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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I am new to this site and I decided since I do not know any growers personally this is a great place get help, info, ask questions, etc.

I have been growing on and off for about 8 years indoor and out. but have just in the past 3 years or so really started to get into it.

this is a great site and every thread I have looked at so far has been amazing. :woohoo:

I just recently upgraded from the homemade box I was using (2'x4'x5') with a 400watt light, to a "HydroHut" with a 600watt light.

I started flowering some bag seed under the 400watt and three weeks in I got the Hydrohut set up and put them in under the 600 watt light.

so there are three bag seed plants that are 8wks into flowering.

one sad looking "Willijuana" plant just over 4wks into flowering.

five clones I took from the strongest looking bag seed plant before flowering. and three more bag seed plants all just over 3wks.

all other than the four eldest I started to LST(what does this stand for by the way?) training. I can not decide whether to screen of green or put tomato cages around them.

I also have a veg box with Blue Thunder (RM), Willijuana (RM), a really good tasting bag seed I have been growing that I named Mystic.

I also have 2 seedlings growing of G13xblueberry sativa from Reeferman.

I currently use a soiless medium consisting of pro-mix, perlite, wormcastings, and a little bit of lime. I feed with organic nutrients.

I have also had luck with organic hydro. I have never used chemical ferts.

I plan to have a perptual harvest going using different growing methods both hydro and soil.

I will post pictures as soon as I can, I am about to set up a new veg box this week as well.

so I will leave with a couple questions.

I plan to keep the box fairly packed at all times. can I use both my 400 and 600 watt lights? would it hinder more than it helps?

also any advice as to whether I should screen or cage the ones am LST training?

any opinions would be great, I look to you for the knowledge I do not have.

:wave: bye for now.
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I can't answer your questions, I'm a first time grower but, there are a lot of helpfull people here! :respect: Free bump for a new member, you will get your questions answered!

Space Ghost

if you can cool 1kw you should use both for sure.

Your LST'ed (low stress training btw) plants wouldn't benefit all that much from a screen or cage, but it definitly wouldn't hurt. If you want to invest the extra time to continue training the plants into a screen or cage, it would likely help your yields marginally.

also are you using the 4x4' hydro hut?


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
thanks for the responses. :woohoo:

spaceghost- the plants that I started LST training (this is my first time using this method), the side branches have all shot right up since a put them into flower. so I am worried that the branches will not support the bud weight once they fully form.

would it be better to keep training or train them into a screen or cage? anyone have an opinion?

both my lights have batwing reflectors, so that could be a problem with cooling, but so far the temp has not gone above 83 F and that is just below the light. temps tend to stay in the 76-80 range.

also I am using the 54x54" hydrohut (so yes 4x4') :smile:

:wave: bye for now.
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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I lost my camera!!

I lost my camera!!

I have looked everywhere and I can not find the camera or it's box. :mad: :badday:

I need to get a new one, a good one. but I do not know what I need. :confused:

Can anyone give me advice? what would be the least resolution I would need to get good shots??

I want to post pics so bad...........

can somebody help me? :1help:


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Bills come first, I have to wait until my next paycheck to get a camera. :badday:

In the meantime, I am going to start some new seeds. :dance:

I have three seedlings of G13xBlueberry Sativa 15days old. two are looking really good.

I have:
Pink KushxBlackseed
Burmese Delight
Tropical Timewarp

they are all from Reeferman

Has anyone grow any of these?
Or does anyone have any they wants to see?
I am open to suggestions :chin:

keep on growin'
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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
hey its been awhile. a quick update as I am still unable to post pictures. (found my camera, but not the cable for it. my fiance hurt her back and has been out of work for about 3wks, so I am footing all the bills :smile: ).

9/30 harvested 3 mylar (Mystic*x Romulan). drying (3wks, now in jars) :yummy:

10/2 started to flower (1)bagseed, (2)blue thunder, (3)williejuana, (3) mylar (Mystic* x Romulan) cuttings. all are doing quite well.

10/13 set up a 5 gallon aeroponics with four net pots. blue thunder cuttings in all four of them. they are still looking great.
Also germinated 4 tropical timewarp and 3 herijuana. they are all cute little seedlings.

I have growing in veg/mother box under 250mh and 2 20w floros:
Blue Thunder mothers (2) blue thunder clones (9; 3 in net pots, 6 in 3in pots w/soiless), G13xblueberry sativa (2), tropical timewrap(4), and herijuana (3)

peace until next time.......

*bagseed I named Mystic.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I just received some Critical Mass seeds in the mail today.
:woohoo: :woohoo:
Going to germinate some soon.
still trying to get pictures. :chin:
stay tuned.........


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
changed the aeroponics bucket to a DWC. yeah!

the oldest plants (8 of them) are roughly 14 days from harvest the 5 mylar clones have all turned purple. they look soo good. :yummy:
I have not feed them in about a week, just plain water. gave them I little mollasses tonight. nothin but plain water from here to the end.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
so I got seeds today :woohoo: .

