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My Vriptech & Its Vapor Goo

Rocky Mtn Squid

I've been using a VRIPTECH vaporizer now since February, and strongly believe that vaporizing is the only way to safely consume our beloved canibas plant & its extracts. IMHO, one of the the big bonuses from the Vriptech system is the vapor goo that collects in its glass stem, of which there are two type's. The first kind looks like brown hash, and collects directly underneath the bottom screen in the glass bowl. The second type, is the goo collects further down the stem, and it looks like oil. Here is a pic of the my two Holy Goo Jar's...... :alien:....and how much I've collected.

My old pal, RDR, the Oil Monger/Snob, and I, have had a long standing debate.... :fight: ..... over whether or not all of this Vapor Goo is worthwhile to consume. RDR, being the consumate oil snob/officianado, always told me it was shit, and not to bother with it. I knew better, refusing to throw it away, slowly accumulating it. You can vape either type of goo, mixed up and crushed with bud, and even though it's suprisingly potent in THC, I dont care for the funky weird taste, especially the oil, and find that it clogs up my lungs if I over indulge in it...... :cuss:

Fast forward to today, when I decided to perform a quick wash cold boil iso wash of both jar's of goo combined. RDR came over with all of his accoutrement, and the fun began...... :bashhead:

Now you have to know that when RDR starts his Emeril Live imitation, cooking oil in your kitchen, he's kind of like a French artist, and demands complete artistic freedom of expression.... :eek: ....so I stepped back, and let him loose, and took pic's.

15 mintes later, the transformation was completed, and what was once vapor goo was now oil. All of the contaminants and vapooched gerbal feed had all been removed, and I was left with just over 7 grams of potent oil. It has a dark cherry red color to it, and is now much more enjoyable to vape. Here are some pic's....... :cool:

Gently knocking over both jar's into the boiling iso, the vapor goo slowly disolves into the pan of boiling iso.

Once disolved, he pours the boiling mixture into his seccret McGyver-like filtration device.

Then, pour mixture into a stack of coffee filter's.

Vapor Goo turned into Cherry Red Iso Oil....yum...yum....yum..... :smoke:



That's a whole lotta goo, Squid! Did your old pal see the light? :) I'm another vape convert - been using a vapor bros for a year now, and am totally hooked and my lungs love me too.



That was the greatest representation of recycling EVER!! :D

Rocky Mtn Squid said:
Now you have to know that when RDR starts his Emeril Live imitation, cooking oil in your kitchen, he's kind of like a French artist, and demands complete artistic freedom of expression.... :eek: ....so I stepped back, and let him loose, and took pic's.

HaHaHa... my buddies and girlfriend, especially, all know exactly what you're talking about here! LOL!

<--- Iron Chef :p

Good Lord that's a shit load of Vap gew...


Active member
Vapor Goo Worth It!!!

Vapor Goo Worth It!!!

That oil you got there looks real nice!! Nice Oil stash!
I cant collect mine, it ends up getting done in straight away....

I used to push a dry bud up through the VRiptech glass stem after heating it a little to soften the oils in the stem, the bud would do a good job of collecting all the oil, then vaped the oil soaked bud..... it just kept going for quite a lot of tokes :yummy:




THC4SIM said:
the bud would do a good job of collecting all the oil, then vaped the oil soaked bud..... it just kept going for quite a lot of tokes :yummy:



Hah! Yeah... you can easily underestimate how long you'll be sippin' on your piece when you do that. My girlfriend and I found out the hard, errr..., nice way. :D