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MADNESS-strains been around san diego for years- EDIT 08/11 We know now it was not salmon creek big bud END EDIT

two seperate harvest are being reported on here: one organic, grown under 400w and fed canna bio- and one hydro, 600w, and canna substra. both grown with experience and lots of attention, and both very well flushed.



organic top row, hydro below

GROWTH-big bud-nuff said

AROMA/TASTE- both grows had a very deep sweet syrupy smell while growing. after harvest, the organic takes on a very loamy aroma that i enjoy very much. the hydro gets to be much more floral, and sweeter. taste reflects the aroma, but the difference in final product is less pronounced then the smells. however, the green hit from a hydro nug that has not been in the grinder tastes every bit as sweet as the smell when she is still in flower, but the hydro seems to lose flavor when ground up- the organic has that same awesome sweet carrotbud taste whether ground up or not.

HIGH- very very very solid. certainly not the most potent ive smoked, but it does stone me out completely. head and body, smoke enough, i end up in a little blissful mental cocoon! doesnt put you out though.

MEDICINAL POTENTIAL- very high marks here!! while it doesnt do anything for my insomnia, it does help with pain. relaxes the muscles in my back, almost seems to isolate pain and keep it contained, or maybe i just smoke too much weed!

OVERALL IMPRESSION- i LOVE having this in my garden. if you judged 10 strains in 10 catagories, MADNESS would not score first place in anything but yield, but cumalatively, she is a really good all around strain, and could be the work horse of any garden.

I give her an 8 outta 10, and thats good enough to keep.....

Thanks again to my boy for hookin us up with the cut, she is now residing with a medical provider who seems to go through a lot of cuts, so if anyone down here gets it, let me know what you think of it.....subrob and friends
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I have smoked some real deal salmon creek big bud. Or atleat a Steve Tucks cross of it. Its some of the best smoke I've ever had. I took some to the 2006 Reggae On The River, and I didn't smoke nor see anything better. Every person there that saw it was amazed. Very good stuff.


Active member
What a write up, awesome bro. The organic buds look better than the hydro ones in your shots. I found that shocking. But all in all I got the experience that you feel in that strain. Love to read more report like this one. Thanks.



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irie-thanks for stoppin in. ever since jason kings books started coming out, people have been doggin big bud right and left. the two examples i have seen, this and a friends in oregon in the mid 90's rocked. was told by the bro who gave it to me it was big bud from oregon crossed with an unknown indica. that left me unsure if it was SCBB, but when i looked into it, found this was essentially what sensi seeds big bud was. and isnt SCBB supposed to be a select phenotype of sensis bb? havent been to reggae on the river since 87 or 88, but i will never forget it!!!!!

mickeyblue-thanks man. should be noted, i did not take photos. my bro who also grew the organic is responsible for the awesome photos(and awesome organic buds)

smokey- i am very happy with this report, but you shoulda seedn the one i spent an hour typing in, only to somehow lose it!!!!!this was a condensed version, but as i tend to ramble on the subject, maybe that was a good thing!! i was shocked also, after seeing the hydro first, and then waiting a couple months to see my bros, i did not think they could look better! just harvested a second go around at 56 days(previous was 70), she is a little better suited to the shorter flowering time i think. will do 60 this time. organic was harvested at 60.

thanks again everyone!! well, its my weekend, and i got a plan.....


Very solid report...thanx for taking the time. I was a little surprised when you took the first round at 70 days so interesting you're gonna cycle it faster. Based on your report it's no wonder the cut has been around for awhile. If I get down your way I'd like to get a cut and giver her a whirl...she'll have a good home but will need to compete for space...lol. Thanx again bro :yes:.


After thinking about it I'd also like to say very awesome... :yes:...there's a comparison between hydro and organic with this cut. Very cool indeed. I started growing organic soil then went hydro and there's some differences I definitely notice which are kind of confirmed with the pics and smoke report.


I will let you know what I think in about 40 days my friend :p

I've got 6 SCBB on a table, under a 600w fed GH Lucas Formula.

Flowered at 10", they are at 19 days now... looking like an EPIC yeilder right now.

nice report, and even nicer budshots... those look like well grown dank nugs man. Well done!


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adverse-thank you. i really enjoyed being able to report on both. it was worth the wait. when you get down this way, let me know.

neptune-thanks also my man. looking forward to seeing the progress! whats new with her?

smokey-just in case you check back in, will put up couple better hydro pics! gotta hook a mod up!



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ICMag Donor
BUMP- as we have gotten this strain dialed in- i would like to rescind my previous score of 8 out of 10, and bump her to a 9 or better!



as we have gotten this strain dialed in- i would like to rescind my previous score of 8 out of 10, and bump her to a 9 or better!
Geez man...9 or better??? Awesome. I knew I liked her at first sight for some reason. Haven't seen or heard of too many 10's. She must really rock! Looks absolutely killer :tongue:.


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ICMag Donor
budsmith and dr ponix-thanks for the kind words

non-ya-ive never smoked a 10!!!! that should tell you how i feel bout MADNESS. i guess its kinda dumb for me too rate a strain,cuz if it aint an 8-whats there to write about, and if i claim somethings a 10-you know im full ashit!!!lol! i guess there is a reason the guy who gifted it to me kept it for 20+ years!

piff-thanks man-if your in cali, it is working its way through the med scene.
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subrob said:
Bump for ya dragor.....sub
big-ups brotha!
very nice recount of this now-infamous MADNESS strain :D
the tastes sound very intriguing, i like that molasses/syrup sweet flavor you speak of, reminds me of the salmon creek big bud in all honesty (had an incredibly sweet acrid skunky stink in flowering?). the effects sound way more indica than the SCBB I have had from NorCal, so I am now thinking that the SD cut had something crossed into it or is an entirely different strain... I am gonna dig through some photos for SCBB dried nug shots for comparison.. beautiful job with the photos and everything thanks for the effort!


Variouns SCBB shots







and my personal favorite..



found some pics of the Humboldt and Mendocino area grown Salmon Creek Big Bud that I was speaking of...

first batch more racy... (pulled early maybe, camera vivid setting turned on)

diff batch (diff grower) less racy very stoney... (pulled late maybe, non-vivid mode)


Neptune absolutely gorgeous! that's the SCBB I have seen too, massive colas on steroids, should be called Schwarzenegger Big Bud! it does look different than the madness that we are seeing in Subrob's posts... I am starting to have doubts that they are the same strains at all... SD Madness looks just as beastly gorgeous though too, God bless cannabis :D

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