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fimming and topping made easy


although u dont have to grow organically to do this, im putting here cause this is where i think the best info is.

Topping a Plant

1. Locate the very top of your plant and cut through the main stem just below the newest growth. This should be done after the 3rd or 4th leaf set but can be done at any time after the 3rd leaf set.

2. Shows Plant Top cut off and where the 2 new Branches that will form a "Y" in the main stem will grow from.

3. Shows the newly topped plant after 2 days of growth, notice the Y in the Stem Forming.


Fimming is actually no different that topping, what fimming does is virtually the exact same thing only your leaving part of the new growth. This only takes of part of the new growth and actually topping the very very new growth which is very hard to see.

What this ends up doing is making it seem as if your getting 4 new tops right next to eachother when its actually only 2 at the very top (like topping) but since it was cut so closely to the next newest set of fanleaves 2 branches which would have formed there anyways seems to make it look like there is 4 new tops.

This is how you go about doing this.

1. Locate the very top of the new growth

2. With a clean sterilized scissors, Fold the fan leafs over and cut approximately 80% of the new growth off the plant.

3. View from the top showing the Cut

4. View of the Cut section after 2 days growth, showing the 4 new growth shoots (branches)

ps. thanks to dierwolf for the visuals. much appreciated.


Get two birds stoned at once
Here is my once topped/fimmed durban, done after 2 nodes showed.



hey thanks deft for the pics. i hope more people put up pics of their topping or fimming . i personally have yet to do it. maybe ill do one today. its obviously a great thing to do for your plants. :joint:
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you like that DP? i tried it out but didn't like it much.... although i'm more of an indica fan than sativa so i guess i'm predjudiced... i just didn't think it had a great potency or taste... great post btw... love the pics


a good potent indica is what smoking is all about for me. the stronger it is the harder i fall. im on my first successful grow of NL. there quite big and almost ready for flowering. lookin forward to some organic fire this summer. :joint:
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New member
greenhorn question

greenhorn question

I really need to fem my plants, but I also need to transplant them. Will it hurt them if i transplant and fem the same day?


Active member
Nice...wish I had a nice pic tutorial like this back in the day...I'm sure this will help plenty out. I rarely grow a plant out without FIM'ing, it always helps bump up the yield at the end.


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marley420 said:
I really need to fem my plants, but I also need to transplant them. Will it hurt them if i transplant and fem the same day?
It will be more stress on the plant and probably longer to recover, I like to transplant real early into final pots so I can fim and flower a well established plant. I just fimed 3 more plants, not going to fim the outdoor ones since they got a late start and were small so I want them to have all the time they can to grow big and not waste time redirecting growth.


Another easy way is herd snapping. When I had large rooms of plants I would go through and bend the stems over and tie them up. Not much stress and worked like a charm.

Deft, you outdoor plants you can use cow bells and weigh them down with no stress at all. check out a post in the OFC by Smurf. He does it to his outdoor plants.



yep i had to snap a few stems on my last ak48,s t r e c h.......
it recovered nicely but that was 1/3 the way through flower though and I use silica blast so that may have helped with the rebuildingrepair if the branches and stems


This is a great tutorial for any grower. FIMing is one of the harder tricks out there to master, and with this I'm sure you're going to help a lot of folks learn how to boost their yields!


Get two birds stoned at once
vonforne said:
Deft, you outdoor plants you can use cow bells and weigh them down with no stress at all. check out a post in the OFC by Smurf. He does it to his outdoor plants.

Whats the OFC? Dont know that one. I might do this depending on how they grow, looking to shape them to capture the most light if they are not allready.


OFC = Organic Fanatic Collective. I know you are aware of it, but for the rare person who isn't, the thread is here. It is a great source of info and very helpful and knowledgeable people. :wave:

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