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Question- Cannabis tea: will this recipe work?


Active member
After looking at some recipes w/ mj, I've (yet hassle free) recipe in mind for making mj tea. I'm a crap cook myself + couldn't cook even if my life depended on it. Will the below recipe work?


50 ml of cow milk
100 ml of water.
3 grams of low potency cannabis (not stems or leafs but ground buds).

I'm thinking of boiling the three ingredients listed above in a stove for 10-20 minutes- till the colour of the milk changes to a khaki brownish sort of tint is when the mixture is to be taken out, filtered (thru a strainer) and served.

During the making process (boiling) I'm aware that THC gets purged at temps over 150 degrees Celcius (though not sure about the exact figure). So I suppose I should control the heat by alternating between low / med/ high once the liquid contents in the mix (water + milk) start boiling vigorously. Is 10-20 min enough or do I need longer simmering times?

Honey or melted chocolate bars should also improve the taste, which I'm sure will be bloody harsh esp on the throat. Sound good? Any ideas for improvement / refinement? Thanks for the help in advance.
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a water extract of green cannabis leaves tastes nasty indeed. Good tea ist made from small stems and the leaf stalks: Infuse half a gram of dry stalks with a liter of boiling water, wait ten minutes and drink! If you want a stronger buzz then wash the dry weed in oil (some heat may help) and eat a bread soaked in that oil! But if you think that nausea is a precondition for a psychodelic experience then go ahead and drink weed milk!

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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
imo ....its 1 or the other for a good tasting tea.....with milk you can only bring 2 boiling point...and then it rises over the pot...you can however put it on a light flame at boilingpoint and keep it there for a few minutes while sturing.....then run it tru a filter and add some sugar

with water you should also not boil the buds and/or stalks...just bring it 2 the boiling point....then put on a little flame and keep it there for 10 a 15 minutes....strain the water into a cup...and then ad a teabag for 10 a 15 seconds into the cup....add sugar and you got yourself a great tasting tea....

hope this helps a little on your tastbuds....

- ezra -

Grasso said:
a water extract of green cannabis leaves tastes nasty indeed.
not true at all. You can make a very nice tasting tea with only water and trim! The taste is mild, put pleasant. herby and spicy, like a nice herbal tea. The effect is quite mild, but it can give you a fast acting, shorter lasting decent buzz, but you will need more weed.

Milk will make it much more potent because of the fats, but the buzz comes on very slowly, it is very sedative, body stone. If its potent enough, you will have hallucinations, particularly body feelings like waves and vibrations running through your body. It can be totally incapacitating. The buzz can last many hours, even days, leaving you confused and lethargic.

- Ez




a tea made from fan leaves and water tastes hot but rather like poison than like chili. The most potent poisons taste hot, not bitter. I also dislike the taste of resin glands suspended in water -- I tried it when I made water hashish. Stalk tea tastes great but can have a sublime seducing effect.

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Active member
But if you think that nausea is a precondition for a psychodelic experience then go ahead and drink weed milk!

I'm a complete rookie when it comes to cooking, I'll admit, but I've drank bhang lassi several times, and the yogurt they use is a milk byproduct :confused: and it tastes awesome.

If the milk will give a nauseating feel to it, I was thinking of adding some melted chocolate bars (like Cadburrys dairy milk) or some syrup into thr mixture. I assume chocolate syrup doesn't add any negative features to the mix...? But I suppose it won't be called mj tea anymore then :biglaugh:

Oh yes. And as far as sugar goes, has anyone used jaggery instead of normal processed sugar? Jaggery is MUCH healthier and gives a much bigger taste boost to milk teas (chais).
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Active member
what is jaggery?


Brief definition (excerps from this site)

Though the word jaggery is used for the products of both sugarcane and the date palm tree, technically, jaggery refers solely to sugarcane sugar. The sugar made from the sap of the date palm is both more prized and less available outside of the districts where it is made. Hence, outside of these areas, sugarcane jaggery is sometimes called gur to increase its market value. The sago palm and coconut palm are also now tapped for producing jaggery in southern India. In Mexico and South America, similar sugarcane products are known as panela, or piloncillo. Filipinos called it as panocha, and it is eaten, usually in the provinces where sugarcane is one of its crops. In Haiti it is called rapadou.