I also got a letter from my landlord saying: "On Monday November 27, 2006 at 10am, a City Inspector will be doing a walk through of your building. This is part of a city wide inspection of all residentail units which the city now requires."

it goes on to say that I am not required to be present and that my landlord will accompany the inspector.

so I assume that becuase it is not just an inspection of my apt. that they will be looking more for the safety of things?

but seriously, how messed-up is that?

at least they warned me.

at least half of the plants in my flowering box are close enough that if I extend there night period I should be able to harvest them no problem.

I am growing in a hydro hut. I would like to keep a few plants in there. I am thinking that I will just move them all into a back corner of it, surround them with something protective, and just try and fill it (at least partially) with boxes. and hang some clothes in there.

I also would like to keep my whole veg box, which just looks like a 4'x3'x2' wooden starage cabinet with a lock on it. It already has a bunch of stuff on top of it any way. Plan on putting a bunch of boxes, rubbermaids tubs and other random things in front of the veg box.

I also just purchased a wooden cabinet 59"x29"x15" that I was in the process of converting into a mother/clone box. now I will not convert it into a grow box until I see how this goes. I plan on just filling this up like it is ment to be used for, then puting it right in front of my hyrdo hut.

so let me know what you think, keeping in mind that this is already the storage room in my apt.

There are four twin mattresses stacked on top of each other and there is already three other smaller boxes with stuff stored in them and a closet that is packed to the gills. as well as all the boxes from our computer, TV and almost every other household/kitchen appliance. (crockpot,toaster oven, deep fryer, kitchen aid, etc.). so, it is pretty packed for a 13'3"x8'4" room.

I also plan on doing it the night before so as to minimize the stress to the plants, being as I will also have to turn both boxes off entirely.

wish me luck if nothing else.

:wave:bye for now......stay tuned......
sup milo? Can't wait to c those pics of ur mylar. Also wondering if you had grown out that blue thunder from reeferman previously. Trying to find a blue strain for next season with decent mold resistance with a nice yield. Good luck with the city inspection bro.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
wannabeebreeder :wave:
the blue thunder I am growing is a great yeilder. I do not know if this is typical of this strain, as I only started three seeds and this was the only one I have grown out. it is a mother plant. I am not sure about the mold resistance though as I have never had that problem. according to the RM catalog I recieved w/order it is rated 5 out of 6 for yeild and 4.5 out of 6 for mold resistance and the variation in pheno is rated at 2.5.

hope this helps. :sasmokin:

I hope to save this one so I can get some nice shots of it (still no working camera) it is turning the most beautiful purple (it looks so good I just want to pick it right now!!!). so hopefully the inspector will not snoop to much.

thanks fer the info mile much appreciated. I like to get some feedback from people who have grown out the strains before i buy. I'm leaning towards reefermans kodiak gold and possibly the blue thunder for outdoor next year....cant wait to c the pics lata dude


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
just a quick update.

My land lord gave the wrong day and date. the city inspector came on tuesday. only went into the room to check that the fire alarm was working.

so basically, I culled all those plants early for nothing. :badday:
oh well, better to have done it and not needed to than to have not done it when I should have.

Culled everything except one blue thunder and two williejuanas. they looked a little unhappy, we will see if they bounce back.

very dissapointing yield. not that I was really expecting much. I should definately let me plants veg longer, and feed them more. most of the plants lost thier fan leaves when they went into flower (that is the only thing I can think of, that I did not feed them enough ). maybe someone else has an idea? :chin:

everything survived being turned off in the veg box. the 3 herijuana and 4 tropical timewarp are still really small. I think I will repot them and put them into the new box. the 2 G13xblueberry sativa plants are doing really well. still have 9 BT clones (6 in soiless, 3 in net pots in a bubble rooter). still have 2 blue thunder moms. I am going to take cuttings from both, repot them, and but one to flower (after giving it a couple of wks to veg).

I hope to finish the new mother/clone box this weekend..... we shall see how far I get.

as always still waiting on a camera.

until next time..........peace


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
yet another quick update.

all the plants that I cut for the inspection were trimmed and put into jars today. worst crop ever. not that I was really expecting much. but just under 24 grams....... :badday:

The blue thunder and 2 willijuanas that were left did not make it. the were cut this evening and are drying, not expecting much weight.... just a taste.

All the plants in the veg box are still going strong. too bad I do not have any plants taht are ready to flower. :pointlaug
I still have to finish the mother/clone box. but at least I have been working on it. :D



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
smoke report:

I let the buds dry for 2wks and they have been curing in jars about 6days.

I have only tasted the mylar at this point.

The smell- very fruity with a little pinch of menthol.
The inhale- sweet and fruity tasting. Excellent lung expansion.
The exhale- same as the inhale, but a little stronger. The taste lingers on your tongue. :yummy:
The High- Three hits and I was feeling it. The high was a clearheaded body buzz. no couchlock. just a nice relaxed feeling through out the body.

Not an impressive yield, but excellent quality.

I am very happy over all.
and one of the mylars self pollenated. so I have two seeds as well. :yes:

I hope to do a lot better with the next grow. it will be mostly blue thunder.

The new mother clone box is almost done. :hooray:

that's all folks. see you next thread!!!
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