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Rolling Dutch Style Joints *Step-By-Step Pics*


While on vacation in America a couple months ago, I had the opportunity to teach a few folks how to roll a joint Dutch style (and how to smoke it....which end first....LOL:D as in the case of our much loved Green Lantern! ;) )

It is often called Dutch style, but actually it should be called just simply European style, cause people from many different European countries all roll the same way, eg. Germany, Italy, France, Swiss, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, etc.etc.etc. Perhaps it got the name Dutch style due to the coffeeshop factor in the Netherlands and how they sell pre-rolled joints.

Anyway, a couple of folks have asked how to roll Dutch style (we'll just keep calling it Dutch style for continuity), so here's the best I can do. Was a bit hard trying to hold the camera AND roll so please bear with me as the pics aren't the greatest.

Items needed: Whatever your flavor of the day is in cannabis, finely broken up; a pre-cut filter tip (if you can't find these in your area just use a stiff piece of paper cut to the approximate size in the pic), and a long size rolling paper...I prefer Smoking Blue, they are wide enough to work with:p

Step 1: Pre-cut filter tip

Step 2: Bend one end back and forth like an accordian to make the letter 'W'

Step 3: Roll tip so that the 'W' is to the inside

Step 4: Place your favorite herb inside the paper, allowing room on the end to place the rolled up filter

Step 5: Lay the rolled up filter tip into the end and roll up.

Step 6: It should look something like this now

Step 7: Pack it by bouncing the end on a hard surface, like the table, then twist the end to further pack down

Step 8: Should look like this:p

Step 9: Snip the twisted end off and it's ready to light! Be sure to light the twisted end, not the paper filter tip end....Green Lantern knows from experience about that one! LOL

Step 10: Sit back and enjoy!

So there's my 10 step program on how to roll Dutch/European style. There are other ways to roll that end up looking about the same, some roll 'inside/out'.....that's a tough one and still haven't got that one down yet.

The good part of using a tip is that you are not left with some yukky roach with clogged up end.

That's it.....Class over! Now everyone try this out and I bet you'll like it.



Well-known member


dutch would that be 1 of gypsy s stash boxes you got there
just won 1 on seedbay the other day just the mini
peace chucky:D


Hey Chuck...yes, that is one of Gypsy's stash boxes, although not the mini....the one you see is the deeper grey one, a tad bit shorter than the deluxe sized ones but almost triple the depth of the deluxe ones.





ive always used a roah like that ,i can even fold my initials into one, but then that would give my name away :D :wave:



may have to try that when I'm watching football sunday

...when I heard "filter" I thought of the type they use on Ciggs. that are spong like and may remove a bit of the good stuff from the smoke

but with that style...all your really doing is making a paper roach clip type tube thingy


Yep....gonna have to try that. I thought it would be more difficult.


Anita Bonghitt
learn something new everyday

learn something new everyday

Thanks for the tutorial. very well done:) Wouldn't you know I would be out of papers:(


Kewl gonna have to give this a try, Id sure like to see a step by step on the "inside out" too, if anyone has the capability :p

IC Rocks!!!


I bet that style would give a better hit too! I mean bigger toke since the end is less restriction and not likely too clog up.
Im gonna give it a try.....


Re: Nice show DG!

Re: Nice show DG!

Farmer John said:
I have always rolled them inside out...the new (?) Smoking Master papers just landed to Finland recently...they are really good, but they are hard to do inside out, even for me lol.:cool:
Im a jointman oh yeah.

I also roll them inside out(Bandiera, Flag Style). Great because its less paper. Nice tutorial though. Good to see there is only cannabis in the dutch style one because in Italy they mix tobacco(yuck) with their cannabis or hash.


Active member
Cool post DG :)

Gypsy sent me some of those strips and some Smoking papers one time,I knew what the strips were for but I never knew the process for using them.I rolled regular joints from the papers but I always had to cut a piece of paper off or it was too wide to roll.Now I know why.
I smoke 1.5'' Hempires now.They roll up nice and fat.

Hahahah LOL nice simple instructions well done dutch.

I do have a book in electronic format entitled 1000 Joints or something like that! there are some hell of a weird and wonderful ways to roll spleef.


Where do you get them filters and big papes ?Been wanting to roll a real one instead of stickin papers together and cuttin up cardboard.
I roll 'inside out' as well - its a learning curve thing dutch - it's really difficult untill you do it - then once you have done it a couple of times you will not be able to see why you ever had any trouble !!!

Strange but true - when i first started to go to Amsterdam Dutch friends did not like my joints because i rolled with too much paper - so I got nagged into learning 'inside out'

then I gave up tobacco and now Dutch friends do not like my joints because they are 'too strong' - ie rolled with pure weed


DancesWithWeed said:
Where do you get them filters and big papes ?Been wanting to roll a real one instead of stickin papers together and cuttin up cardboard.

I just got my first rip type filters in the mail a couple minutes ago

I ordered them from the U.S. based site
3 days ago
because of this thread

I got myself one pack of
Rip Tips .99
Quintessential Hemp filter tips $1.25

they also sell lg. papers

I picked up the 10 dif. paper pack assortment they sell in the rolling machine area for $9.99 (very good deal imo), and it came with 4 diff packs of king size papers

...will see if my joint rolling skills are effected much by those tips later on today

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