Health Benefits (Excerps from this site)

Jaggery is considered by some to be a particularly wholesome sugar and, unlike refined sugar, retains more mineral salts. Moreover, the process does not involve chemical agents. Indian Ayurvedic medicine considers jaggery to be beneficial in treating throat and lung infections; Sahu and Saxena[1] found that in rats jaggery can prevent lung damage from particulate matter such as coal and silica dust (1994).


Active member
Bhang chai = cool ;)

Bhang chai = cool ;)

Great recipe. It was so easy to make. The milk tea was...damn! Slow but heavy hitting :joint: But, I tweaked with the "quantities" of bhang alot. So add 1.25 cup milk (use fresh cow milk), 3 cups H20 (lot of it will evaporate so no diluted bullshit). and about 14-15 gs of good quality buds. Grind them first. No need to wash. Keep the mix boiling for 25-30 minutes. Boil in medium heat. But use "bursts" of high heat. After 20th minute, just let it simmer on low heat for an extra 10 mins. By now, the milk should look off colour, like white + khaki (light khaki) color. Add LOTS of jaggery (you can substitute sugar) during the boiling process. Let chill for a min. use a filter and seep out the tea stuck inbetween buds. Discard buds. Put 4 tea bags on each corner. Wait 5 mins. Drink :joint: It comes in late, but quite hard. Of course quality of buds also matter.

But of course, your boiling temps shouldn't reach the 150 degrees celcius mark. That's when THC is supposedly destroyed, if my memory serves me correctly. But mostly, boiling point is 100 degrees celcius, so you should be fine. When the milk boils btw on high heat, make sure your "burst" lasts for no more than a few secs. 15 secs at most. Then back to simmering on medium heat. Ideally, there should be bubbling, but lightly. Stir frequently throughout.

The Jaggery ingredient is key as it really kills that nasty taste and does quite a good job of aborting that nasty nausea. And of course putting tea bags enhances flavouring 2 :joint: Either way, hell yea! I tend not to like the lighter stuff. I like it heavy hitting and long lasting...it did a great job at that ;) Damn!!!!! :joint:
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naga_sadu said:
After looking at some recipes w/ mj, I've (yet hassle free) recipe in mind for making mj tea. I'm a crap cook myself + couldn't cook even if my life depended on it. Will the below recipe work?


50 ml of cow milk
100 ml of water.
3 grams of low potency cannabis (not stems or leafs but ground buds).

I'm thinking of boiling the three ingredients listed above in a stove for 10-20 minutes- till the colour of the milk changes to a khaki brownish sort of tint is when the mixture is to be taken out, filtered (thru a strainer) and served.

During the making process (boiling) I'm aware that THC gets purged at temps over 150 degrees Celcius (though not sure about the exact figure). So I suppose I should control the heat by alternating between low / med/ high once the liquid contents in the mix (water + milk) start boiling vigorously. Is 10-20 min enough or do I need longer simmering times?

Honey or melted chocolate bars should also improve the taste, which I'm sure will be bloody harsh esp on the throat. Sound good? Any ideas for improvement / refinement? Thanks for the help in advance.

THC can not bond to non-polar liquids, i.e. there needs to be some kind of fat, oil, alcohol present. If you do decide to make some tea, I suggest that you do not add all the ingedients at once as the water-based ingedients will only absorb the terrible taste of the plant matter and non of the THC. Being that milk typically contains 2 - 3.5% fat, a very low percentage of THC will be absorbed in the tea
EDIT:(with those same 14-15 grams, you could have made a years supply! :bashhead:)

Whenever I make a 'special' tea, I start with an alcohol based tincture and add a spoonful or two to my favorite blend add a small spoon of sugar and a twist of lemon... that way you get the MAXIMUM THC and the MAXIMUM taste at the same time!!
Much like when cooking with cannabis, many many recipes use a 'canna-butter' base as its source for THC.


The key to the above recipe is to NOT get creative with it, just follow it exactly and the finished product will speak for itself...
THEN you get creative... hmm :yummy:

Good Luck!
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