two short for some strains due to risk of mold. I have now installed four small computer fans that stay on at night after my light and 6 inch inline fan kick off. I am pretty sure this is all I will need to bring the humidity levels down inside the box. Last night my humidty level was 43% ;)

-Old bulb. Starting on this run I am using a new that is more grow efficient and puts out a wider spectrum and actually brightens the light by 17%

-Summer heat. Read a lot seems this is a big problem with grows but I had to run my box during the day same as now because it is too loud and I wouldn't be able to sleep, I use my box as an alarm clock and get up everyday at 6am. I believe you get more done in life if you don't sleep in. It's winter now so I don't have to worry bout heat problems!!!! Might worry bout cold issues, but honestly it won't go past 60 degrees and I like colors anyway :)

-Different strains and letting them grow freely. I topped most of my plants, but they really grew differently once induced to flower and the stretching made it hard to cope with, I had to use many household items to stack my plants on top of to get closer to the light. Now I will be trying to grow smaller plants so less stretch, and also training them more often as you will see.

-Light leaks. This caused a hermie flower on one of my strains giving me two seeds out of my whole grow, sucks because they were a little premie! Though I try to fix this by covering my box at night, it could still happen but I am not that worried.

I think that's most of my problems, we will see how my grows go from now on!

Green Crack from seed. I have a few more seeds, even pollinated a clone with it's own hermie pollen to get more seeds and well see how that works out.(it was an outdoor stressed clone that produced some sacks)

But I got the GC seeds from dank GC hydro buds, I know the connect and who grew it and it could possibly be crossed with alaskan thunder**** but I don't know for sure. Anyways I have been working with this mother I have grown from seed for a a few months now and I have some clones to continue the mother status but I am now flowering the mother.

Trained her last week

Heres a look at the bush before training, bad photo though because I was focusing on the knot I had made with a branch at the bottom

Here she is today, the lights were switched yesterday but I didn't see hairs until today and I only see a few so today is day ONE of flowering in my book

loving the new nutrients with the switch a bic for size comparison

hopefully will be a nice sized cola, not expecting fat but nice frosted buds for sure

only thing in there right now! Looks weird haha

I have a 400 watt hps and multiple fans for ventilation. I will be using coco and FF soil from time to time but as of now it's just coco. Subculture is used, FF nootes and some other's too. I will try molasses out soon as well.

Thanks for stopping by I will update when needed, PEACE ICMAG :wave:


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
One plant is how it all begins sometimes.

Lookin' good so far!

Good Luck!

Peace, Love & Coco


perpetual is the only way to grow...peace and cant wait to see the show


Go Caligreen :D
Know the feeling of stash drying to quick in the box :bandit: Sorry :noway: I meen don´t smoke so much :whip:

All the jokes put too the side. I will be fowling your grow brother :canabis:

perpetual is awesome. Just make sure you can keep up with clones! I personally need to make 24 rooted clones every 2 weeks to keep up with mine!


This is gonna go be soo awesome cali. Can you teel us a little bit more about the Green Crack clone you got. Whats the lineage on that???

Gonna be around for this one.


Active member
right on cali.
perpetual is the only way i can keep enough plants going to keep me in bud.
hard to plan though, trying to make sure you have vegged plants ready to go 12/12 when you harvest something.


I've been doing perpetual just long enough to have screwed it up in as many ways as possible.--lol Timing IS EVERYTHING. What I am just now learning is to plan two cycles ahead. Make sure everything is in place two cycles ahead of time, such as:

1. clone moms with enough GOOD clones ready for the next crop of cuttings.
2. Enough extra grow media on hand in case some of what you have cannot be re-used.
3. All nutrients need to be maintained in a larger container than what one would need for one cycle. I use about a quart sized container of EJ right now per cycle, so I keep gallons on hand.
4. You also need to keep a few extra pots/grow bags on hand in case something cracks or splits.

Perpetual takes more work, for sure, but it's much more efficient from a time standpoint. Especially for personal smoke.


Taking a seat

Taking a seat

I'm just starting my perpetual grow journal as well I have 4 goign now and have 4 more planning on going in in a month...they'll be in smaller containers...I'm planning on using 2 liter bottles for my next few. I'm using 2 gallon garbage cans now and I think they'll be too big for some of my indica strains, but I'll keep them around for my durban poison I'll be growing.

Anyway...looking forward to this one...try bonsai'ing your mother plants to save some space and build up your strain base....the only way to go IMO.

4 going now...

