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Finally! FINALLY! I am stoked that I have got my box full and running! Took a short time to build but longer to turn on. I have 6 different strains I put in her, nothing crazy just a first test run.

Lets see I have a design thread for my box so if you want to check that out look at my sig. Dimensions are as follows- 6ftH, 2ftD, 3ftW. I am running a 400 watt hps that I have used for three grows so far(this will be the last grow with this bulb). I picked up a 6 inch inline fan from the net but got it super cheap, if I remember I think like 60? Really don't remember, also I might use a filter later in the grow when smell is more of an issue although I really don't have to worry. I had my friend INDO put the box together and I must give him props for that, you can check his grow if you check my sig.

Alright on to the strains :muahaha: I'll list the strain and give some history on it

#1)Purple urkle-Was found in some outdoor urkle we had a couple years ago, was grown out and cloned by a friend. I got clones later, not sure if this is still the same urkle because I haven't seen any purple. Although the friend I got it from grew it out and it was the dankest most purple bud I had ever seen my clone does not turn purple...But we have grown it out a few times between my close friends and I and we haven't grown a big one yet just bonsai so this time I'll grow it out a little to see what happens. This strain was given to me clone, and then I gave it to friends and lost it, not it is back from INDO thanks buuuddy!

#2)"silver"-Bud came to us known as "silver", was seeded well but the buds were still super frosty and dank. Has been grown out from a seed, grown once and cloned. It is a fast strain so far looking very indica. Frosty buds as well, I will look forward to this strain. It was gifted to me by INDO.

#3)Purple dragon-This strain was found in some bud that was seeded. It came from the first growers of the "purple urkle" and was probably mislabled or not sure of the name. But it has been grown outdoors hydro and has produced FROSTY dense buds, even with a massive bug problem. As well as fat sticky buds, it was hot as fuck outdoors and still the leaves began to purple off and so did the caylx tips towards the end of harvest. Not a bad bud, can't wait to fully grow it out myself indoors!

#4)White Widow-This strain came from some big time growers in Oregon. They are from Humboldt but apparently got run out of town and now are in Oregon. We got the buds from them and they were WAY seeded, not usually like this from them but it didn't matter cuz the WW was frosted as fuck and smoke great. Well, we had a shit load of seeds, we've grown about 10 out I would say and even though a lot didn't even get to flower they have ALL been female. My buddy is growing one WW now and I'm proud to say it will finish all the way through and it's looking really really great for some flouros and outdoors ever now and again. It has FAT buds, very very uniform in growth and frosty as fuck too boot. It smells very skunky. Can't wait to see this girl(hopefully) I am pretty sure she has pre-caylxs resting at inter-nodes. This is my biggest plant in the box so far.

#5)Blueberry-This clone was given to me by INDO and he got it from a reliable source so the source says lol. I won't doubt it til I smoke it, but INDO has a couple girls going of it right now and they are filling out well, smell ridiculously skunky, and they have mutations like reverting to 3 leaflets and 5 instead of going up even though it is not stressed one bit. Other weird mutations like a leaf coming from nowhere and starting a total new branch perfectly growing, hard to explain but I've seen other threads on here mention that the BB is prone to mutations. Well seee.

#6)Jedi-My own clone from my Jedi seed mother that is starting to flower right now(check sig. and check outdoor thread). Never been grown out yet, but it came from our Oregon connect and the buds were indoor Jedi and they were fucking BOMB. I have high expectations for the outdoor mother and my indoor clone!

Ok hope thats some fun info for you all, now lets get on to the pics. I took them under my HPS but tried editing them, thanks for the help Lurker nice thread!! My girls are in 50% coco 50% FF soil. I guess it's my own mix? Just thought it would hold water nicely because of the soil, but still let them breathe cuz the coco. Worked in my head haha. Also I added 1 teaspoon of subculture to each pot before I mixed them and then watered them with some regular tap water, should have PH'd but oh well this is the first run and I just wanna mess around.

Shot of the top of my box

It's pretty cool at night, alright cold. It is getting to be like 66 degrees at night, but it is an empty cold room that I haven't moved into yet so I'm sure I will warm it up with my electronics. My box is the only thing in this 12-11ft room as of now.

