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Malawi Fem Stretch


I've read through many of the older threads on malawi, but I was hoping experienced growers who have run the latest fem version of malawi could fill me in on expected stretch. 1.5x, 2x, 3x, or ??? I'm getting ready to run 9 of them in an RDWC and really want to pin down the veg time. Current Culture is recommending about 2 weeks, but this is probably geared towards a commercial hybrid rather than a pure sativa like malawi. Space in the room is going to be tight and I have the feeling that high light levels, RDWC, and CO2 are going to cause a minor explosion! :biggrin:

Also wonder if anyone is familiar with mainlining (aka manifolding) and if so how they think it will do in taming these girls. Outofthecloset seems to have good results with the approach.




Hey Timmur, just keep snapping ( bending those tops over mate) . You will get a lot better light penetration and and nice solid buds.Make sure the plant is well hydrated, and squeeze between fingers and bend slowly. Not sure about the Fems, but my regs are very bushy with massive trunks compared to any other plants I've grown, and they don't really stretch at all. Good luck.!

Baron Greenback

Mainline that Malawi like there's no tomorrow fella. I did, I took over 11 oz from her :)
She got massive, big stretch but internodal distance was under control, a wonderful plant.
The only thing I would say with the mainlining is to remove some of the first internal budsites on each branch as they won't get that big. They respond really well to training like that.

Baron Greenback

I am a fan of a good long veg. I think I did 2 weeks in a little pot then another 10 in my little hydro set up. If you have a look on growweedeasy.com, the original tutorial is in DWC and even there he vegged for 10 weeks.
I think it's important to flower only sexually mature plants, that's what would happen naturally. I have no idea if the potency is higher from a mature plant, but it seems logical to me :)
They're lovely to grow, vigorous and healthy strain, and the final product is truly splendid, potent, unusual flavour and big yielding.
Good luck, you'll have fun doing it.
One other thing, the original tutorial makes sure everything is the same height, that doesn't seem to matter so much, just pinch where you can.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi timmur,

I'm glad to know you are about to start your Malawi grow :)

Malawi is quite a vigorous sativa so you must take in count its stretching,
the stretching when you change your Malawis to 12/12 photoperiod from seed will be between x1.5-2.5, depending on the plant, lesser if you work from clones.

Hope it helps and best wishes!


Thanks dubi. I was hoping you'd weigh in! :biggrin:

I really need to keep these plants around 4 - 4 1/2 feet tall so I'll probably flip them when the reach about 24 inches.

I have several approaches that I'm taking to minimize stretch, but we'll see how they do. I'm gonna count on 2x for now.

I can't wait to get these girls going! The suspense is killing me! :)