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Mexican - El Yucatero



Hi Folks

One of the best experiences I've ever had from smoking weed was from really bad looking super compressed brown/very dark green mexican brick I bought in Cancun, 2005, it blew my head off, definitely a sativa, very paranoid, heart pounding, tripping, I was having strong auditory hallucinations, got so damn paranopid. Ended up locking myself in my hotel room as there had been a small alligator at the end of the hotel garden where it met the lagoon, I swear to god I was shit feared that thing was gonna be trying to get in my patio door during the night. When I regained my composure (after giggling at myself for being so silly for a while) I wandered back into the hotel bar, met some Canadian ladies who immediately knew I was high as hell, they were from BC so were hardened smokers and i got them hgh as hell too, best sativa I've had in as long as I can remember, the Zamal x Haze I grew was as psychedelic but in a different way and didn't have the heart-pounding speeding effect, I saved the seeds I found in that brick and brought them home. Tried germing about 30 and no dice, I still have about another 30. They had a middle-aged Mexican dude playing total lounge versions of classic tunes on a keyboard and he suddenly started playing CCR and I remember dancing round the bar with a Canuck girl on either arm singing 'Left a good job in the city... working for the man every night and day...'

I woke up in the morning with an empty Tequila bottle and an 8 ball from a pool table in my bed, found one canuck girl asleep in my bathroom and the other one asleep on my patio on the tiles, the patio door wide open. That gave me a wry smile remembering the alligator, I suppose it could have chomped on her then wandered inside and made short work of me too.

Out of the first 30, I did get 1 plant, a lovely plant too, looked rather indica in veg and turned out to be male when flowered, the leaves did get somewhat thinner, but to me, this was not a true Mexican at all. It was 2 years ago and I just killed him.








A few weeks ago I decided to try to germ the remaing 27 seeds. I got four to germ and they grew just like the male from a couple of years back, with big, fat broad leaves. One of the four was a runt and took a long time to get going.

The other three went into flower nearly two weeks ago, I used the BOG double potting technique, placing the small pots of soil on top of 1.7 litre square pots of coco after cutting the bottoms out of the smaller pots first.





After two weeks they have grown a lot, they aren't all that stretchy, look like an indica/sativa hybrid of some kind, could be from imported Dutch genetics or a hybrid of a local Mexican to an indica, who knows, but fingers crossed they turn out nice. All three are female, and they are quite different to each other. One is tall and has no side branching, I thought it was male, but it's female and is the first to really start flowering. I have had to supercrop her a couple of times to keep her height down, this strain has really thick, tough stems and was hard to bend, I really had to crush the hurd by rolling between thumb and forefinger before they would bend at a right angle.





The other two Mexicans are quite different, the leaf form is similar, but they are much stockier with tighter internodes and have branched a good deal, they have also been supercropped and trained. Here is one of them:








26 days of 12/12 and the dreaded intersex trait has reared it's ugly head, which is to be expected really with genetics of this nature and uncertain origins.

The single-cola, faster flowering Mexican is a full-blown hermaphrodite it seems, there are loads fo bananas appearing. It's always a shame to lose a plant because it showed an intersex trait, but if one of the three has to go, glad it's this one as the other two are much more impressive looking.







A couple of close-ups showing the bananas, a quite pronounced expression of the intersex trait.




After eliminating one of the three due to hermaphrodism, I am left with two females, neither shows any stamens at all, and I have been checking them closely. The nicer of the two is forming two nice colas and some decent sized smaller bus on the branches, looks quite nice, but is flowering quite fast and doesn't look to be a Mexican strain, probably something commercial or a hybrid of commerical genes to a local Mexican. Definitely grows like a sativa dom hybrid, might be good smoke though, and thats what matters. Here is the nicest of the two today, 44 days into 12/12:







Some more pics of this nice lady, the pot she came from was horrid, brown, heavily bricked and heavily seeded Mexican crap bought in Cancun (not by me! lol) but had a very racing, paranoid, trippy high, a lot of fun and probably not half as paranoia inducing when smoekd at home rather than thousands of miles away surrounded by alligators and heavily armed cops. I think I would really enjoy that speeding, hallucinating high here at home, so praying this plant has some of that effect.





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Elevator Man

Active member
That's a real beauty BH - will be interesting to see whether the electric effect is maintained under electric light. How long do you think it's got? Another month maybe?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Ha ha, it seems like you're all accounted for w/ the various strains you have going, then you throw this curveball out there! Good on ya!

Great 'paranoia' story, hope it produces the heart-pounding, racy effects w/ minimal 'noids'. Look forward to watching these two fill out, pray for no more nanners.


Come to think of it, the fact she was less than 6 inches tall when put into flower is quite impressive, they certainly have a huge vigour and growth potential, the stems are immensely thick, even more so on the other pheno. I supercropped them both a lot to control height, otherwise they would have been 4 feet easily.

