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My Next Grow

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a glimpse into my mother room ('room' is a charitable description!) and the next grow. These are predominately Malawi Gold and Skunk#1, from Seedsman, and my few remaining Dutch Passion Flos:

The Malawi Gold are insane - I have leaves five inches long after only 5 weeks from seed - the plants are around 12" tall after two pinchings, and are going like a train - predictably I guess.

The Skunks are a little more restrained, though much sparser - these are the original Cali Skunk from Sam the Skunkman, which I have never grown, nor even seen, so I have no idea what to expect. They're IBL, and look pretty close so far - very mild variation in leaf shape on some, but that's about it.

I repotted the Malawis after taking these pics, and moved them into the main flowering room with my other main grow: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=33057&page=2
These are a 12-week strain, and my main grow has four weeks left to go. So the Malawis will get four weeks, then when I harvest the main grow, in go the Skunks also. Then I'll run the lot for another 8-9 weeks, which should just bring them in before Christmas! The Flos I'll fit in where I can.

Looking at the Flos, it appears I may finally have a good male - and joy of joys, from the Afghani end of the line too, by the looks of things. This is early - only four weeks from germination, so that's quite a declaration.

The plan is to cross this male, and possibly a short Malawi one, should I get one, with everything I have to produce the starting lines for my own strain.
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Power Armor rules
Plants are looking really good so far, cant wait to see what they will look like at harvest :yoinks:


Elevator Man

Active member
Here's another quick peek in the nursery, with the next generation of plants busting to get going - once my goddamn skunks have finished - 11.5 weeks currently - groan...:(

Anyway, subject to those finishing this weekend, here's what's lined up next:

Back Row (left to right):

Green Flo1, Purple Flo3, Skunk#1 'C', 'Skunk#1 'B', Purple Flo2 (not big enough to flower)

Middle Row (left to right):

Mystery Strain (2 plants), Skunk#1 'A', Northern Lights X Big Bud

Front Row (left to right):

Jamaican clone, Malawi Gold1, G13

Here's a few close-ups of some of them - again, my Mystery Strain is still searching for a name - do those leaves look familiar?

Malawi Gold:

G13 - I'd like to check the ID of this sometime, as I'm not so sure - if it's not, I'd love to know what it might be, as it's totally unique in my growroom:


Green Flo1, Purple Flo1, and two skunks:
