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root aphids


Active member
In the last few days I was going through a tray of cuttings and found little bugs crawling throughout my clones roots...:yoinks:

Is there a difference between root aphids and soil gnats? I got gnatrol, but will this do the trick on root aphids?

ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPECIATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badday:


If your gonna use the gnarly chemicals go with the tree & shrub. But the thing about that stuff is it stays in your root sytem for a year fighting bugs so your prob. not suppose to use it on anything your gonna smoke. Apply once with reg nutrient regimen at a half tsp per gl. Make sure not to use more than this and only apply once. The bacillus works good in gnatrol. Theres also another product thats cheaper and still has bacillus strains in it. Safer's "Caterpillar killer" you can get it from most hardware stores with a garden section. For anything thats eatin your mothers leaves that tree & shrub works wonders. Mites,flies,aphids,etc..any leaf eaters. Anything eatin your roots bacillus thurgensis is the way to go in my experience. If you have any thrips use spinosad two spray applications to the top soil and I havent seen one since. Hope this can help with most of anyones bug problems.
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Well-known member
Gnatrol will not control anything besides fungus gnat larvae, mosquito larvae, and shore fly larvae.


Well-known member
BluntItUp said:

That stiff works wonders, i used that to kill my root aphids, one application and its gone. I also tried gnatrol and it did not work. You can get that bayer stuff at homedepot. Also only use one application, it is strong!

I just reread your thread and you said those are clones. Maybe just try 1/2 strength first?

It is so strong that one application lasts for a year. The active ingredient is Imidacloprid with a half life of up to 730 days ( 2 years for the math challenged). It is systemic in action which means the plant absorbs the pesticide and distributes it throughout its tissues including buds. It is not something to be using on Cannabis. I am sure it is a very effective pesticide, and I am also sure it is not something one would want to ingest in smoke.


Ed Borg

Active member
Neem Oil eradicates Aphids with ease. Spray the entire clone as well as the medium and all surrounding areas. Success.

Scay Beez

Active member
BUMP! So did Bayer tree and shrub concentrate completely solve the problem? I'm using the granules right now but I think its just taking a while to work.

- sbz


Dr. Doolittle
Dude, if all possible, sometimes I know it's a must, but if all possible avoid using any chemicals. Who knows what affects they have, they don't do long term tests and the stuff thatcomes out every year on this shit just scares me even more into not using them.

So ime it's best to try to stay away from chemicals if all possible, but I know it's completely impossible to, because these bastards are becoming more and more resistant and it seems like you have to sometimes use a chem to rid of them permanently.

Scay Beez

Active member
MynameStitch: Normally I'd be screaming that to others as well man. I don't even use toothpaste with fluoride or any chemicals in my house at all. I clean with vinegar and use castile soaps.

I've been fighting these things for MONTHS now and a combination of pyrethrum, neem, and nematodes aren't stopping these monsters. Spidermites are a laughing joke compared to these beasts. I'm trying to preserve some bomb stuff. I'll let it grow two years before flowering it out again... just to make sure it's still around.


- sbz



anyone with experiance with BOTANIGARD ES ??? it is organic fungus that attacts softbody insects. I think I have root ahpids . will it work??

Scay Beez

Active member
I just got an email back from a humboldt-er and he suggested Spinosad (conserve). I had to resort to using the bayer tree and shrub at half strength and it took about a week or so to fully get into the plant but it knocked em out cold!

I hear that Beauveria Bassiana isn't easy to wipe them out with. It slows them down and then slowly kills them (can't miss a single one or let em breed!). I talked to Cutting Edge Solutions which sells this product under the name Patrol and they admit that it's probably not the best thing to try. A user by the name of Mr. Celcius said he used $200 worth of it with no luck.

- sbz


I need my Q answered man. My plants are fine, who knows how long they have been there. But I just noticed them yesterday. I have white little bugs that look like aphids in the soil, mostly looks like the topsoil though.....Also I would have to imagine that those are the babies, because there are as well little black bugs crawling right besides them. If I try to touch them they can jump like flees. I am thinking fungus gnats but also root aphids at the same time. I do not know how this could have happened I am all indoors....

Could this just be one type of bug in different stages of life??? And if it is fungus gnats how should I go about killing them. I read somewhere about dolomite lime is supposed to go in the soil and then shreds insides of the gnats, would this work if they are roots aphids??

Scay Beez

Active member
caligreen: The root aphids I had started out a clear-ish/white babies then turned orange, and then turned into a spider out of a terminator movie. Do you have any insects flying around? If they jump, it could be Psyllids.

Bti Bacillus thuringienis israelensis (mosquito dunks or mosquito preventer) is the best control of fungus gnats.

- sbz


New member
here are some pics that could help you to identify root aphids... notice in the first picture, the yellow one... the big bugs, with long legs, are fungus gnats... the small ones are the flying phase of root aphids... notice the difference :)

good luck


Scay Beez

Active member
seebobski: Are you in soil or hydro? If soil what is your mix? How healthy and what stage are your plants at? Can you take clones and ditch the soil or just get your genetics again?

- sbz


reused soil ,basement mix and blackgold .they are in all stages.not noticable stunt and they just crawl all over soil and pots when bumped around.