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charcoal Bio-Filter in res?

I have no idea specifically is the answer to your question but still I have some questions..
What kind of system are you using(DWC, Ebb/flow, aero, drip, etc)?
How large is the rez?
What nutes for feeding?

And finally, my unknowledged 100% guess as to an answer for you... I personally would not put charcoal or anything similar to that in my rez, just nutes, water, and some additives I hope help but have little scientific evidence to prove it.


Active member
hey man

i don't think that's a good idea, since charcoil absobrs ions like K+, Ca++...etc.
so that would "steal" the nutes from your system
use bio-filter if you have to, round short white tubes made of clay or something so that the bacteria can colonize it or lava rocks, you could use river round gravel aswell
all have to be soaked and rinsed with water before use

i use lava rocks in my mediumless recDWC and they work great, they don't change ur pH or something, 99,99% inert when in water

try to give some more info



New member
Thanks for the replys

Using the stealth hydro bubbleponics system.
6 gallons in res, rockwool and hydroton in net pots. My res temp is 74 degrees F. using the powder nutes that came with my kit, grow & bloom ( I have no idea who makes them ).
Using grow nute in 1/4 strength right now.

And for water I'm using tap. I set it out overnight to let the chlorine evap in a 10 gallon tub first. my tap water is nice, always at 5.6 ph.

Again, thank you for the help guys!
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