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Determining correct temps with lazer gun thermometer



I recently got a fluke lazer thermometer to make sure I'm getting 85 degrees at the canopy so my co2 is utilized.The problem I'm running into is with a 3 ft plant,the cola may read 85 degrees but the "satellite" buds surrounding the cola a bit lower will read 75 degrees,a full 10 degrees cooler.I'm only talking about maybe 10 inches lower than the cola,a full 10 degree difference.Not sure how to handle it.I can probably let the top of the cola's hit 90 degrees this may up the temps on the "satellite" buds a little.


Off hand I'd say get most of the bud mass in the grow, whatever height that is, at a temp you like. It's wild you got a 10 degree spread in only 10". Maybe better air circulation right at the height of the tops or you can also look at how effective your hoods are being cooled to eliminate more radiant heat? Also seems to highlight how fast light intensity drops off.

I appreciate the awesome information regarding temp differential as this just confirms to me the importance of training and keeping the canopy even and not very deep.


OG Refugee
I know this probably isn't a possibility for ya, but air cooling the lights will help keep down the hot spots right under the lights...therefore allowing you more consistent room temps (as well as lots of air circulation).

I get about a 3°f variation from the tips of my colas to the pots doing it that way...


Doh...or I guess it could be your not air cooling your lights...lol.


I guess nobody else uses one of these.I'd really recommend this especially if you've gone through the expense of instaliing co2 enrichment equipt.


Active member
im just really wondering about the realiability of these buggers. So you just point the laser at an object and it gives you the temperature of the surface?


I see a lot of models on Amazon for fairly cheap, I too was wondering about the reliability of these devices.


robotwithdreams said:
im just really wondering about the realiability of these buggers. So you just point the laser at an object and it gives you the temperature of the surface?
yes. they work extremely well, very accurate. a useful, fun toy. i've been meaning to pick one up, but get so side-tracked when i go to home depot. :woohoo:


just realize the transpiration of the plant has a cooling effect... that will explain part of the dif between room temp and leaf surface. some leaves may transpire more as well


Sandman I have vertizontals so you cant air cool them,I got it straightened out good.As for the accuracy,I've used these for years when I was the resident electrician in an office bldg here in Tampa,kinda a maintenance man/electrician.Cool job for a construction worker lol.Anyway,they are super accurate and last a long time if you dont abuse them.I used to have to "shoot the vents" in the ductworks almost everyday when having ac problems,they really are amazing.I love zapping my humidity dome lol.


HarborFreight.com has 2 cheapies worth looking at--one is a cheaper infrared one and the other one is a laser--25 and 50 bucks respectfully.

Fluke probably makes a damned good one.


One of the big differences between the cheap ones and the more expensive ones.....

One of the big differences between the cheap ones and the more expensive ones.....

The area that they take the temperature from. In the more expensive ones the area is smaller and more exact. On the cheaper ones the area is larger and less exact. I get a Professional Equipment catalog in my e-mail. Have been watching them for awhile. Lots of great toys in there but man.......$$$$$$$ They even have thermal imaging. It is coming down in price very rapidly. Not a good thing for us. Know they can't get a search warrant for it but doesn't mean they can't use it and then dig up something else.



Mine reads from like -30F too 950F,thats a big part of it too,its temp swing readings.Man I just shot a rockwell cube through my dome lol its been cold down here last couple days lousy time for cloning,thank god for heating mats huh!It really is a good thing to haveEDIT I had a buddy at an elec supply order this for me it costs 105.00 its a fluke 62 "mini",I'm going to google it now to see if he got over on me or not lol
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Well it seems to retail for 99.00 so I paid about the right amount,I saw at 94 dollars for the cheapest and 135.00 at some places!