My mother's cove...I have 7 strains in here as of right now.
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Oh right on great response! I love it!

humble1-Yea one plant sometimes, but this is perpetual and I already got my second bitch in the box ;)

brainthor-Hell yea brainthor thanks for stopping by, stick around...forever hopefully!!! haha

Rastanfisk-Duuuuude it really sucks man, I think I am down to a quad MAYBE! :(

surfingrob-Yea man I agree you must be ready, but I have a small box and will only have a plant for each week or so, so hopefully the goal will be to harvest a plant every couple of weeks

707Corridor-Ahh here you go...My Green Crack is from A hydro Green Crack Nugget that I know the grower and where the bud came from....So I know the this bud I am calling Green Crack could possibly be an S1 that hermied and pollinated itself, or there was a male alaskan thunder**** in the room and that might have got the girls before it was pulled.....To be honest the GC I am working with currently has hermie tendencies, the outdoor GC I had sprouted some balls and I will have probably ten seeds from her but not sure what they will do! Though when I cut the balls off there were no more to return and the balls were only on the lower branches....I have had this happen before and now no balls! The indoor I am running now with the mother of that outdoor GC has shown some balls on the lower nodes and I cut them off immediately. I haven't seen any since. Oh well I know it will be BOMB smoke, check out my outdoor thread to see the GC buds. Check out some GC buds that my seeds came from....These are dank green crack nugs, no denying them, everyone loves the smoke and I can't wait to try my own grown!

bitchhitsbongs-haha smoking too much...? Did I say that, I meant I just smoked all my shit now I am out, but really you could never smoke too much! haha Great too see you back hows your papaya coming? ;)

hazy-Oooh You know this!!!!

PGW-It'll be more work, but I love staying busy, I honestly get bored and sad when I have no plants to tend to so I make sure I have a lot to work on. I have my soil right outside my room, my pots are in my room, my nutrients are hand mixed every few days and I only use one gallon containers :)

Mystic420-Hey bro, did you read the thread? lol, the GC I put in my box this run WAS my mother, and it was bonsai status! I love bonsai man, especially with this small ass veg cab! I have a lot of seedlings and clones I am working with now too, more mothers coming soon! So trashcans and two liters? Any growing stores around man? haha make sure those two liters are covered up so the roots don't get light! Check out my veg cab it's probably 4ftW, 2ftT, 2ftD....

I have multiple strains, I counted 13 today this one is Trainwreck crossed with sour D IBL from Killabrown, Thanks again buuuddy!

couple of clones of you know what ;)

Bullrider local in my area, ALL of my BR seeds I've grown out have been mutated, but as they've grown but hopefully well see a change in these...They do look similar to the older BR's I have cracked though. Fat signature BR leaves and old style looking veins....

Alright on to my Perpetual flower box huh? I have added my Sour D IBL mother to the box! WOO HOO!!! can't wait to see these buds, I swear I could smell the distinct smell of Sour D on the seedling when it have five nodes and in flower the smell is already getting stronger after two days. I am now using House and Garden nutrients cocos A and Cocos B plus subculture. I am watering once a DAY!!!! I love watering everyday, really controlling how much you give a plant. I believe my small pots will be fine with my coco ;) On the first week of the H&G nutrients and adding subculture one teaspoon per gallon in place of their root stimulator since I do not have it atm. I will be using subculture as long as it says on the H&G schedule to use the root stimulant. ON TO THE PICTURES!!!

Together under the greatness, you can't see it but the light is pretty much exactly 12 inches above the plants....possibly lower I just haven't measured but it's close! The new ventilation is kicking ass!

Green Crack week one


lush growth

female pre's

I can tell the difference in the H&G nutrients from the FF nutrients in ONE DAY.

SOUR D IBL MOTHER(honestly hasn't been sexed yet, but I'm sure I saw a pre calyx today!)

It might look light green but really they are healthy and soo shiny!!

Bonsai mother status, hopefully that will keep this stretchy bitch down a bit!

Weeell I hope you like how things have started! I love the response like I said before, especially since it's in the coco thread! Thanks again I love ICMAG! HERE WEEE GO!!!! PEACE
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ICMag Donor
Looks like you've got a good start caligreen! Nice shots! I'll be taggin along for sure!

Best of luck keeping up... :D


looking good man...peace...13 strains...i wont go past 7 its a pain in the ass


Caligreen, know i will be watching this one closly. big upgrades from last grow. i bet this one will really kick ass. everything looks very uniform.


