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Fresh Charas...

Elevator Man

Active member
Good weed to buy has been pretty scarce around these parts the last few days - just bits here and there. My harvest won't begin for another two weeks, so it's an issue for me right now.

But I was pleased to be able to grab a nice half-ounce chunk of fresh Indian Charas last night - and an eighth of good red Lebanese too. The charas is quite coarse in structure, and hard at room temps, but softens up quickly. It's very potent and very 'up' - for hash. No problems smoking it first thing this morning - has a similar hit to some robust 50/50 I/S weed.

Should keep the wolf from the door for a while...:)


Elevator Man

Active member
I got some good connects full-stop. I can always get good hash though - we never get any shit in this neck of the woods. And I think my hippy friend was making up for dropping my Jamaican seeds in his tea...:)

The UK is often better than folks think, but you have to seriously 'cultivate' friendships to get hold of the good stuff. I don't screw anyone over, and have the best dope-book library in town, so I've got a little more credit than most. Some guy's visiting to photograph my plants next week for a calendar, believe it or not...

I've also given a lot of clones away in the last year, and now seeds, so I have a lot of people owing me a lot of favours...:)

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