They don't look even half-way done at 44 days, so I reckon over 80 days for these ladies, but they should be worth the wait, sativas usually are! lol

Given the enormous growth in flowering and the length of time they are gonna take, these obviously have a lot of sativa in them.

I took three clones of this nicer pheno and all 3 rotted, by bubble cloner has stopped working it seems, tried all kinds of things, but can't get it to work, used to have 99% success rate too. I might try and reveg this one. The runt is still in veg, not shown sex yet and is still small and growing slow. Wish I still has that male I killed a couple of years back, would be ideal to cross to this female.

I'm still praying neither of these ladies throws out any late flower bananas on me as that hermaphrodite I got rid of a couple of weeks ago has me nervous.


Here's the other, slightly less desirable pheno. This one suffered far worse damage when I had an accident with my HPS burning my plants (notice the burning on the fan leaves on the other lady?) and the tops of 3 colas were burnt away, so this lady was more impressive before losing the best branches. Fearing mould, I trimmed away all damaged material. One of the side branches has become the main stem and is forming a cola now, obviously yield will be drasically reduced, losing its best branches. The leaves on this one are even thinner, but the buds are forming differently, in round clumps at the nodes rather than long, thin colas.










Curveballs? Hell, I just like variety, and I love my sativas. Here's another one that has only been in 12/12 for a week and has just shown sex, it's a female Colombian Gold x Grapefruitbowl f2. These were vegged for over a month and supercropepd into bushes before flowering, I find it the best way of controlling the hieght of sativas in my small space - lots of smaller colas instead of one big one.

I chose a very Colombian leaning f1 male to make the f2s and they do look to lean more towards the Colombian side than the f1s as you can see the thin, dark leaf trait and purple petioles of the Colombian coming through more. The other two are very similar but I think are males, another day or two and I'll know for sure, males and they are being discarded. I think I'm dropping my work on this line as although the first two females flowered are very potent and have a lovely active, buzzy heady high that is very inspiring and creative (and under the influenece of which I'm writing now); both had a handful of bananas, and there was another full-blown hermie in that first batch of 5 put into flower, so it looks like I've unearthed a hidden intersex trait in the Colombian side of the genes.






Keep us posted with updates on your el yucatero grow, Hempire. I think those of us in the States don't really appreciate mexican weed, since it's usually associated with commercial brickweed, only good for smoking in blunts. But I've had some good mexican brickweed, and I can only imagine how good it can be if it was grown sinsemilla under ideal conditions...


I'll keep this thread going right through to smoke report hopefully, unless bananas intervene. It's the fact that a lot of the brick weed I've seen was an okay smoke, but could be much, much better if grown and harvested with care. I've been lucky enough to be gifted two differeni That strains found in quality Thai bud and two different African strains from quality lightly bricked African, so my bagseed odyssey will continue! Currently I'm exploring Mexico and Egypt, but plenty more regions to explore!


Hey BH.Your Mexis are looking great.I'm really liking the looks of the super cropping technic though the resuting plants would still be too tall for my 150.Looking at your plants,I'm finally starting to understand how wide-spread the hybridization of landraces down south has become.Of the last 50 or so bagseeds varieties I've grown out in the last couple of years,most have looked identicle to yours with little variation.I can only think of 1 definate landrace I've gotten and 3 others that probably were.The rest were somewhat fast flowering,stocky varieties.I popped 4 seeds of the cross I'm trying.One seedling differed in that it has the fattest leaves I've ever seen and the cotyledons were not purple.I'm assuming it is an indica dom,which is ok since I've never grown an indica.I'll try picking this one apart and see what it is composed of.Keep us posted on these,I'm interested to see 'em finish.


New member
"One of the best experiences I've ever had from smoking weed was from really bad looking super compressed brown/very dark green mexican brick I bought in Cancun, 2005, it blew my head off, definitely a sativa, very paranoid, heart pounding, tripping, I was having strong auditory hallucinations, got so damn paranopid."

love hearing stories like this. so many other have had the came experience visiting mexico. it's amazing how many more recent smokers won't smoke anything that doesn't look like indoor commercial. im old enough to remember that compressed brown weed with no visible resin can be extremely potent. we used to get stuff from panama, jamaica and belize that fit description. at some point in the early/mid 90's, it stopped being possible to get really high quality import like that though.


We still get that kind of herb here.Super compressed,hard as a rock and brown with little green left.Alot of gold colors also.What struck me was your mention of no visible resin.I've noticed that also and the bagseed I grow out doesn't grow many trichs but can be 2 or 3 toke.Makes my head spin and ears ring at times.The top 5 best herbs I ever smoked was of the brown compressed type.The indoor commercial herbs I've smoked wasn't even in the same league.


Active member
British Hempire->
What is the pros of using a little pot on top of a bigger pot?I have seen it other places with a big rockwool cube as the little pot too.
Thanks in advance.