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toxic levels of C02?

I believe there's a ton of bad info on toxic levels of C02 for cannabis that many people have repeated. Example:

"Above 2,000 PPM, CO2 starts to become toxic to plants and above 4,000 PPM it becomes toxic to people." http://www.hydrofarm.com/content/articles/co2.html

States that over 2000 ppm is toxic to plants and over 5000 ppm toxic to humans.

The OSHA Permissible Exposure Level (for 8 hours) is 5000 ppm and the IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentration) is 40,000 ppm. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/idlh/124389.html "Signs of intoxication have been produced by a 30*minute exposure at 50,000 ppm [Aero 1953], and a few minutes exposure at 70,000 to 100,000 ppm produces unconsciousness", etc.

As far as the 2000 ppm max level for plants, I've been keeping the level over 1000 by increasing it to 5000 ppm with the water heater 1x/day and the plants are thriving.

I'm not worrying about toxic levels of CO2. Can I get a second?


hmmmm I burned my plants with my water heater...the plants will start getting spots with too much co2...


Erin I know exactly what you mean,from expeience I know 3000PPM will not adversely affect plants either.I know this because before I was using a portable AC but only when all 3 1K lights were lit,when I had 1 or 2 lights going I just used the window unit.Bad mistake the portable was sucking up all my co2 and when it wasnt running,I got a reading of 3000PPM.I grew quite a few grows under those conditions too.I cant overestimate the obvious benefit though when you get it all straight and keeps temps up high.


5000ppm is toxic for humans

5000ppm is toxic for humans

Wikipedia states 5000ppm of CO2 is toxic for humans and we breath out 4200ppm when we expire gases. Most of the sites I read stated 2000ppm is optimal for most vegitation (these were sites not selling CO2 equipment) but some said the levels could reach as high as 10,000ppm. One thing we need to remember is CO2 is heavier in air and will settle to the lower points in our grow rooms even if a fan is present and could displace o2 which our roots need. Even if it is just right at the plant level, we need to remember the roots and the conccentations there.


Ya ive heard of people useing high levels of C02 to kill mites....... you would have to do it agian though in about 24-48 hours when the eggs hatch.....


I run 1800-2000 PPM normally now,man what a big difference.It seems the higher the temps go the faster the shit grows too.


Wow.... never thought of it for a pesticide.....

Wow.... never thought of it for a pesticide.....

I searched and searched and most of the sites say around 2000ppm is the most beneficial but only if temps are raised. Most of the studies were on tomatos and rice and such but definately very impressive.

I have found during veg that I can get 6-8 inches per day with 2000ppm and this is without stretch. I bring the temp up to about 90. The studies showed this to be the breaking point and that is about what I have found.

Hell we do as good with our observations as they do with the double blind controlled studies. Really I think we are Horticultural Scientists with emphesis in tricomeology......... LOL



Bree you use co2 in veg?Do you use it in flower?I only use it in flower,I found its not necessary for veg hell half the time I'm trying to slow my vegging plants down lol.Using co2 in flower is really where you get your benefits


Did you say your plants grow 6-8 inches each day in veg with 2000PPM of co2?You're becoming less and less believeable I hate to say bree,thats just a tad ridiculous 6 inches a day lol.I hope its just a misunderstanding


Skeletor... nope not a misunderstanding.... and stand by it too.....

Skeletor... nope not a misunderstanding.... and stand by it too.....

Can post to show but again could change the dates to the pics....... I have been doing the same room for the past 6 years and have it dialed in exact.
The room is 3x5x9 with 1000w MH in the veg and 1000w HPS in the flower. I usually only veg for approximately a week after moving in from clone room but am presently growing out NYCD and Blueberry to clone and harvest pollen. The single seed that germed of the NYCD (three were crushed on delivery in the half bubble Soma pack) and of the 7 only one germed despite all BB germ first day with exact method. Anyway. I use the CO2 during veg because I believe it not only increases growth but maturation.... Kind of like Growth Hormone in humans. Here are a few pics and you tell me what you think. Dude am telling you what I get..... no reason to lie........ no one to impress but that’s up to you. My room is small so the angles are hard to get at. They do get very out of hand and have been bending for the past two-three weeks. When they were seedlings and infants of course do not get 6-8 in per day but once in full swing that is what I get and will stand by it. Well here are the pics and you check it out. Also would be willing to do a thread with a yard stick posted on the wall and take pics everyday but do I really need to do that. Hell I have seen guys on here who put my stuff to shame but I can only say what I get. No offense taken…… Now I could understand your skepticism if I said buds but maybe you and I use our CO2 differently. When I am growing out from seed which I hate that is what I get in full fledged veg…. again the offer stands…. Didn’t think it was that great of accomplishment….

Peace pics below and on my gallery.


Reg Dunlop

Them some healthy lookin plants you got there! But I'd have to side with Skeletor,6-8 per day.... that some crazy growth you got going on there!!I sure wouldn't mind knowing your secret to that gain that kind of growth rate! Cuz apperently I'm doing something wrong because the most I've ever got is 1-2 inches a day.


Well the ladies are using about 3 gal a day for 5 plants

Well the ladies are using about 3 gal a day for 5 plants

I never meant to say I averaged 6-8 in per day during the grow. I am talking when they are at their peak growing with 75-80w/sqft, CO2 staying around 2000 ppm, using 3 gal of ferts with 5cc Top Max per gal and a splash of superthrive each day to keep levels in reservoir, continuous air movement, temps ranging in 80 to 90f, reservoir temps at 68 to 72f, 9 gal reservoir topped off with the above concoction and pH adjusted 5.7-5.9 each day that is the growth I get. I just took clones day before yesterday. I usually veg one week after roots are fairly well set in. Then move to above conditions and flower. Instead I will put a couple of yard sticks on the wall and take pics every day and post. Not a major deal then we can watch as they kick in to high veg...... simple deal. The clones are not quite as energetic as the seeders but will come very close. Lets watch it and see where is sets day after day. Now I use to clone in peat but am moving to aero thanks to the threads on hear. If you look at the pics the grow cubes are in the three inch cups of expanded clay pebbles from when I seeded. The reservoir is only about 8-10 inch deep with 10 large air stones spaced every couple of inches. I call it a modified aero because by dropping the res 3 gal per day the airstones are just spraying the left over 6 gal in the air. So anyway. I am up for the challenge and will create a new thread to watch them grow. I don't always measure everyday but am sure I get these numbers in the peak. What do you and SKELETOR think? My room is situated in such a manor that it is hard to see the growth without a measurement. So will place yard sticks on walls and put Headline from CNN with date to verify date and not give a locale. Hell man I do this stuff for fun ..... this will just add a little to it. Except on here... I don't tell, sell, or smell and for about a year no partaking either due to the circumstances in my life that will last for about one more year. I gave away the last two crops I did. NO BULLSHIT. I just love this stuff. When the next year is up I will definately partake so don't get me wrong. Only reason doing the Blueberry is because AK-47 has been off my suppliers lists for the last months and couldn't stand the wait any longer and thought I would try it. Usually stick with Serious varieties and was going to try Sour Diesel but can wait. Well I will PM SKELETOR and we will set it up. And man this is all in good spirit, and fun, not trying to impress... hell letuce like I said before isn't bud otherwise I would see the big deal..... Never kept that exact track of things... mostly go by what the ladies and the water tells me so if I don't show it.... then hell I don't but I bet I will or come damn close. Are ya game?

Am sure glad I quit Lurking... have since OG days because of paranoia but shooting the shit with you guys is fun and beside learning quite a bit I get to actually interact on my favorite subject.