Active member
looking good cali, got some coco boss bags to play with...i know the sd crosses will be bomb, i've been pretty stoked with how they've turned out so far. I have one going now that keeps packing on the weight yet doesn't have that roadkill funk diesel stink to it..would be a great commercial plant


Caligreen off to the races bro

Caligreen off to the races bro

Hey cali,
Looking good and I'm jealous as hell of your Green Crack.I have a green crack cross but not sure what it isw/o pulling out all the seed jars.
I am also really interested in perpetual growing.Jorge Cervantes has a good outline for perpetual growing in the indoor bible.I'll be watching.Thx for sharing it with us..Peace BL :rasta:
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Hey everyone, continuing my perpetual is tough already! I had to move my Green Crack outside because it produced more balls and turned into a hermie more so than it's clone....I pulled off many balls, all for about two weeks and now it's just hairs outdoors. Looks like it'll be some nice nugs as well.

I do have my Sour D ibl in my box still and it is on week one and 5 days flowering in these pictures. NOT EVEN A FULL TWO WEEKS FLOWER, and already producing trichomes. Can't see it very well but it's already got a lot on the large fan leaves too so I think she's gonna get super frosted!!!

So if you want to see the GC mother go to my outdoor GC thread where I am continuing my outdoor season through christmas with my one plant :)

pipeline-Yo bro! Sick to have you stop in my thread on the coco forums, you must check out everything eh? How did the outdoor finish for ya?

brainthor-haha, yea but it's worth it....Let me see what my list looks like as of now......Romulan, Kush #1 & Kush #2(waiting to flower to see phenos), Trainwreck, C99, Avalon, Sour D ibl, Sour D, Purple Urkle....I think that's all that's on the list and confirmed females so far!

forty grit-Hey man honor to have ya aboard, that urkle crossed with sweet tooth you work with is insane!!!

zorkieo-Thanks bro, I try to keep shit clean so I don't have to work harder. I got to go check on your purple babies... :laughing:

killabrown420-The man himself, yea man I saw the pics in hobby and your crosses are a fav in everyones book haha. That dabney looks killer like I said. So hey, is the Sour D I am running now like a double cross of sour D ibl then since you crossed sour d with a sour d? Maybe extra frost!?!? haha

budluver-Dude, I just got Jorge Cervantes grow DVD volume 2 tonight!! Theres an awesome guerrilla grow that he shows you and some huuuge plants to boot. It's worth the measly 20 bucks if you can get it! Got the book to it's right on, my buddy has a sick set up right now he's waiting to try all perpetual in the smallest area with a 250 watt hps. It's gonna be a lot of fun watching him do that. My GC was a cross to man! It is bomb smoke, smoking it right now actually! I got it to produce some lower hermie sacks, and ended up with 25 selfed GC seeds. I wonder if some will be all female?

Check out the SOUR D IBL 2 weeks 5 days. Water everyday by hand, gets fed like once/twice a week that's all so far.....That's all it's needed. Frosting up nicely so far, can't wait for this smoke!!! Smelled like Sour D as a seedling at the fifth node. :muahaha:

crappy pic but you gotta see the size comparison

Stretch? eh it's not too bad haha

Lower nugs are gonna touch the top cola I betcha

one of nine top colas

Dry outdoor Green Crack, smokes smooth and was flushed well! Burns awesome and tastes like it smells which is a great smell but I can't describe it!

Got some more babies getting ready for the perpetual system, next to go in is probably Avalon

Thanks for the comments guys, I'll post again when things get caked with frost haha. PEACE!!!
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hey cali, everything is lookin great! :canabis:

makes me want to start a new thread... maybe i'll have to dedicate a thread to my sole jack herrer plant. don't know if its female though, so it could be a very short thread. haha

i wanted to ask, how are you doing clones? in the plastic cups it looks like, but are they going right into dirt?

i know they'll root that way too, but it took me longer than water when i tried it. i finally just bought a floating clone tray, $24, there's something on my thread if you haven't seen it. i'm definitely not trying to teach you how to clone with my immense experience lol, but it's pretty weird. in over thirty clones i've taken from my plants (most of them went to other growers - hedge your bets haha), i haven't lost ONE. even the two i took from a chrystal in week two of flower rooted and took off. i don't know if ANYone's green thumb can be that good, so the tray must be gold. just a suggestion, if you've already got cloning down right on. keep kickin ass cali! :rasta:

hope all is well with you and yours :wave:


Active member
i bet that sour diesel is gonna be some really good smoke.
you got those youngins coming along, nice work, bud.