Top shot

My vent



White Widow(from seed)

Purple Dragon(clone)


Purple Urkle(clone)

Close up of Purple Dragon

Close up of Widow, notice the skinny leaves, looking more sativa and growing so fast everyday...Worried that it might be male

Well let me know what you think! It took a long time to get to this point. I'm starting my journey, come along! PEACE
Damn brother , you got yourself an awesome variety and beautiful garden,its good that you got it up and running,I wish you the best and be careful ! I got one rooted clone growing that I must have cloned perfect with rootone, and its growing awesome and stinking so I still got my bubba, so im still keeping my head up, I hope I can get to your point sooner then I think.....Well ill talk to you later brother, stay safe, and keep in touch


Hey bigsmoke thanks to be the first take a seat! Dude I still have my bubba mother outside, she is re vegging kinda with little light ya know? But she started pushing out 3 leafs instead of weird re veg single leaves so I tried to take a clone. There must of been an egg cuz I didn't see anything, but a few days later my on my BK clone there was a ****ing SMALL SMALL caterpillar on it and I took it off hoping the clone still might have a chance. Well it was just too damn hot in my veg box right now and the clones stalk just rotted away. I checked to see if it had roots today, the top looked ok but the stalk like I said was brown and totally detached from the top half after opening! Crazy, oh well I'll try again soon and show you pics of my mother bubba.

Good day in the box, it was a little hot though...87 at times :/ Oh well it's just a test like I said. I haven't mentioned but it is on a 16-8 light schedule with just one watering not needing any water after three days. PEACE!


Active member
ICMag Donor
looking really good my friend :)

i have always wanted to try urkle but i live in denmark and it pretty hard to get it here
cant wait to see what you get out of those seed bro

keep it green

peace maffe


New member
i've been waiting to see this one caligreen... looks great already and nice choice of "laidies", if that WW is male who cares... got pluntey more where those came from :) Blaze on brother


Thanks for stoppin in everyone!!!

Hey Maffe great to have you around here! I'm not sure if this is true urkle, but I know it finishes FAST and has bright orange hairs like urkle...We will see, it hasn't had the pleasure of my 400HPS yet ;)

anything new you got to show us?
Bitchhitbongs, Oh yeaaaa!
Hey bitchhitbongs, you said you have widow and can't wait for purple? My friend just harvested some widow, I have a thread for him in the flowering forum, it's T-5/outdoor white widow and towards the end the inner calyxs turned purple!!!

Iloveherb, yo dude, it's nothin compared to yours!

Black ra1n-Yea your tellin me, I can't wait, I'm gonna have 6 different strains all in my hand!!! WOO HOO

Calismoke-I think we all have bro haha. You should stop by the new place next time your in town. Oh and that widow, weeellll it's a damn FEMALE!!!

On to some info and pics! Listen up this is sick! I had them on 15hrs and off for 9, making them really want to start flowering. They had no nutrients yet just one water as they were transplanted. I waited a week and they were a little damp still. Yesterday morning I watered all 6 plants with 2 gallons of water. I put in each gallon, 4TBS FF big bloom, 2tsp FF tiger bloom, some silica from PBP and also sweet form them too. Also to give them some nitrogen I added 1tsp FF grow big to each gallon. I ALSO switched the lights to 12/12!!! Today they have ALL pushed out female hairs even the widow seed that I thought could be male has shot out small hairs!!! They are ALL already in flower!!! I switched and the next day we are flowering!!! It's the first day of 12/12 and also the first day of flowering right on time together. PERFECT. What's not perfect is I got heat and humidity problems. I want to add two small fans at the bottom for more intake, will this solve my problem? It has been really hot lately and inside my box it sometimes reaches 95 :badday:

Heres the pics

Ahh look how they've grown, they are starting to stretch now

not bad, almost all even

My biggest, the white widow from seed! This is gonna give me some great buds if I get those temps down

Here's my smallest, the purple dragon, but it's just a shot of the calyx and hairs! nice purple striping too!

Alright give me some advice, the room it's in the temps aren't too bad and there's not much I can do but add a fan to increase breeze. What about the small intake fans at the bottom, I will have to add those anyway because my main fan turns off with the light and I need some air blowing those moist buds around later on. PEACE


Active member
ICMag Donor
once agian buifull bro

you have it so clean in that room :) my room it full of soil hahaha

cant wait to see what happy in about 60 days in your room i am shure it going to be so butifull.....

i grew out som ww for 2 grows ago from dutch passion here is a pics of it hope it okay if you want to see more of them check my signature from 2006

keep it up caligreen you have the green fingers bro :)

peace maffe


Hey all! Things are looking good here, coming along, almost starting to get frosty...I took these pictures yesterday I have just been too busy to get on. I have pics of every plant's top, and also a top shot of every girl. I just learned how to use my macro, NONE of these are done with macro feature, next time when things are frosty, I will have mastered my macro feature, and I will have some great pictures I'm sure! I have a simple plant feeding schedule. I feed them when I think they need some food, and then I write down what I gave each plant, and when. I try to do two feedings for every plain watering I give them. Each time I water I just give them about a half gallon, but I have been watering about every 2-3 days depending on strain.

I have learned that Jedi is blueberryXnorthern lights...If this is true, then I bet my Jedi is legit, and it also makes me think that's why my Jedi, and my Blueberry are very similar, I will show you....

Blueberry leaf

Jedi leaf

Also the stems of the blueberry remind me of something out of a Dr. Seuss book, and the only other plant I have that has slight purple streaks through the stalk's is my Jedi...Take a look

Blueberry, striped

Jedi, also slightly striped unlike any other strains I am running

Just thought that was interesting! On to some other shots. These aren't similar, just DANK!

Purple Dragon leaf, by far my biggest leaves...But I think this is because this plant did not get topped at all...

Widow leaf, these are probably the sickest looking leaves in my cab

Widow stalk, notice I've taken a lot off the bottoms becasue I want the top growth to be more focused on...They stretched like mofo's in this hot weather too...They honestly might be too tall when done flowering, my pully's are about as short as they can go

So the temps, have gotten better. About 83-85 usually, occasionally it will get to 90...That's why they kind of look deficient, cuz it's a little hot, but also I just fed them yesterday and they look a little greener today!

I've put the Blueberry(front left) on a lift, also with the purple dragon(front center), and the purple urkle(back right) The Jedi stretched at least 3 if not 4 times in length making it my tallest plant(back left)

The next post is the top shots and single cola shots



Purple Dragon


Purple Urkle


White Widow(loves the heat)

I won't be back til the frost shows up. Wish me luck, PEACE EVERYONE! :laughing:

EDIT-By the way, I need to add night time fans. Should I
A.)Add two small computer fans, one intake on the bottom, and one outtake up top?


B.)Add a small rotating fan just to keep the buds moving at night...I DON'T want mold!!! PEACE EVERYONE!!!
Last edited:


Hey everyone, things are really coming along in the box!!! I have been feeding heavily about every two days...Then I water with mainly just pure water, or pure water and cal mag plus to work on some deficiencies. My leaves started to curl, but I got cal mag plus from PBP and I seriously noticed a change in two one or two days...The leaves all straightened right back up. I am PH'ing all the time, I don't like to **** around on that subject. I do need a digital PH monitor though, the hand method is getting old quickly. Theres a lot of frost on all of the girls now. It's only been two weeks and 5 days!!! They aren't really showing signs of over feeding except for the blueberry just barley on the tips. Since I feed twice and water clear, they really love to eat and then they get to relax, it seems to be working really well. I had to move some plants around, and my light is about has high as it can go now. My widow has foot long maybe even longer spears, and is already starting to weigh itself to the side a little bit...I am thinking about tacking up some string so my buds can lean against that, I don't think I'll have any broken branches or anything just gotta keep an eye on her. I kind of wanted to bump this thread as well because no one has responded to my last pictures! I guess this is a log too, so that's why I put a lot of info on what's happening. Here's some "macro" type shots from the purple dragon. My smallest, and I don't think my frostiest...Just a dank plant though. Hope you like, I'll come back with a large update in a week or so. PEACE!!!

This is my camera's macro feature...Works alright, plus I cropped the pics so they got larger

Main top cola on Purple Dragon

dif top shot then first


Active member
They look nice and healthy cali, i know you'll do those diesel crosses proper by the looks of this grow. I should warn you that they will stretch quite a bit so keep that in mind when you flip 12/12.

I got to get my temps in check before I can get anything decent out of my cab. Summer is winding down and hopefully the next few grows will be dialed in. I got to fix up my other veg cab and then I'll start some new beans and hopefully have another seed making venture in the near future. I got some OG kush/diesel crosses to play with. Also got grape ape, green crack, apollo 11, dabney BB, original diesel, catpiss, great white shark, and maybe a couple others in veg right now. :) Wish I had a whole room to grow em all in...lol

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